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Academic degreesMAEnglishadjInitialism of moving average.mathematics sciences statisticsabbreviation alt-of initialism not-comparable
Academic degreesMAEnglishnounInitialism of Master of Arts.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Academic degreesMAEnglishnounInitialism of mature audience, a television rating.broadcasting media televisionUS abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Academic degreesMAEnglishnounInitialism of master-at-arms; also MAA.government military politics warUS abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Academic degreesMAEnglishnamePostal abbreviation of Massachusetts, a state of the United States of America.uncountable
Academic degreesMAEnglishnameMaluku, a province of Indonesia.uncountable
Academic degreesMAEnglishnameMaranhão, a state of Brazil.uncountable
Academic gradesUEnglishcharacterThe twenty-first letter of the English alphabet, called u and written in the Latin script.letter uppercase
Academic gradesUEnglishcharacterSomething shaped like the letter U: / A U-turn ('turned a U in the road')letter uppercase
Academic gradesUEnglishcharacterSomething shaped like the letter U: / A double upright cordon espalier (also double U, triple U).agriculture business horticulture lifestyleletter uppercase
Academic gradesUEnglishnounA U-turn.
Academic gradesUEnglishnounAbbreviation of university.abbreviation alt-of
Academic gradesUEnglishnounAbbreviation of Sunday.abbreviation alt-of
Academic gradesUEnglishnounA film with the film classification U (“universal”).UK
Academic gradesUEnglishadjAbbreviation of upper class (“characteristic of the upper classes, particularly in the use of language”).British abbreviation alt-of comparable dated not-comparable usually
Academic gradesUEnglishadjAbbreviation of united.abbreviation alt-of not-comparable usually
Academic gradesUEnglishadjAbbreviation of upper.abbreviation alt-of not-comparable usually
Academic gradesUEnglishadjUsually in parentheses: abbreviation of espionage government military politics warnot-comparable usually
Academic gradesUEnglishadjIn a film certificate: abbreviation of universal (“suitable for all ages”).UK not-comparable usually
Academic gradesUEnglishprepAbbreviation of under.hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of
Academic gradesUEnglishprepAbbreviation of up.abbreviation alt-of
Academic gradesUEnglishprepAbbreviation of under, prefix under-.abbreviation alt-of
Academic gradesUEnglishnameA language belonging to the Austroasiatic language family which is spoken in China.
Academic gradesUEnglishnameAlternative form of Ü (“Tibetan language”)alt-of alternative
Academic gradesUEnglishnounAn honorific to a Burmese man
AfterlifeparadiseEnglishnounThe place where sanctified souls are believed to live after religioncountable uncountable
AfterlifeparadiseEnglishnounA garden where Adam and Eve first lived after being created.Abrahamic-religions lifestyle religioncountable uncountable
AfterlifeparadiseEnglishnounA very pleasant place, such as a place full of lush vegetation.countable figuratively uncountable
AfterlifeparadiseEnglishnounAn ideal place for a specified type of person, activity, etc.countable figuratively uncountable
AfterlifeparadiseEnglishnounA very pleasant experience.countable figuratively uncountable
AfterlifeparadiseEnglishnounAn open space within a monastery or adjoining a church, such as the space within a cloister, the open court before a basilica, etc.architecturecountable obsolete uncountable
AfterlifeparadiseEnglishnounA churchyard or cemetery.countable obsolete uncountable
AfterlifeparadiseEnglishnounThe upper gallery in a theatre.countable slang uncountable
AfterlifeparadiseEnglishnounA cake, often as a paradise slice.countable uncountable
AfterlifeparadiseEnglishverbTo place (as) in paradise.
AfterlifeparadiseEnglishverbTo transform into a paradise.obsolete
AfterlifeparadiseEnglishverbTo affect or exalt with visions of happiness.obsolete rare
AgehorMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of her (“hair”)alt-of alternative
AgehorMiddle EnglishadjGrey, greyish, grey-white (usually referring to hair)
AgehorMiddle EnglishadjHaving white or gray hair.
AgehorMiddle EnglishadjOld, advanced in age.
AgehorMiddle EnglishnounAn elderly person; a senior.
AgehorMiddle EnglishnounOld age; elderliness.
AgehorMiddle EnglishpronAlternative form of hire (“hers”)alt-of alternative
AgehorMiddle EnglishdetAlternative form of here (“their”)alt-of alternative
AgehorMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of hore (“whore”)alt-of alternative
AgehorMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of hore (“muck”)alt-of alternative
Agricultural occupationsbitininkasLithuaniannounEuropean bee-eater (Merops apiaster)
Agricultural occupationsbitininkasLithuaniannounbeekeeper (person who keeps bees)
AirportsShannonEnglishnameThe longest river in the British Isles, which flows through Ireland into the Atlantic Ocean.
AirportsShannonEnglishnameA town in County Clare, Ireland, at the mouth of that river, and its nearby international airport.
AirportsShannonEnglishnameA sea area, to the west of Ireland, centred on the estuary of this river.
AirportsShannonEnglishnameA small town in Horowhenua District, North Island, New Zealand.
AirportsShannonEnglishnameA surname from Irish of Irish origin, variant of Shanahan, anglicised from Ó Seanaigh (“descendant of a person named Old”).
AirportsShannonEnglishnameA unisex given name transferred from the surname or place name (from the river); first used in the USA in early 20th century, and only recently in Ireland.
Alcoholic beveragesdidaletCatalannoundiminutive of didal (“thimble”)diminutive form-of masculine
Alcoholic beveragesdidaletCatalannounpeg (shot of alcohol)masculine
Alcoholic beveragesdidaletCatalannounevergreen honeysucklein-plural masculine
Alcoholic beveragesџинSerbo-Croatiannoungiant, ogre, troll
Alcoholic beveragesџинSerbo-Croatiannounjinn, jinni, genie
Alcoholic beveragesџинSerbo-Croatiannoungin (alcoholic drink)
AlloysсплавRussiannounalloy (metal combined of more elements)
AlloysсплавRussiannounfloat, floating
Amaranth subfamily plantspigweedEnglishnounAny of various weedy plants sometimes used as pig fodder / Amaranthus speciescountable uncountable
Amaranth subfamily plantspigweedEnglishnounAny of various weedy plants sometimes used as pig fodder / Chenopodium album, white goosefootcountable uncountable
Amaranth subfamily plantspigweedEnglishnounAny of various weedy plants sometimes used as pig fodder / Portulaca bicolor, of Australiacountable uncountable
Amaranth subfamily plantspigweedEnglishnounAny of various weedy plants sometimes used as pig fodder / Polygonum aviculare (common knotgrass)countable uncountable
Amaranth subfamily plantspigweedEnglishnounAny of various weedy plants sometimes used as pig fodder / Heracleum sphondyliumcountable dialectal uncommon uncountable
Amaranth subfamily plantspigweedEnglishnounAny of various weedy plants sometimes used as pig foddercountable uncountable
American Civil WarSpotsylvaniaEnglishnamea battle in the American Civil War; see Battle of Spotsylvania Court House.
American Civil WarSpotsylvaniaEnglishnamea commuter rail station in Spotsylvania County, Virginia.
American Civil WargalvanizeEnglishverbTo coat with a thin layer of metal by electrochemical means.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencestransitive
American Civil WargalvanizeEnglishverbTo coat with rust-resistant zinc.transitive
American Civil WargalvanizeEnglishverbTo shock or stimulate into sudden activity, as if by electric shock.figuratively transitive
American Civil WargalvanizeEnglishverbTo electrify, as by galvanism.archaic transitive
American Civil WargalvanizeEnglishverbTo switch sides between Union and Confederate in the American Civil War.US historical transitive
AmphibiansسمندرPersiannouna mythological fire-dwelling creature which will die should it leave the fire
AnatomydaandeFulanounneck, throat, gulletPular
AnatomygulletEnglishnounThe throat or esophagus.
AnatomygulletEnglishnounThe cytopharynx of a ciliate, through which food is ingested.biology cytology medicine natural-sciences sciences
AnatomygulletEnglishnounThe space between the teeth of a saw blade.
AnatomygulletEnglishnounA channel for water.
AnatomygulletEnglishnounA preparatory cut or channel in excavations, of sufficient width for the passage of earth wagons.
AnatomygulletEnglishnounThe wide space under the pommel of a saddle; the hollow over the withers of a saddled animal.
Anatomyपुट्ठाHindinounrump, haunch, hip
Anatomyपुट्ठाHindinounspine (of a book)
AnatomyఅడుగుTelugunounfoot (unit of measurement)
AnatomyఅడుగుTelugunounstep, pace
AnatomyఅడుగుTeluguverbto ask
AnatomyఅడుగుTeluguverbto question
AnatomyఅడుగుTeluguverbto beg
AnatomyქორბაLaznounbelly, tummy, stomach
AnatomyქორბაLaznouncraw of birdsdialectal
Andropogoneae tribe grassesGuatemala grassEnglishnounteosinte (Zea spp.)countable uncountable
Andropogoneae tribe grassesGuatemala grassEnglishnounA grass, Tripsacum laxum.countable uncountable
AngervolarSpanishverbto fly, to fly awayintransitive
AngervolarSpanishverbto blow uptransitive
AngervolarSpanishverbto anger, to exasperate, to infuriatetransitive
AngervolarSpanishverbto rousetransitive
AngervolarSpanishverbto make fly outtransitive
AngervolarSpanishverbto release (a hunting falcon)transitive
AngervolarSpanishverbto raise to the top of the line (e.g., a letter or number)transitive
AngervolarSpanishverbto flutter, to hoverintransitive
AngervolarSpanishverbto spread like wildfireintransitive
AngervolarSpanishverbto disappear suddenlytransitive
AngervolarSpanishverbto jut out, to projecttransitive
AngervolarSpanishverbto sell like hotcakes, fly off the shelvestransitive
AngervolarSpanishverbto hasten; to hurry upEl-Salvador colloquial intransitive
AnglicanismrectorEnglishnounIn the Anglican Church, a cleric in charge of a parish and who owns the tithes of it.
AnglicanismrectorEnglishnounIn the Roman Catholic Church, a cleric with managerial as well as spiritual responsibility for a church or other institution.
AnglicanismrectorEnglishnounA priest or bishop in the Orthodox Church who is in charge of a parish or in an administrative leadership position in a theological seminary or academy.uncommon
AnglicanismrectorEnglishnounIn a Protestant church, a pastor in charge of a church with administrative and pastoral leadership combined.
AnglicanismrectorEnglishnounA headmaster or headmistress in various educational institutions, e.g., a university.
AnglicanismrectorEnglishnounAn official in Scottish universities who heads the university court and is elected by and represents the student body.Scotland
Animal body partsdockEnglishnounAny of the genus Rumex of coarse weedy plants with small green flowers related to buckwheat, especially bitter dock (Rumex obtusifolius), and used as potherbs and in folk medicine, especially in curing nettle rash.countable uncountable
Animal body partsdockEnglishnounA burdock plant, or the leaves of that plant.countable uncountable
Animal body partsdockEnglishnounThe fleshy root of an animal's tail.
Animal body partsdockEnglishnounThe part of the tail which remains after the tail has been docked.
Animal body partsdockEnglishnounThe buttocks or anus.obsolete
Animal body partsdockEnglishnounA leather case to cover the clipped or cut tail of a horse.
Animal body partsdockEnglishverbTo cut off a section of an animal's tail, to practise a caudectomy.transitive
Animal body partsdockEnglishverbTo reduce (wages); to deduct from.transitive
Animal body partsdockEnglishverbTo reduce the wages of (a person).informal transitive
Animal body partsdockEnglishverbTo cut off, bar, or destroy.transitive
Animal body partsdockEnglishnounA fixed structure attached to shore to which a vessel is secured when in port.nautical transport
Animal body partsdockEnglishnounA structure attached to shore for loading and unloading vessels.
Animal body partsdockEnglishnounThe body of water between two piers.
Animal body partsdockEnglishnounThe place of arrival and departure of a train in a railway station.
Animal body partsdockEnglishnounA section of a hotel or restaurant.
Animal body partsdockEnglishnounA device designed as a base for holding a connected portable appliance such as a laptop computer (in this case, referred to as a docking station), or a mobile telephone, for providing the necessary electrical charge for its autonomy, or as a hardware extension for additional electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Animal body partsdockEnglishnounA toolbar that provides the user with a way of launching applications by their icons, and switching between running applications.computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Animal body partsdockEnglishnounAn act of docking; joining two things together.
Animal body partsdockEnglishnounShort for scene-dock.entertainment lifestyle theaterabbreviation alt-of
Animal body partsdockEnglishverbTo land at a harbour.intransitive
Animal body partsdockEnglishverbTo join two moving items.
Animal body partsdockEnglishverbTo move a spaceship into its dock/berth under its own power.aerospace astronautics business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
Animal body partsdockEnglishverbTo engage in the sexual practice of docking (where the tip of one participant's penis is inserted into the foreskin of the other participant).lifestyle sex sexualityintransitive
Animal body partsdockEnglishverbTo drag a user interface element (such as a toolbar) to a position on screen where it snaps into place.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
Animal body partsdockEnglishverbTo place (an electronic device) in its dock.transitive
Animal body partsdockEnglishnounPart of a courtroom where the accused
Animal body partsdockEnglishverbTo pierce with holes, as pricking pastry or dough with a fork to prevent excessive rising in the food lifestyle
Animal body partsrachisEnglishnounThe spinal column, or the vertebrae of the spine.anatomy biology medicine natural-sciences sciences zoologyobsolete
Animal body partsrachisEnglishnounAn anatomical shaft or axis in a marine invertebrate.biology natural-sciences zoology
Animal body partsrachisEnglishnounThe central shaft of a feather.biology natural-sciences ornithology
Animal body partsrachisEnglishnounThe main shaft of either a compound leaf, head of grain, or fern frond.biology botany natural-sciences
Animal body partsstekPolishnounsteak (relatively large, thick slice or slab cut from an animal)
Animal body partsstekPolishnounaccumulation, massarchaic inanimate masculine
Animal body partsstekPolishnouncloaca (duct in reptiles, amphibians, and birds, as well as most fish and some mammals, which serves as the common outlet for urination, defecation, and reproduction)inanimate masculine
Animal body partsstekPolishnouneffluent, runoff, sewageinanimate masculine obsolete
Animal body partsstekPolishnouncrowd, concourseinanimate masculine obsolete
Animal dwellingsbrocaisIrishnoundenfeminine
Animal dwellingsbrocaisIrishnounpigsty (dirty, smelly, place)feminine
Animal dwellingsbrocaisIrishnoundirty-faced personfeminine
Animal soundsbow-wowEnglishintjRepresenting the sound of a dog barking.
Animal soundsbow-wowEnglishnounThe sound of a dog barking.
Animal soundsbow-wowEnglishnounA dog.
Animal soundsbow-wowEnglishadjGrandiose.dated informal not-comparable
Animal welfareanimal welfareEnglishnounThe protection of animals' health with appropriate accommodation, nutrition and care.uncountable
Animal welfareanimal welfareEnglishnounThe safeguarding of animals in a laboratory or similar environment with a code of practice, enforced by legislation or regulation.uncountable
AnimalsaskNorthern Kurdishnoungazellefeminine
AnimalsaskNorthern Kurdishnoundeerfeminine
AnimalscreatureMiddle EnglishnounSomething that has been created; an entity or object.
AnimalscreatureMiddle EnglishnounA living being or creature; an animal or beast.
AnimalscreatureMiddle EnglishnounA human being (often as a term of self-abasement).
AnimalscreatureMiddle EnglishnounThe whole world, the totality of existence.rare
AnimalscreatureMiddle EnglishnounThe process of making or creation.rare
AnimalscreatureMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of creatouralt-of alternative
AnimalsܚܡܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnoundonkey, ass, jack
AnimalsܚܡܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounstupid man, idiot, dumbassoffensive
AnimalsܚܡܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnoundonkey driver
AnimalsܚܡܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounwine
AnimalsܚܡܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounvinter
AphidsblackflyEnglishnounA black or dark green aphid (Aphis fabae) that is a common pest of agricultural crops.
AphidsblackflyEnglishnounAny of various small black bloodsucking flies of the family Simuliidae.
Apiales order plantslancewoodEnglishnounA tough, elastic and heavy wood obtained from the West Indies and Guiana, formerly much used for carriage shafts (Oxandra lanceolata).countable uncountable
Apiales order plantslancewoodEnglishnounNew Zealand trees in the genus Pseudopanax.countable uncountable
Apiales order plantslancewoodEnglishnounAny of various Australian trees having hard timber, especially Acacia shirleyi of Queensland and the Northern Territory; also a woodland made of such trees.Australia countable uncountable
ArcheryarqueroSpanishnoungoalkeeperhobbies lifestyle sportsLatin-America masculine
ArchitectureպուլպուլակArmeniannouna kind of earthenware waterpotdialectal
ArmorщитEastern Marinounshield
ArmorщитEastern Marinounshield, screen, barrier
ArmorщитEastern Marinounstand, board, sign
ArmorщитEastern Marinounpanel board
ArmorщитEastern Marinounpanelengineering natural-sciences physical-sciences technical
ArmorщитEastern Marinounboardball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sports
ArthropodsrakUpper Sorbiannouncrayfishbiology natural-sciences zoologyanimal-not-person masculine
ArthropodsrakUpper Sorbiannouncancer (malignant tumor, of unknown origin, with a tendency to destroy neighboring tissues and spread or disease caused by a malignant tumor)medicine sciencesanimal-not-person masculine
Arum family plants蒟蒻Chinesenounkonjac (foul-smelling plant grown in Asia, Amorphophallus konjac)
Arum family plants蒟蒻Chinesenounbetel and bulrushliterary rare
Arum family plants蒟蒻Chinesenouninexperienced competitor in Chinese science Olympiads (especially informatics olympiads, such as NOI and NOIP)Mainland-China slang
Asparagales order plantsīrissLatviannounirisdeclension-1 masculine
Asparagales order plantsīrissLatviannounflag (plant with sword-shaped leaves)declension-1 masculine
Asparagales order plantsīrissLatviannountoffeedeclension-1 masculine
AsteroidsPallasEnglishnameAny of several people in Greek mythology: / An epithet for Athena, always used together with the name, as Pallas Athena, rather than alone.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
AsteroidsPallasEnglishnameAny of several people in Greek mythology: / One of the Titans, according to Hesiod the son of the Titans Crius and Eurybia.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
AsteroidsPallasEnglishnameAny of several people in Greek mythology: / A goatish giant.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
AsteroidsPallasEnglishnameThe second asteroid discovered, and third largest, (2) Pallas.astronomy natural-sciences
AsteroidsPallasEnglishnameA female given name from Ancient Greek of mythological origin; rare in English.
AsteroidsPallasEnglishnameA surname from ?.
Astrobiologyfirst contactEnglishnounThe first meeting between people of two previously unknown cultures.anthropology human-sciences sciencesuncountable usually
Astrobiologyfirst contactEnglishnounThe first meeting between humans and extraterrestrials.literature media publishing science-fictionuncountable usually
Astrobiologyfirst contactEnglishnounThe moment, during an eclipse or transit, when the apparent positions of the two bodies first touch.astronomy natural-sciencesuncountable usually
Astronauticslaunch padEnglishnounThe surface or structure from which a launch is made.
Astronauticslaunch padEnglishnounA starting point.figuratively
AstronomyRamEnglishnameThe constellation Aries.
AstronomyRamEnglishnameThe father of Amminadab and the son of Hezron.biblical lifestyle religion
AstronomyRamEnglishnameA male given name
AstronomyRamEnglishnameA surname
AstronomyRamEnglishnameAlternative form of Rāma (“an incarnation of the god Vishnu in Hinduism”).alt-of alternative
AstronomyRamEnglishnameOne of the two progenitors of the second generation of humans in Mandaeism.
AstronomyRamEnglishnounA US Korean War anti-tank weapon
AstronomyRamEnglishnameSomeone connected with Derby County Football Club, as a fan, player, coach etc.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsUK
AthletesbeisboleroSpanishnounbaseball playerLatin-America masculine
AthletesbeisboleroSpanishnounbaseball fanLatin-America masculine
AthletesjégkorongozóHungarianverbpresent participle of jégkorongozikform-of participle present
AthletesjégkorongozóHungariannounice hockey player
AtmosphereĉieloEsperantonounsky (portion of atmosphere visible from Earth's surface)
AtmosphereĉieloEsperantonounheavenlifestyle religion
Atmospheric phenomenaпавітерUkrainiannounweak windrare
Atmospheric phenomenaпавітерUkrainiannounwind that often changes directionrare
AustraliamelburnianoSpanishadjof Melbourne, Australia; Melburnian (of or relating to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)relational
AustraliamelburnianoSpanishnounMelburnian, Melbournite (native or resident of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)masculine
Automobilescheese busEnglishnounA yellow schoolbus, especially the smaller sized versions that are used to transport students with special needs.derogatory
Automobilescheese busEnglishnounA bus that transports cheese from the factory to retailers.
AutomobilescocheSpanishnouncar, automobileMexico Philippines Spain masculine
AutomobilescocheSpanishnouncarriage, coach (a wheeled vehicle, generally drawn by horse power)masculine
AutomobilescocheSpanishnouncar (a passenger-carrying unit in a subway or elevated train)rail-transport railways transportmasculine
AutomobilescocheSpanishnounbaby carriage, pramArgentina Chile Colombia Ecuador Peru Puerto-Rico Uruguay masculine
AutomobilescocheSpanishnounpig (clipping of cochino)Guatemala masculine slang
Aviationọkọ ofuurufuYorubanounairplane
Aviationọkọ ofuurufuYorubanounaircraft
BabiesczworaczekPolishnoundiminutive of czworak (“residential building with four apartments, each with a separate entrance from the outside, forming part of a complex of manor or farm buildings; usually intended for farm servants or seasonal farm laborers”)animal-not-person diminutive form-of historical masculine
BabiesczworaczekPolishnoundiminutive of czworak (“tiffin carrier, dabbas”)animal-not-person diminutive form-of masculine
BabiesczworaczekPolishnoundiminutive of czworak (“silver four-grosz coin, first introduced in the Republic of Poland during the reign of Sigismund II Augustus as part of efforts to unify coinage throughout the territory of the Jagiellonian state”)animal-not-person diminutive form-of historical masculine
BabiesczworaczekPolishnoundiminutive of czworak (“all fours”)animal-not-person colloquial diminutive form-of in-plural masculine
BabiesczworaczekPolishnountetrad (pathogenic bacterium composed of four cells, connected by a common envelope)bacteriology biology microbiology natural-sciencesanimal-not-person masculine
BabiesczworaczekPolishnounquadruplet (one of a group of four, particularly one of four babies born from the same mother during the same birth)animal-not-person masculine
Baby animalspilocelotlCentral Nahuatlnounlittle jaguar.
Baby animalspilocelotlCentral Nahuatlnounmargay.
Baby animalsверблюжаUkrainiannouncamel calf
Baby animalsверблюжаUkrainianadjnominative feminine singular of верблю́жий (verbljúžyj)feminine form-of nominative singular
Baby animalsкозеняUkrainiannounkid, goatling (young goat)
Baby animalsкозеняUkrainiannounkid (child)figuratively
BagsbugnoItaliannouna type of beehivemasculine
BagsbugnoItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of bugnarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
BagsuterLatinadjwhich (of two)?adjective declension-1 declension-2 interrogative pronominal
BagsuterLatinadjwhichever (of two)adjective declension-1 declension-2 pronominal relative
BagsuterLatinadjeither, one or the otheradjective declension-1 declension-2 indefinite pronominal
BagsuterLatinnounwine or water skin or bottledeclension-3 masculine
BagsuterLatinnounbag made of hide (inflated for flotation)declension-3 masculine
BarsガルバJapanesenounShort for ガールズバー.abbreviation alt-of
BarsガルバJapanesenounShort for ガルバリウム.abbreviation alt-of
BathingcithIrishnounshower (brief fall of rain)masculine
BathingcithIrishnounshower (device for bathing; instance of using this device)masculine
Beech family plantsChinesecharactervertebra
Beech family plantsChinesecharacterchinquapin (Castanopsis)
Beech family plantsChinesecharacterhammer; mallet
Beech family plantsChinesecharacterto pound; to beat
Beech family plantsChinesecharactersimple-minded; slow-wittedarchaic
BeekeepingdruhákCzechnounpupil or student attending second year (generic for any type of school), sophomoreanimate masculine
BeekeepingdruhákCzechnouncast swarminanimate masculine
BeekeepingdruhákCzechnounpomace wine, marc (alcoholic spirit)inanimate masculine
BeekeepingdruhákCzechnounsecond year, sophomore yeareducationinanimate informal masculine
BeijingBeijingeseEnglishnamethe Beijing dialect of Chinese, as distinguished from standardized Mandarin
BeijingBeijingeseEnglishnounPekingese, a native or inhabitant of Beijing
BeijingBeijingeseEnglishadjPekingese, related to or from Beijing
BelarusBelarussianEnglishadjAlternative form of Belarusianalt-of alternative not-comparable
BelarusBelarussianEnglishnounAlternative form of Belarusianalt-of alternative
BelarusBelarussianEnglishnameAlternative form of Belarusianalt-of alternative
BelarusрубльUkrainiannounruble, rouble (currency of Russian Federation)
BelarusрубльUkrainiannounruble, rouble (currency of Belarus)
Beloniform fishbugiwCebuanonounblack-barred halfbeak (Hemiramphus far)
Beloniform fishbugiwCebuanonounCongaturi halfbeak (Hyporhamphus limbatus)
Beloniform fishbugiwCebuanonountropical halfbeak (Hyporhamphus affinis)
BeveragesguaranáPortuguesenounguarana (Paullinia cupana, a tree of South America)masculine
BeveragesguaranáPortuguesenounguarana (the fruit of the guarana tree)masculine
BeveragesguaranáPortuguesenouna caffeinated fizzy drink made from the guarana fruitmasculine
Bhagavata PuranaKrishnaEnglishnameA deity worshiped across many traditions of Hinduism.Hinduism countable uncountable
Bhagavata PuranaKrishnaEnglishnameA river in southern India.countable uncountable
Bhagavata PuranaKrishnaEnglishnameA district of Andhra Pradesh.countable uncountable
Bhagavata PuranaKrishnaEnglishnameA male given name from Sanskrit.countable uncountable
Bhagavata PuranaKrishnaEnglishnameA surname from Sanskrit.countable uncountable
BiblerevelaciounMiddle EnglishnounThe practice of revealing or unveiling divine knowledge
BiblerevelaciounMiddle EnglishnounA religious or spiritual revelation; a revealing of divine knowledge.
BiblerevelaciounMiddle EnglishnounThe book of Revelation (the last book of the New Testament)
BiblerevelaciounMiddle EnglishnounThe contents or matter of a revelation.rare
BiblerevelaciounMiddle EnglishnounA religious realisation or conclusion.rare
Biblical charactersAadaEstoniannamea female given name, equivalent to English Ada
Biblical charactersAadaEstoniannameAdah (biblical character)
Biblical charactersIoaneHawaiiannameJohn (biblical character)
Biblical charactersIoaneHawaiiannamegospel of John; one of the Books of John
Biblical charactersIoaneHawaiiannamea male given name originating from the Bible
Biblical charactersYsaigManxnamea male given name from Hebrew, equivalent to English Isaacmasculine
Biblical charactersYsaigManxnameIsaacbiblical lifestyle religionmasculine
Bicycle typesshopperEnglishnounA person who shops.
Bicycle typesshopperEnglishnounA free local newspaper containing advertisements for local shops etc; sometimes includes discount coupons.
Bicycle typesshopperEnglishnounA kind of bicycle suited to riding short distances.
Bicycle typesshopperEnglishnounA plastic shopping bag.Pakistan
BirdsalikNorthern Kurdishnounsmall birdfeminine
BirdsalikNorthern Kurdishnounstarling (bird)feminine
BirdssàmaEastern Maninkakannounelephant
BirdssàmaEastern Maninkakannounknob-billed goose
BirdssàmaEastern Maninkakannounrainy season
BirdssàmaEastern Maninkakanverbto present, gift
BlacksitamAcehneseadjblack (absorbing all light)
BlacksitamAcehnesenounblack (colour)
Bodies of waterSeeGermannounlakemasculine mixed
Bodies of waterSeeGermannounsea, oceanfeminine singular singular-only uncountable
Bodies of waterSeeGermannounsea, sea condition, swellnautical transportfeminine
Bodies of waterSeeGermannameA municipality of Tyrol, Austrianeuter proper-noun
Bodies of watermoreSlovaknouna body of salt water, seaneuter
Bodies of watermoreSlovaknouna huge amount, plenty (+genitive)colloquial neuter
Bodies of watermořeCzechnounseaneuter
Bodies of watermořeCzechverbpresent masculine singular transgressive of mořitform-of masculine present singular transgressive
Bodies of waterغديرArabicnounpool
Bodies of waterغديرArabicnounstream, creek
Bodily fluidsrheumEnglishnounThin or watery discharge of mucus or serum, especially from the eyes or nose, formerly thought to cause disease.uncountable
Bodily fluidsrheumEnglishnounIllness or disease thought to be caused by such secretions; a catarrh, a cold; rheumatism.countable uncountable
Bodily fluidsrheumEnglishnounTears.countable poetic uncountable
Bodily fluidståreNorwegian Nynorsknouna tear (drop of liquid from the eye)feminine
Bodily fluidståreNorwegian Nynorsknouna fuchsiafeminine
Bodily functionsхолунYakutnounsurcingle (senses 1 and 2)
Bodily functionsхолунYakutverbto deteriorateintransitive
Bodily functionsхолунYakutverbto lose weightintransitive
Bodily functionsхолунYakutverbto defecateintransitive
BodyinhlokoZulunounhead (of an animal)
BodyinhlokoZulunounhead, leader, person in charge
BodyinhlokoZulunounsubjectgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencessubjective
BodyribaSerbo-Croatiannounfish (animal)
BodyribaSerbo-Croatiannoungirl, chickslang
BodyribaSerbo-Croatiannoun(ribica, diminutive) vaginaslang
Body partsagbẹduYorubanouncolon, large intestine
Body partsagbẹduYorubanounwoofer
Body partshèrzMòchenonounheart (organ)neuter
Body partshèrzMòchenonounheart (center, core)neuter
Body partsitanYorubanounhistory, story
Body partsitanYorubanounfamily history, genealogy, lineage
Body partsitanYorubanounthigh
Body partsitanYorubanounrelation
Body parts屁股Chinesenounbuttocks; bottom; butt; hindquarters
Body parts屁股Chinesenountip; end; butt
Body parts屁股Chinesenounpartiality; biasfiguratively
Body parts額角Chinesenounfrontal eminence; both prominent sides of one's head; temples
Body parts額角ChinesenounforeheadHakka
Body parts鼻頭Chinesenountip of the nose
Body parts鼻頭ChinesenounnoseMandarin Wu Xiang colloquial
Body parts鼻頭Chinesenounnasal mucus; snotLoudi Xiang
Body parts鼻頭Chinesenounbridge of the nosePuxian-Min
Body parts鼻頭Chinesenounprotruding part of an object
Book sizesquartoEnglishnounA size of paper (7.5"-10" x 10"-12.5" or 190-254 x 254-312 mm). Formed by folding and cutting one of several standard sizes of paper (15"-20" x 20"-25" or 381-508 x 508-635 mm) twice to form 4 leaves (eight sides).countable uncountable
Book sizesquartoEnglishnounA size of paper (7.5"-10" x 10"-12.5" or 190-254 x 254-312 mm). Formed by folding and cutting one of several standard sizes of paper (15"-20" x 20"-25" or 381-508 x 508-635 mm) twice to form 4 leaves (eight sides). / Quarto writing paper (10 inches x 8 inches)UK countable uncountable
Book sizesquartoEnglishnounA book size, corresponding to the paper printing publishingcountable uncountable
BooksIvanhoeEnglishnameA novel by Sir Walter Scott.
BooksIvanhoeEnglishnameThe hero of this novel.
BooksIvanhoeEnglishnameA small city, the county seat of Lincoln County, Minnesota, United States.
BooksIvanhoeEnglishnameA census-designated place in Tulare County, California, United States.
BooksIvanhoeEnglishnameA township in Central Darling Shire, western New South Wales, Australia.
BooksбиблиотекаBulgariannounlibrary (in all senses)
BooksбиблиотекаBulgariannounbookcase, bookshelf
BooksтэтэрээтYakutnounexercise book
Books盜版Chineseverbto pirate (to make unauthorized copies of books, software, recording, or other media)
Books盜版Chineseverbto counterfeit
Books盜版Chinesenounpirated version; cracked version; warez
Books盜版Chineseadjunauthorized; pirated; bootlegattributive
Books of the BibleObadjaNorwegiannameObadiah
Books of the BibleObadjaNorwegiannamethe book of Obadiah
Borage family plantstournesolFrenchnounsunflowermasculine
Borage family plantstournesolFrenchnounheliotropemasculine
Borage family plantstournesolFrenchnounlitmuschemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesmasculine
Boronboric acidEnglishnounH₃BO₃; B(OH)₃; a white crystalline solid, soluble in hot water to form a weak acid. Used as a mild antiseptic, flame retardant, insecticide, and in the manufacture of borax and other borate salts.chemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
Boronboric acidEnglishnounA hydrate of boric oxide, specifically any of the three acids orthoboric acid, metaboric acid, or pyroboric acid.chemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
Boroughs in EnglandBolsoverEnglishnameA town in Derbyshire, England.
Boroughs in EnglandBolsoverEnglishnameA local government district in Derbyshire.
Boroughs in EnglandBolsoverEnglishnameA surname.
BotanyalgologyEnglishnounThe branch of botany dealing with algae.uncountable
BotanyalgologyEnglishnounThe medical treatment of pain as practiced in Greece and Turkey.uncountable
BotanybotánicaSpanishnounbotanyfeminine uncountable
BotanybotánicaSpanishnounfemale equivalent of botánicofeminine form-of
BotanybotánicaSpanishadjfeminine singular of botánicofeminine form-of singular
BotanyvegetationEnglishnounPlants, taken collectively.uncountable
BotanyvegetationEnglishnounAn abnormal verrucous or fibrinous growthmedicine pathology sciencescountable
BotanyvegetationEnglishnounThe act or process of vegetating, or growing as a plant does; vegetable growth.countable uncountable
BotanyसिंहलSanskritnounSri Lanka (an island in South Asia)
BotanyसिंहलSanskritnouna male given name
BotanyसिंहलSanskritnounSri Lankansin-plural
BotanyसिंहलSanskritnounbrass (more correctly सिंहलक (siṃhalaka))
BotanyसिंहलSanskritnounbark, rind
BotanyसिंहलSanskritnounCassia bark (more correctly सैंहल (saiṃhala))
BotanyOkinawancharacterkanji no-gloss
BovinesกระบือThainounSynonym of ควาย (kwaai)formal humorous
BovinesกระบือThaiadjSynonym of ควาย (kwaai)humorous
Brassicales order plantsbabacoEnglishnounA fruit tree, related to the papaya and native to mountainous areas of Ecuador, Vasconcellea × heilbornii
Brassicales order plantsbabacoEnglishnounThe fruit of this tree
BrassicasrepolyoCebuanonouncabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata)
BrassicasrepolyoCebuanonounthe leaves of this plant
Brassicas京菜JapanesenounSynonym of 水菜 (mizuna)
Brassicas京菜Japanesenounmizuna that was grown around Kyotospecifically
Brassicas京菜JapanesenounSynonym of 壬生菜 (mibuna)historical
BreadspâineRomaniannounbreadfeminine uncountable
BreadspâineRomaniannounloaf of breadcountable feminine
BrittanyArmoricainFrenchnounArmorican (resident or native of Armorica)historical masculine
BrittanyArmoricainFrenchnounSynonym of Bretonmasculine
BrownscachiItaliannounpersimmon (tree and fruit)biology botany natural-sciencesinvariable masculine
BrownscachiItaliannounkhaki (color/colour)invariable masculine
BrownscachiItalianadjkhaki (color/colour)invariable
BrownscachiItalianverbinflection of cacare: / second-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present second-person singular
BrownscachiItalianverbinflection of cacare: / first/second/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present second-person singular subjunctive third-person
BrownscachiItalianverbinflection of cacare: / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
Building materialsmazacoteSpanishnounconcretemasculine
Building materialsmazacoteSpanishnounbarilla (Soda inermis, syn. Salsola soda)biology botany natural-sciencesmasculine
Building materialsmazacoteSpanishnouna crude work of artmasculine
Building materialsmazacoteSpanishnoundry, hard foodcolloquial masculine
Building materialsmazacoteSpanishnounannoying personcolloquial masculine
BuildingsQuirinaleItaliannamethe Quirinal Hill, one of the Seven hills of Romemasculine
BuildingsQuirinaleItaliannameEllipsis of Palazzo del Quirinale., the Quirinal Palace in Rome, residence of the President of the Italian Republicabbreviation alt-of ellipsis masculine metonymically
BuildingsQuirinaleItaliannamethe presidency of the Italian Republicgovernment politicsbroadly masculine
BuildingsestasyonCebuanonouna stopping place
BuildingsestasyonCebuanonouna place where workers are stationed
BuildingsestasyonCebuanonounone of the Stations of the Cross
BuildingsestasyonCebuanonouna place used for broadcasting radio or television
BuildingsestasyonCebuanonouna channel; a broadcasting entity
BuildingsestasyonCebuanoverbto put in place to perform a task
BuildingsestasyonCebuanoverbto put in place to perform military duty
BuildingskasinoIndonesiannouncasino: / a public building or room for gambling.
BuildingskasinoIndonesiannouncasino: / pleasure house or holiday home
BuildingsmrówkowiecPolishnounany antwren of the genus Euchrepomisanimal-not-person masculine
BuildingsmrówkowiecPolishnounvery large, multi-storey apartment block, typical of housing in former socialist countriescolloquial inanimate masculine
BuildingsطارمOttoman Turkishnoundome, cupola, any structural element resembling the hollow upper half of a sphere
BuildingsطارمOttoman Turkishnounkind of wooden shed or building of a circular form provided with an arched roof
Buildings and structuresfortyfikacjaPolishnounfortification (that which fortifies)government military politics warfeminine
Buildings and structuresfortyfikacjaPolishnounfortification (act of fortifying)government military politics warfeminine
Bullfightingcorrida de tourosPortuguesenounbullfighting (performance art in which a matador manipulates and kills a bull)feminine
Bullfightingcorrida de tourosPortuguesenounbullfight (bullfighting event)feminine
BurialtuamaIrishnountomb, tombstonemasculine
BurialtuamaIrishnounburial moundmasculine
BurialtuamaIrishnoungenitive singular of tuaim (“tumulus”)feminine form-of genitive singular
BurialمدفنArabicnounburial place, burial ground / grave
BurialمدفنArabicnounburial place, burial ground / cemetery
Businessဝယ်Burmeseverbto buy, purchase
Businessဝယ်Burmeseparticleword denoting time or place
Businessဝယ်Burmeseparticlepostpositional marker suffixed to a noun to indicate either temporal or locative case: by, at, in
Buttercup family plantsчернухаRussiannounthe negative aspects of life, e.g. doom, hopelessness, cruelty, poverty, violencecollective colloquial
Buttercup family plantsчернухаRussiannounchernukha (a gloomy genre of Russian horror)
Buttercup family plantsчернухаRussiannounsomething painted black, e.g. a postage stampcolloquial
Buttercup family plantsчернухаRussiannoundark-complexioned girl with black hairanimate
Buttercup family plantsчернухаRussiannounblack cumin herb or flower (Nigella sativa), also called Roman coriander, black caraway, black seed, nutmeg flower or love in the mistcolloquial
Buttercup family plantsчернухаRussiannounmushroom of species Russula adustacolloquial
Buxales order plantspuszpángHungariannounbox, boxwood (any of various evergreen shrubs or trees of the genus Buxus)
Buxales order plantspuszpángHungariannounboxwood (the hard, close-grained wood of this tree)
Byzantine EmpireܪܘܡܐClassical Syriacnounheight, elevation, breadth, size
Byzantine EmpireܪܘܡܐClassical Syriacnounhigh place: hill, summit; sky, heaven
Byzantine EmpireܪܘܡܐClassical Syriacnounpride, haughtiness
Byzantine EmpireܪܘܡܐClassical Syriacnounexaltation, glory
Byzantine EmpireܪܘܡܐClassical Syriacnounswollenness
Byzantine EmpireܪܘܡܐClassical Syriacnounfluid, flowing
Byzantine EmpireܪܘܡܐClassical Syriacnounrheum, catarrh, flux, diarrheamedicine pathology sciences
Byzantine EmpireܪܘܡܐClassical Syriacnounlie, falsehood
Byzantine EmpireܪܘܡܐClassical SyriacnameRome
Byzantine EmpireܪܘܡܐClassical SyriacnameRoman Empire
Byzantine EmpireܪܘܡܐClassical SyriacnameByzantine Empire
Caesalpinia subfamily plantsjatobáPortuguesenouncourbaril (a South American tree, Hymenaea courbaril)masculine
Caesalpinia subfamily plantsjatobáPortuguesenounthe wood of this tree, highly desirable because of its hardnessmasculine
Caesalpinia subfamily plants蘇芳Japanesenounsappanwood (Biancaea sappan)
Caesalpinia subfamily plants蘇芳Japanesenouna shade of deep red
Calligraphy碑林Chinesenounforest of steles
Calligraphy碑林ChinesenameBeilin (a district of Xi'an, Shaanxi, China)
CanadavictorianoSpanishadjVictorian (relating to Queen Victoria's reign)
CanadavictorianoSpanishadjVictorian (of or relating to Victoria, British Columbia, Canada)
CanadavictorianoSpanishadjVictorian (of or relating to Victoria, Australia)
CanadavictorianoSpanishnounVictorian (native or resident of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada)masculine
CanadavictorianoSpanishnounVictorian (native or resident of Victoria, Australia)masculine
CanidsloupFrenchnounbass (fish)masculine
CanidsloupFrenchnounmask, eyemaskmasculine
CanidslupoaieRomaniannounshe-wolfarchaic feminine regional
CanidslupoaieRomaniannounbroom rape (Orobanche ramosa)biology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
Card gamescanastaFinnishnouncanasta (card game)
Card gamescanastaFinnishnouncanasta (meld of seven cards in above)
Card gameskuleCzechnounbulletfeminine
Card gameskuleCzechnounthe worst grade for a performance at schooleducationfeminine slang
Card gameskuleCzechnountesticlefeminine informal
Card gameskuleCzechnounsuit in German playing cardsfeminine plural plural-only
Card gamesžirSerbo-Croatiannounacorn
Card gamesžirSerbo-Croatiannounacornscard-games games
Card gamesседмицаSerbo-Croatiannounweek
Card gamesседмицаSerbo-Croatiannounseven (digit or figure)
Card gamesседмицаSerbo-Croatiannounanything numbered seven (playing card, tram, bus, player with a jersey number 7 etc.)
CarriagesподводаRussiannoundray, cart
CarriagesподводаRussiannoungenitive singular of подво́д (podvód)form-of genitive singular
Caryophyllales order plantsگزPersiannountamarisk (Tamarix spp.)
Caryophyllales order plantsگزPersiannountamarisk gum
Caryophyllales order plantsگزPersiannounmilkvetch (Astragalus spp.)
Caryophyllales order plantsگزPersiannoungum tragacanth, tragacanth
Caryophyllales order plantsگزPersiannouna kind of confectionary which is a speciality of Isfahan and is similar to nougat, gaz – made from tragacanth and other gums of various manna trees
Caryophyllales order plantsگزPersiannounmanna ash (Fraxinus ornus)
Caryophyllales order plantsگزPersiannouncubit, yard
CatsmarakaîáOld Tupinounsmall spotted cat of the genus Leopardus. Further details are uncertain. Possibilities include: / margay (Leopardus wiedii)
CatsmarakaîáOld Tupinounsmall spotted cat of the genus Leopardus. Further details are uncertain. Possibilities include: / ocelot (Leopardus pardalis)
CatsmarakaîáOld Tupinounsmall spotted cat of the genus Leopardus. Further details are uncertain. Possibilities include: / oncilla (Leopardus tigrinus)
CatsmarakaîáOld Tupinoundomestic cat (Felis catus)
CatsmarakaîáOld TupinounMaracajá, an indigenous people enemy to the Tupinambáhistorical
Catsவனச்சுவைTamilnouncivet cat
Cats貓貓ChinesenouncatTaiwanese-Hokkien Xiamen
Cats貓貓ChinesenounSiberian weasel (Mustela sibirica)
Cats貓貓ChinesenouncatLeizhou-Min childish endearing
CattlejḥwEgyptiannounplural of jḥ (“ox”): cattleform-of plural
CattlespringEnglishverbTo move or burst forth. / To appear.intransitive
CattlespringEnglishverbTo move or burst forth. / To grow, to sprout.intransitive
CattlespringEnglishverbTo move or burst forth. / To grow, to sprout. / To mature.UK dialectal intransitive
CattlespringEnglishverbTo move or burst forth. / To arise, to come into existence.figuratively intransitive
CattlespringEnglishverbTo move or burst forth. / To enliven.figuratively intransitive sometimes
CattlespringEnglishverbTo move or burst forth. / To move with great speed and energy.figuratively intransitive usually
CattlespringEnglishverbTo move or burst forth. / To be born, descend, or originate fromintransitive usually
CattlespringEnglishverbTo move or burst forth. / To rise in social position or military rank, to be promoted.intransitive obsolete
CattlespringEnglishverbTo move or burst forth.intransitive
CattlespringEnglishverbTo cause to spring (all senses).transitive
CattlespringEnglishverbTo cause to spring (all senses). / To cause to work or open by sudden application of pressure.transitive
CattlespringEnglishverbTo breed with, to impregnate.obsolete
CattlespringEnglishverbTo wetten, to moisten.obsolete transitive
CattlespringEnglishverbTo burst into pieces, to explode, to shatter.intransitive usually
CattlespringEnglishverbTo go off.government military politics warobsolete
CattlespringEnglishverbTo crack.nautical transportintransitive perfective usually
CattlespringEnglishverbTo surprise by sudden or deft action.figuratively transitive
CattlespringEnglishverbTo come upon and flush out.
CattlespringEnglishverbTo catch in an illegal act or compromising position.Australia slang
CattlespringEnglishverbTo begin.obsolete
CattlespringEnglishverbTo put bad money into circulation.obsolete slang
CattlespringEnglishverbTo tell, to share.
CattlespringEnglishverbTo free from imprisonment, especially by facilitating an illegal escape.US slang transitive
CattlespringEnglishverbTo be free of imprisonment, especially by illegal escape.intransitive rare slang
CattlespringEnglishverbTo build, to form the initial curve of.architecturetransitive
CattlespringEnglishverbTo extend, to curve.architectureintransitive
CattlespringEnglishverbTo turn a vessel using a spring attached to its anchor cable.nautical transporttransitive
CattlespringEnglishverbTo pay or spend a certain sum, to yield.transitive
CattlespringEnglishverbTo raise an offered price.intransitive obsolete slang
CattlespringEnglishverbAlternative form of sprain.US alt-of alternative dialectal transitive
CattlespringEnglishverbAlternative form of strain.US alt-of alternative dialectal transitive
CattlespringEnglishverbTo act as a spring: to strongly rebound.intransitive obsolete
CattlespringEnglishverbTo equip with springs, especially (of vehicles) to equip with a suspension.rare transitive
CattlespringEnglishverbto inspire, to motivate.figuratively obsolete rare
CattlespringEnglishverbTo deform owing to excessive pressure, to become warped; to intentionally deform in order to position and then straighten in place.intransitive transitive
CattlespringEnglishverbTo swell with milk or pregnancy.UK dialectal intransitive
CattlespringEnglishverbTo sound, to play.archaic transitive
CattlespringEnglishverbTo spend the springtime somewhereintransitive
CattlespringEnglishverbTo find or get enough food during springtime.
CattlespringEnglishnounAn act of springing: a leap, a jump.countable
CattlespringEnglishnounThe season of the year in temperate regions in which plants spring from the ground and into bloom and dormant animals spring to life. / The period from the moment of vernal equinox (around March 21 in the Northern Hemisphere) to the moment of the summer solstice (around June 21); the equivalent periods reckoned in other cultures and calendars.astronomy natural-sciencescountable uncountable
CattlespringEnglishnounThe season of the year in temperate regions in which plants spring from the ground and into bloom and dormant animals spring to life. / The three months of March, April, and May in the Northern Hemisphere and September, October, and November in the Southern Hemisphere.climatology meteorology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
CattlespringEnglishnounThe season of the year in temperate regions in which plants spring from the ground and into bloom and dormant animals spring to life.countable
CattlespringEnglishnounThe time of something's growth; the early stages of some process.figuratively uncountable
CattlespringEnglishnounThe time of something's growth; the early stages of some process. / a period of political liberalization and democratizationgovernment politicscountable figuratively uncountable
CattlespringEnglishnounSomeone with ivory or peach skin tone and eyes and hair that are not extremely dark, seen as best suited to certain colors of lifestylecountable
CattlespringEnglishnounSomething which springs, springs forth, springs up, or springs back, particularly / A spray or body of water springing from the ground.geography geology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
CattlespringEnglishnounSomething which springs, springs forth, springs up, or springs back, particularly / The rising of the sea at high tide.geography natural-sciences oceanographycountable obsolete uncountable
CattlespringEnglishnounSomething which springs, springs forth, springs up, or springs back, particularly / Short for spring tide, the especially high tide shortly after full and new moons.geography natural-sciences oceanographyabbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
CattlespringEnglishnounSomething which springs, springs forth, springs up, or springs back, particularly / A mechanical device made of flexible or coiled material that exerts force and attempts to spring back when bent, compressed, or stretched.countable uncountable
CattlespringEnglishnounSomething which springs, springs forth, springs up, or springs back, particularly / A line from a vessel's end or side to its anchor cable used to diminish or control its movement.nautical transportcountable uncountable
CattlespringEnglishnounSomething which springs, springs forth, springs up, or springs back, particularly / A line laid out from a vessel's end to the opposite end of an adjacent vessel or mooring to diminish or control its movement.nautical transportcountable uncountable
CattlespringEnglishnounSomething which springs, springs forth, springs up, or springs back, particularly / A race, a lineage.countable figuratively uncountable
CattlespringEnglishnounSomething which springs, springs forth, springs up, or springs back, particularly / A youth.countable figuratively uncountable
CattlespringEnglishnounSomething which springs, springs forth, springs up, or springs back, particularly / A shoot, a young tree.countable uncountable
CattlespringEnglishnounSomething which springs, springs forth, springs up, or springs back, particularly / A grove of trees; a forest.countable uncountable
CattlespringEnglishnounAn erection of the penis.countable slang
CattlespringEnglishnounA crack which has sprung up in a mast, spar, or (rare) a plank or seam.nautical transportcountable obsolete
CattlespringEnglishnounSpringiness: an attribute or quality of springing, springing up, or springing back, particularly / Elasticity: the property of a body springing back to its original form after compression, stretching, etc.countable uncountable
CattlespringEnglishnounSpringiness: an attribute or quality of springing, springing up, or springing back, particularly / Elastic energy, power, or force.countable uncountable
CattlespringEnglishnounThe source from which an action or supply of something springs.countable
CattlespringEnglishnounSomething which causes others or another to spring forth or spring into action, particularly / A cause, a motive, etc.countable uncountable
CattlespringEnglishnounSomething which causes others or another to spring forth or spring into action, particularly / A lively piece of music.countable obsolete uncountable
CattleధేనుకTelugunounmilch cow
CattleధేనుకTelugunamethe name of a raga in Carnatic musicentertainment lifestyle music
Caviomorphswater pigEnglishnounThe capybara.
Caviomorphswater pigEnglishnounThe gourami.
Celery family plantsburkānsLatviannouncarrot (a plant with a large edible root, often orange in colour, esp. Daucus carota)declension-1 masculine
Celery family plantsburkānsLatviannouncarrot (the edible root of that plant, often orange in colour and used as a vegetable)declension-1 masculine
Celestial inhabitantsPhobosianEnglishadjPertaining to Phobos.not-comparable
Celestial inhabitantsPhobosianEnglishnounSomeone from Phobos.literature media publishing science-fiction
CephalopodsmątewkaPolishnoundiminutive of mątwadiminutive feminine form-of
CephalopodsmątewkaPolishnoundiminutive of mątewdiminutive feminine form-of
CeramicscriadóireachtIrishnounpottery, potting (the art of making clay pots), clay-craftfeminine
CeramicsglasenMiddle EnglishadjMade of glass.
CeramicsglasenMiddle EnglishadjResembling or characteristic of glass.
CeramicsglasenMiddle EnglishverbTo install glass panes (in a building).
CeramicsglasenMiddle EnglishverbTo coat ceramics in a layer of transparent coating.
CeramicsglasenMiddle EnglishverbTo make shiny, glossy, or polished.
ChairssandalyeTurkishnounseat, officegovernment politics
ChairsstuolOld High Germannounchairmasculine
ChairsstuolOld High Germannounseat, benchmasculine
ChairsstuolOld High Germannounthronemasculine
CheesesbrousseFrenchnounbush, outback (wild area away from urban area)countable feminine uncountable
CheesesbrousseFrenchnouna kind of fresh cheese from Provence, made mainly from wheycountable feminine uncountable
Chemical elementsarhansCornishnounmoneymasculine
Chemical elementsarhansCornishnounsilver, argentmasculine
Chemical elementscobreGaliciannouncoppermasculine uncountable
Chemical elementscobreGalicianverbinflection of cobrar: / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
Chemical elementscobreGalicianverbinflection of cobrar: / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
Chemical elementscobreGalicianverbthird-person singular present indicative of cubrirform-of indicative present singular third-person
Chemical elementscobreGalicianverbinflection of cobrir: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
Chemical elementscobreGalicianverbinflection of cobrir: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Chemical elementsmagnésioPortuguesenounmagnesiumchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesmasculine uncountable
Chemical elementsmagnésioPortuguesenounan atom of magnesiummasculine
Chemical elementsChinesecharactermercury (Hg)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
Chemical elementsChinesecharactera surname: Gong
Chemical processesdeionizationEnglishnounThe use of ion exchange to remove ionic substances from a solutionchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesphysical
Chemical processesdeionizationEnglishnounThe return of an ionized gas to its neutral statechemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesphysical
ChesspedoneItaliannounpawnboard-games chess gamesmasculine
ChesstornisLatviannountower (tall, cylindrical or similarly shaped structure in a building)declension-2 masculine
ChesstornisLatviannountank, silo (large vertical building used to store grain)declension-2 masculine
ChesstornisLatviannounrook (chess piece shaped like a castle tower)board-games chess gamesdeclension-2 masculine
ChessહાથીGujaratinounrookboard-games chess games
ChickenspuddastraSiciliannounchick, chickenfeminine
ChickenspuddastraSiciliannounpullet, young henfeminine
ChickensslípkaCzechnounhenfeminine informal
ChildrenszczawPolishnoundock, sorrel (any plant of the genus Rumex)inanimate masculine
ChildrenszczawPolishnounyoungster; urchinanimal-not-person colloquial masculine
ChildrenszczawPolishnoungenitive plural of szczawafeminine form-of genitive plural
Children아이Koreannounchild, kid
Children아이KoreannounUsed to refer to objects, typically in casual but polite settings such as when persuading a customer to buy a product.endearing
Children아이KoreannounLess colloquial form of 애 (ae, “guy; person”).
Chinese era names嘉靖Chinesenamethe Jiajing Emperor (the twelfth emperor of the Ming dynasty)historical
Chinese era names嘉靖Chinesenamethe Jiajing era (a Chinese era name; the era of that emperor's reign, from 1522 to 1566)historical
ChristianitytollaksmessNorwegian NynorsknounDecember 23rdarchaic feminine
ChristianitytollaksmessNorwegian NynorsknounThorlac's mass (also December 23rd)feminine
ChristianityпроповедьRussiannounsermon, homily
ChristianityпроповедьRussiannounpropagation (of ideas), advocacy
ChristianityپوپUrdunounpope (head of the Roman Catholic Church)
ChristianityپوپUrdunounpop music
ChristmasκάλανταGreeknouncarol or carols
ChristmasκάλανταGreeknounChristmas carol
ChristmasколядкаUkrainiannounkoliada, Christmas carol
ChristmasколядкаUkrainiannounkoledari, Christmas caroling
CitiesAenusLatinnameA river of Noricum and tributary river of the Danube, called Inn in Germandeclension-2 masculine singular
CitiesAenusLatinnamea city of Thrace situated near the mouth of the river Hebrusdeclension-2 feminine singular
ClocksкывKomi-Zyriannounpendulum (part of a clock)
ClocksкывKomi-Zyriannounclanger, clapper (part of a bell)
ClocksкывKomi-Zyrianverbinflection of кывны (kyvny): / imperative singularform-of imperative singular
ClocksкывKomi-Zyrianverbinflection of кывны (kyvny): / connegative singularconnegative form-of singular
ClothingcasaqueFrenchnounjersey (of a jockey)feminine
ClothingligaPortuguesenounalloy (metal combined of more elements)feminine
ClothingligaPortuguesenounleague; group; associationfeminine
ClothingligaPortuguesenounleague (organization of sports teams which play against one another for a championship)feminine
ClothingligaPortuguesenounconnection (act of connecting)feminine uncountable
ClothingligaPortuguesenoungarter (band worn around the leg to hold up a sock or stocking)feminine
ClothingligaPortugueseverbinflection of ligar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
ClothingligaPortugueseverbinflection of ligar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
ClothingrucheFrenchnounhive, beehivefeminine
ClothingrucheFrenchnounruffle; flounce; ruchebusiness fashion lifestyle manufacturing textilesfeminine
ClothingإحرامArabicnounverbal noun of أَحْرَمَ (ʔaḥrama) (form IV)form-of noun-from-verb
ClothingإحرامArabicnounthe garment worn by Mecca pilgrims
ClothingचादरHindinounbed sheet
ClothingचादरHindinounchadorIslam lifestyle religion
Clothing浴衣Japanesenouna thin light garment worn for sleeping, for wearing in the summer, or for bathing
Clothing浴衣Japanesenounyukata; a kind of light kimono used for general wear
CloudsestratoSpanishnounlayer; stratummasculine
CloudsestratoSpanishnounstratus (cloud)masculine
CloudsestratoSpanishnounsocial class in Colombian societymasculine
Coalcoal holeEnglishnounA cellar or other compartment for storing coal.
Coalcoal holeEnglishnounA hole in the pavement with a removable hatch, leading to an underground coal bunker.
CoffeekahvinruskeaFinnishadjcoffee brown
CoffeekahvinruskeaFinnishnouncoffee brown (color)
CoffeepåtårSwedishnounA second cup of coffee; a first refill of coffee.common-gender
CoffeepåtårSwedishnounMisspelling of på tår (“on toes”).alt-of common-gender misspelling
CoinsnobelPolishnounnobelium (chemical element, No, atomic number 102)inanimate masculine
CoinsnobelPolishnounnoble (medieval coin of England in the 14th and 15th centuries)historical inanimate masculine
CollectivesfactioLatinnouna political faction, a group of people acting togetherdeclension-3
CollectivesfactioLatinnouna company of charioteersdeclension-3
CollectivesfactioLatinnounan act of making or doing; a preparationdeclension-3 rare
CollectivesfalcatCatalanverbpast participle of falcarform-of participle past
CollectivesfalcatCatalanadjsickle-shapedbiology botany natural-sciences
CollectivesfalcatCatalannounbunch (amount of vegetation harvested with two or three sweeps of a sickle)masculine
CollectivesfalcatCatalannoungroup, flockdialectal masculine
CollectivesmafiaEnglishnounA hierarchically structured secret organisation engaged in illegal activities like distribution of narcotics, gambling and extortion.
CollectivesmafiaEnglishnounA crime syndicate.
CollectivesmafiaEnglishnounA trusted group of associates, as of a political leader.
CollectivesmafiaEnglishnounAn entity which attempts to control a specified arena by violence or threats.
CollectivesreligiaPolishnounreligious educationfeminine
CollectivesопекаRussiannounguardianship, wardship, tutelage
CollectivesопекаRussiannounguardians, board of guardians
CollectivesопекаRussiannouncare, surveillance
ColorsbegePortuguesenounbeige (color)masculine
ColorsbegePortugueseadjbeige-coloredfeminine masculine
ColorsbegePortugueseadjshocked, surprised, perplexedfeminine figuratively masculine
ColorscaneloSpanishnouncinnamon (tree)masculine
ColorscaneloSpanishnounWinter's bark (Drimys winteri)masculine
ColorscaneloSpanishadjhaving cinnamon color
ColorsgrünGermanadjgreen (in colour)
ColorsgrünGermanadjinexperienced, young
ColorsgrünGermanadjecological, environment-friendly
ColorsgrünGermanadjof a green party, such as Bündnis 90/Die Grünen in Germanygovernment politicsrelational
ColorsgrünGermanverbsingular imperative of grünenform-of imperative singular
ColorsputihMalayadjwhite (bright and colourless)
ColorsputihMalaynounwhite (colour)
ColorsφαιόςGreekadjdull (having no particular luster or brightness)formal
ColorsφαιόςGreekadjgrey, ashy (having a color somewhere between white and black)broadly formal
ColorsшӏусӏэAdygheadjAlternative form of шӏуцӏэ (šʷʼucʼɛ)alt-of alternative
ColorsшӏусӏэAdyghenounAlternative form of шӏуцӏэ (šʷʼucʼɛ)alt-of alternative
ColorsฮีตับUrak Lawoi'adjblack (absorbing all light)
ColorsฮีตับUrak Lawoi'nounblack (color)
Colors자지Koreannounpenis, dickvulgar
Colors자지Koreannounpurple gromwell (Lithospermum erythrorhizon)uncommon
Colors자지KoreannounSynonym of 자주(紫朱) (jaju, “violet; purple”)uncommon
ColumbidssquealerEnglishnounAny animal or person who squeals.
ColumbidssquealerEnglishnounA pig.
ColumbidssquealerEnglishnounAn informant.slang
ColumbidssquealerEnglishnounA kind of jug used to carry beer having 1 litre or 32 ounce capacity (half the size of a growler).Australia Canada US informal
ColumbidssquealerEnglishnounAnything that makes a squealing noise.
ColumbidssquealerEnglishnounThe European swift.
ColumbidssquealerEnglishnounThe harlequin duck.
ColumbidssquealerEnglishnounThe American golden plover.
ColumbidssquealerEnglishnounA young pigeon.
CombustionafiTokelauannounengine, motor
CommelinidsउमाSanskritnounflax (Linum usitatissimum)
CommelinidsउमाSanskritnounturmeric (Curcuma longa)
CommelinidsउमाSanskritnamea name of ParvatiHinduism
CommelinidsउमाSanskritnamea female given name
CommunismbezpieczniakPolishnounsafety officialcolloquial masculine person
CommunismbezpieczniakPolishnounsafety official / safety official within the Ministry of Public Security (Poland) during the Polish People's Republic eracolloquial derogatory masculine person
ComputingmdukuziSwahilinounhacker (expert at programming)class-1 class-2
ComputingmdukuziSwahilinouncracker (one who uses a computer to gain unauthorized access to data)class-1 class-2
ComputingпокликанняUkrainiannouncalling, vocation (an inclination towards a certain kind of work, religious commitment or other purposeful activity)
ComputingпокликанняUkrainiannounhyperlink (clickable text or image which redirects the user to a URL)
ComputingпокликанняUkrainiannounreference (source for a piece of information)
CondimentshonyMiddle EnglishnounHoney (fluid made from nectar)uncountable
CondimentshonyMiddle EnglishnounNectar; the secretion of flowers.uncountable
CondimentshonyMiddle EnglishnounSomething sweet or appealing.figuratively uncountable
CondimentshonyMiddle EnglishnounA term of affection; compare modern English honey.rare uncountable
CondimentsὄξοςAncient Greeknounpoor wine
CondimentsὄξοςAncient Greeknounvinegar made therefrom
CondimentsὄξοςAncient Greeknounsour fellow, sourpussfiguratively
ConifersἐλάτηAncient Greeknounfir (tree of the genus Abies)
ConifersἐλάτηAncient Greeknounoar, rudder
Conspiracy theoriestransgenderismEnglishnounThe state of being transgender.dated uncountable usually
Conspiracy theoriestransgenderismEnglishnounA purported ideology behind transgender identities, trans activism and trans rights movements; transness as an ideology.derogatory offensive uncountable usually
ContainersMolleGermannounalternative form of Mulde (“a trough-formed container”)Northern-Germany alt-of alternative feminine regional
ContainersMolleGermannouna beer glass, glass of beerBerlin Germany Northeastern feminine
ContainersMolleGermannounbedBerlin Germany Northeastern feminine
ContainersMolleGermannounpepper tree (Schinus gen. et spp., and especially the Peruvian pepper tree (Schinus molle))masculine no-plural strong
ContainershorseboxEnglishnounA motor vehicle for transporting horses.UK
ContainershorseboxEnglishnounA container for transporting horses in, whether by road, rail, or sea.
ContainershorseboxEnglishnounA van-type railway vehicle specially built for the carriage of horses.rail-transport railways transportUK obsolete
ContainerspojemnikPolishnoungarbage caninanimate masculine
ContainerspojemnikPolishnouncontainerinanimate masculine
ContainerstazzaItaliannouncup, mugfeminine
ContainerstazzaItaliannountoilet bowlfeminine slang
Cooking卸すJapaneseverbto sell wholesale
Cooking卸すJapaneseverbto grate (vegetables, fruit, etc.)
Cooking卸すJapaneseverbto cut (fish or meat) into pieces
CookingChinesecharacterto roast; to bake; to grill; to broil; to toast
CookingChinesecharacterto dry using fire
CookingChinesecharacterto heat oneself up
Cookware and bakewarebrochetteFrenchnounbrochette (skewer)feminine
Cookware and bakewarebrochetteFrenchnounbrochette (meat)feminine
Cookware and bakewarebrochetteFrenchnounsmall broochfeminine
Cookware and bakewarecazoSpanishnouna kind of large saucepan or saucepot, wider at top than at bottommasculine
Cookware and bakewarecazoSpanishnounladlemasculine
Cookware and bakewarecazoSpanishnounclumsy personcolloquial masculine
Cookware and bakewarecazoSpanishnounpimpcolloquial masculine
Cookware and bakewarecazoSpanishnounjugclimbing hobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine
Cookware and bakewarecazoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of cazarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
CoronavirusWuhan virusEnglishnounSynonym of coronavirus, the disease COVID-19.colloquial derogatory offensive sometimes uncountable
CoronavirusWuhan virusEnglishnounSynonym of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.colloquial derogatory offensive sometimes uncountable
CoronavirusWuhan virusEnglishnounSynonym of A/Wuhan/359/95, a strain of H3N2 influenza.uncommon uncountable
CoronaviruskoronavírusosHungarianadjinfected with coronavirus (especially the COVID-19 virus)not-comparable
CoronaviruskoronavírusosHungarianadjof or relating to coronaviruses (especially the COVID-19 pandemic)not-comparable
CorvidscascanuecesSpanishnounnutcracker (bird)masculine
CorvidscascanuecesSpanishnounmadcap, harebrained young mancolloquial masculine
CorvidscroassementFrenchnouncaw, squawk (cry of a crow)masculine
CorvidscroassementFrenchnouncroak (cry of a frog)masculine
CosmeticsܟܘܚܠܐClassical Syriacnounkohluncountable
CosmeticsܟܘܚܠܐClassical Syriacnounstibium, antimonyuncountable
CosmeticsܟܘܚܠܐClassical Syriacnounuse of kohl, application of kohl to the eyesuncountable
CosmologyḏtEgyptiannameA serekh name notably borne by Djet, a pharaoh of the First Dynasty
CosmologyḏtEgyptiannounstatic, unchanging eternity
CosmologyḏtEgyptiannounbody, form
CosmologyḏtEgyptiannounpapyrus stalk
CosmologyḏtEgyptiannounolive treeLate-Egyptian
Costa RicaCRITranslingualsymbolISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code for Costa Rica.
Costa RicaCRITranslingualsymbolInitialism of Chechen Republic of Ichkeria.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Countries in Europeអាល្លឺម៉ង់KhmernameGermany (a country in Central Europe, formed in 1949 as West Germany, with its provisional capital Bonn until 1990, when it incorporated East Germany); German
Countries in Europeអាល្លឺម៉ង់KhmernounGerman person
Countries in North America多明尼加ChinesenameDominican RepublicTaiwan
Countries in North America多明尼加ChinesenameDominicadated
Crabs寄生Chineseverbto live as a parasite; to be parasitic
Crabs寄生Chineseverbto live off others; to live by taking advantage of othersfiguratively
Crabs寄生Chinesenounparasitismbiology ecology natural-sciences
Crabs寄生Chinesenounhermit crabTaiwanese-Hokkien
Crickets and grasshoppersちんちろりんJapaneseadvthe chirping of pine cricketsonomatopoeic
Crickets and grasshoppersちんちろりんJapanesenounthe sound made by a 松虫 (matsumushi, “pine cricket”)onomatopoeic
Crickets and grasshoppersちんちろりんJapanesenounSynonym of 松虫 (matsumushi, “pine cricket”)broadly
Crickets and grasshoppersちんちろりんJapanesenouncee-logambling games
CrimeghengaItaliannoungangdated feminine
CrimeghengaItaliannouna criminal groupfeminine rare
CrimeghengaItaliannouna group of peoplefeminine humorous
CrimemafiosoPortuguesenounMafioso; mobster (a member of the mafia)masculine
CrimemoyíbiLingalanounthief; burglarclass-1
CrimemoyíbiLingalanountheft; burglaryclass-3
CrimestickmanEnglishnounA simple drawing of a man with lines to represent limbs and torso.
CrimestickmanEnglishnounA dealer in gambling who gathers the dice with a stick.
CrimestickmanEnglishnounA player in a game played with a stick (such as hockey or lacrosse).
CrimestickmanEnglishnounA person who makes confectionery by pulling candy onto a stick.US
CrimestickmanEnglishnounA pickpocket's accomplice who takes the stolen goods in case the pickpocket is searched.UK archaic slang
CrimestickmanEnglishnounA stick seller, especially of walking sticks.
CrimestickmanEnglishnounA cocksman.slang
CrimestickmanEnglishnounA drummer.entertainment lifestyle music
Crime殺害Japanesenounkilling, murder
Crime殺害Japaneseverbto commit murder
Criminal lawlawyer upEnglishverbTo exercise one's right to legal representation; to engage the services of a lawyer.US informal intransitive
Criminal lawlawyer upEnglishverbTo conduct matters in accord with legal formalities or so as to avoid legal risk.businessUS informal intransitive
Criminal lawlawyer upEnglishverbTo arrange in a way reflecting legal advice.businessinformal transitive
CriminologyrecidivismEnglishnounCommitting new offenses after a crime committed in the past.countable uncountable
CriminologyrecidivismEnglishnounChronic repetition of criminal or other antisocial behavior.human-sciences medicine psychiatry psychology sciencescountable uncountable
CriminologyrecidivismEnglishnounReturning to a negative behavior after having stopped it for a period of time.broadly countable uncountable
CruciferstereTurkishnoundative singular of terdative form-of singular
Cruciferswild cabbageEnglishnounA plant of the species Brassica oleracea, with broad leaves and a long spike of yellow flowers, from which many cabbages, cauliflower, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts derive.
Cruciferswild cabbageEnglishnounAny plant belonging to the genus Caulanthus in the family BrassicaceaeUS
CurrenciespiasterEnglishnounAlternative spelling of piastre.alt-of alternative
CurrenciespiasterEnglishnounThe subdivision of the South Sudanese pound, equal to 1/100 of a pound.
CurrenciesفرانکPersiannounSynonym of پروانه
CurrenciesفرانکPersiannameFaranakhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesIranian
CurrenciesفرانکPersiannamea female given name, Faranak
Currencies花邊Chinesenoundecorative border
Currencies花邊Chinesenounsilver dollardated
CurrencyngweeChichewanounbright, shining
CurrencyngweeChichewanounngwee (hundredth of a Zambian kwacha)class-9
CutleryvilicaSerbo-Croatiannounjawanatomy medicine sciences
CutleryvilicaSerbo-Croatiannounfork (for eating)
Cycle racingscalatoreItaliannounclimber, mountaineer, escaladermasculine
Cycle racingscalatoreItaliannounclimbermasculine
CyclingcyclerEnglishnounAnything with a cyclic (repetitious) behaviour. Something that cycles between different states.
CyclingcyclerEnglishnounAn orbit that approaches two astronomical bodies on a regular basis.astronomy natural-sciences
CyclingcyclerEnglishnounA, usually man-made, object that follows such an orbit.aerospace astronautics business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesbroadly
CyclingcyclerEnglishnounA person with bipolar disorder, often used when comparing the speed of mood swings.human-sciences psychology scienceseuphemistic
CyclingcyclerEnglishnounA device for performing dialysis; for mechanically purifying blood.medicine sciences
CyclingcyclerEnglishnounEllipsis of thermal cycler.; a machine for creating multiple copies of DNA sequences.biochemistry biology chemistry microbiology natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
CyclingcyclerEnglishnounA task in a cycle of tasks where the status of being active task is passed around the loop.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
DancebailarSpanishverbto danceintransitive transitive
DancebailarSpanishverbto dribble (the ball)ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sports
Dancescotton reelEnglishnounA spool, or bobbin used to keep cotton thread tidy.
Dancescotton reelEnglishnounA Scottish highland country dance. A 4x40 bar reel for 4 couples in a 4-couple longwise set.
DancesjerkEnglishnounA sudden, often uncontrolled movement, especially of the body.
DancesjerkEnglishnounA quick tug or shake.
DancesjerkEnglishnounA person with unlikable or obnoxious qualities and behavior, typically mean, self-centered, or disagreeable; an arsehole.US derogatory slang
DancesjerkEnglishnounA stupid person; an idiot or fool.US derogatory slang
DancesjerkEnglishnounA lift in which the weight is taken with a quick motion from shoulder height to a position above the head with arms fully extended and held there for a brief time.hobbies lifestyle sports weightlifting
DancesjerkEnglishnounAn act of male masturbation.slang
DancesjerkEnglishnounAn act of male masturbation. / An act of satirizing behavior that is, to an extent, common in a community, especially in circlejerk subreddits.Internet slang
DancesjerkEnglishnounA dance, popular in Western culture in the 1960s, in which the head and upper body is thrown forwards regularly to the beat of the music.
DancesjerkEnglishnounThe rate of change in acceleration with respect to natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
DancesjerkEnglishnounA soda jerk.US obsolete
DancesjerkEnglishverbTo make a sudden uncontrolled movement.intransitive
DancesjerkEnglishverbTo give a quick, often unpleasant tug or shake.transitive
DancesjerkEnglishverbTo masturbate.US slang vulgar
DancesjerkEnglishverbTo masturbate. / To satirize behavior that is, to an extent, common in a community, especially in circlejerk subreddits.Internet US slang vulgar
DancesjerkEnglishverbTo beat, to hit.obsolete
DancesjerkEnglishverbTo throw with a quick and suddenly arrested motion of the hand.obsolete
DancesjerkEnglishverbTo lift using a jerk.hobbies lifestyle sports weightliftingtransitive usually
DancesjerkEnglishverbTo flout with contempt.obsolete
DancesjerkEnglishnounA rich, spicy Jamaican marinade.Caribbean Jamaica uncountable
DancesjerkEnglishnounMeat (or sometimes vegetables) cured by jerking, in which it is coated in spices and slow-cooked over a fire or grill traditionally composed of green pimento wood positioned over burning coals; charqui.Caribbean Jamaica uncountable
DancesjerkEnglishverbTo cure (meat) by cutting it into strips and drying it, originally in the sun.
DancesjiveEnglishverbTo deceive; to be deceptive.US colloquial intransitive transitive
DancesjiveEnglishverbTo dance, originally to jive or swing music; later, to jazz, rock and roll, rhythm and blues, disco, etc.colloquial intransitive
DancesjiveEnglishnounA dance style popular in the 1940–50s.uncountable
DancesjiveEnglishnounSwing, a style of jazz music.uncountable
DancesjiveEnglishnounA slang associated with jazz musicians; hepcat patois or hipster jargon.uncountable
DancesjiveEnglishnounSynonym of bullshit: patent nonsense, transparently deceptive talk.US colloquial countable uncountable
DancesjiveEnglishnounAfrican-American Vernacular English.US colloquial countable derogatory often uncountable
DancesjiveEnglishverbTo jibe, in the sense of to accord, to agreeUS
DanceswalcPolishnounwaltz (ballroom dance)inanimate masculine
DanceswalcPolishnounwaltz (piece of music)inanimate masculine
DeathdeadEnglishadjNo longer living; deceased. (Also used as a noun.)not-comparable usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjDevoid of living things; barren.not-comparable usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjFiguratively, not alive; lacking life.excessive not-comparable usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjSo hated or offensive as to be absolutely shunned, ignored, or ostracized.not-comparable usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjDoomed; marked for death; as good as dead (literally or as a hyperbole).not-comparable usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjWithout emotion; impassive.not-comparable usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjStationary; static; immobile or immovable.not-comparable usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjWithout interest to one of the senses; dull; flat.not-comparable usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjUnproductive; fallow.not-comparable usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjPast, bygone, vanished.not-comparable usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjLacking usual activity; unexpectedly quiet or empty of people.not-comparable usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjCompletely inactive; currently without power; without a signal; not live.not-comparable usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjUnable to emit power, being discharged (flat) or faulty.not-comparable usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjBroken or inoperable.not-comparable usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjNo longer used or required.not-comparable usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjIntentionally designed so as not to impart motion or natural-sciences physical-sciencesnot-comparable usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjNot in play.hobbies lifestyle sportsnot-comparable usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjLying so near the hole that the player is certain to hole it in the next hobbies lifestyle sportsnot-comparable usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjTagged out.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsnot-comparable slang usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjFull and complete (usually applied to nouns involving lack of motion, sound, activity, or other signs of life).not-comparable usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjExact; on the dot.not-comparable usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjExperiencing pins and needles (paresthesia).not-comparable usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjExpresses an emotional reaction associated with hyperbolic senses of die: / Dying of laughter.Internet excessive not-comparable often sometimes usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjExpresses an emotional reaction associated with hyperbolic senses of die: / Expresses shock, second-hand embarrassment, etc.Internet not-comparable often sometimes usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjConstructed so as not to reflect or transmit sound; soundless; anechoic.not-comparable usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjBringing death; deadly.not-comparable obsolete usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjCut off from the rights of a citizen; deprived of the power of enjoying the rights of property.lawnot-comparable usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjIndifferent to; having no obligation toward; no longer subject to or ruled by (sin, guilt, pleasure, etc).lifestyle religionespecially not-comparable often rare usually
DeathdeadEnglishadjOf a syllable in languages such as Thai and Burmese: ending abruptly.human-sciences linguistics sciencesnot-comparable usually
DeathdeadEnglishadvExactly.colloquial informal not-comparable
DeathdeadEnglishadvVery, absolutely, extremely.colloquial informal not-comparable
DeathdeadEnglishadvSuddenly and completely.not-comparable
DeathdeadEnglishadvAs if dead.informal not-comparable
DeathdeadEnglishnounTime when coldness, darkness, or stillness is most intense.often uncountable with-definite-article
DeathdeadEnglishnounThose who have died: dead people.uncountable with-definite-article
DeathdeadEnglishnoun(usually in the plural) Sterile mining waste, often present as many large rocks stacked inside the workings.UK
DeathdeadEnglishnounClipping of deadlift.bodybuilding hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of clipping colloquial
DeathdeadEnglishverbTo prevent by disabling; to stop.transitive
DeathdeadEnglishverbTo make dead; to deaden; to deprive of life, force, or vigour.transitive
DeathdeadEnglishverbTo kill.UK US slang transitive
DeathdeadEnglishverbTo discontinue or put an end to (something).broadly slang transitive
Deathpaść bez życiaPolishverbto fall dead (to die suddenly)idiomatic intransitive perfective
Deathpaść bez życiaPolishverbto be worn out (to be very tired)idiomatic intransitive perfective
DeathгибельRussiannounloss, death, demise (due to a violent or unnatural cause, e.g. war, accident, or natural disaster)
DeathгибельRussiannoundestruction, ruin
DeathгибельRussiannounsinking, loss (of a ship due to a violent or unnatural cause, e.g. battle, storm, or collision)nautical transport
DeathгибельRussiannounlots of, an immense number ofcolloquial dated
DeathقتلArabicverbto kill, to slay, to murder
DeathقتلArabicverbto mitigate, to alleviate
DeathقتلArabicverbto mix, to dilute
DeathقتلArabicverbto know, to master
DeathقتلArabicverbto be killed
DeathقتلArabicverbto be cursed
DeathقتلArabicverbto kill, to massacre, to cause carnage
DeathقتلArabicnounverbal noun of قَتَلَ (qatala) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
DeathقتلArabicnounverbal noun of قُتِلَ (qutila) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
DeathقتلArabicnounkilling, manslaughter, homicide, murder
DeathقتلArabicnounenemy, adversary, foe, opponent
DemonymsAustro-HungarianEnglishadjOf, from or pertaining to Austria-Hungary.historical not-comparable
DemonymsAustro-HungarianEnglishnounA person from Austria-Hungary.historical
DemonymsRusEnglishnameA people made up of Scandinavian warrior merchants who travelled Eastern European river-roads from the eighth century, and whose settlements around Novgorod, Kiev and the Volga and Dnieper gave rise to the Rus' principalities.countable uncountable
DemonymsRusEnglishnameKievan Rus', the medieval East Slavic state established by these same warrior merchants in the 9th century, whose capital was in Kiev.countable uncountable
DemonymsRusEnglishnameAny of the medieval East Slavic principalities ruled by this class, especially Kievan Rus.countable uncountable
DemonymsRusEnglishnameThe nation of Russia, especially in a transcendent or romantic sense referring to the history and culture of the country.countable poetic uncountable
DemonymsRusEnglishnounA person from Rus.
DemonymsRügenerGermannounsomeone from the island of Rügenmasculine strong
DemonymsRügenerGermanadjof Rügenindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
DemonymsSouth CaucasianEnglishnounSynonym of Kartvelian
DemonymsSouth CaucasianEnglishnameSynonym of Kartvelian
DemonymsSouth CaucasianEnglishadjSynonym of Kartveliannot-comparable
DemonymsTurkmenianEnglishnameThe Turkmen language.rare
DemonymsTurkmenianEnglishnounA person from Turkmenistan; a Turkmen.rare
DemonymsTurkmenianEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Turkmenistan; Turkmen.not-comparable rare
DemonymsaranésSpanishadjAranese, of the Vall d'Aran
DemonymsaranésSpanishnounan Aranese person, a person from the Vall d'Aran region of Cataloniamasculine
DemonymsaranésSpanishnounAranese (standardized variety of the Gascon dialect of the Occitan language)masculine uncountable
DemonymsbaeneroSpanishadjof Baenarelational
DemonymsbaeneroSpanishnounsomeone from Baenamasculine
DemonymsfrogEnglishnounAny of a class of small tailless amphibians of the order Anura that typically hop.
DemonymsfrogEnglishnounThe part of a violin bow (or that of other similar string instruments such as the viola, cello and contrabass) located at the end held by the player, to which the horsehair is attached.entertainment lifestyle music
DemonymsfrogEnglishnounRoad. Shorter, more common form of frog and toad.Cockney slang
DemonymsfrogEnglishnounThe depression in the upper face of a pressed or handmade clay brick.
DemonymsfrogEnglishnounAn organ on the bottom of a horse’s hoof that assists in the circulation of blood.
DemonymsfrogEnglishnounThe part of a railway switch or turnout where the running-rails cross (from the resemblance to the frog in a horse’s hoof).rail-transport railways transport
DemonymsfrogEnglishnounA type of fishing lure that resembles a hobbies lifestyle
DemonymsfrogEnglishnounDefector: politician who switches to a different political party.government politicsMalaysia derogatory slang
DemonymsfrogEnglishverbTo hunt or trap frogs.
DemonymsfrogEnglishverbTo use a pronged plater to transfer (cells) to another plate.biology natural-sciencestransitive
DemonymsfrogEnglishverbTo spatchcock (a chicken).cooking food lifestyletransitive
DemonymsfrogEnglishverbTo lie sprawled out like a frog; sploot.intransitive
DemonymsfrogEnglishnounA French person.offensive
DemonymsfrogEnglishnounA French-speaking person from Quebec.Canada offensive
DemonymsfrogEnglishnounA leather or fabric loop used to attach a sword or bayonet, or its scabbard, to a waist or shoulder belt.
DemonymsfrogEnglishnounAn ornate fastener for clothing consisting of an oblong button (covered with netted thread), toggle, or knot, that fits through a loop.
DemonymsfrogEnglishnounA device used to secure stems in a floral arrangement, also called a flower frog or kenzan.
DemonymsfrogEnglishverbTo ornament or fasten a coat, etc. with frogs.
DemonymsfrogEnglishverbTo unravel part of (a knitted garment), either to correct a mistake or to reclaim the thread or yarn.transitive
DemonymsfrogEnglishverbTo have sex with; fuck.intransitive mildly slang transitive vulgar
DemonymspandinoSpanishadjof Pando (a department of Bolivia)relational
DemonymspandinoSpanishnounan inhabitant of the department of Pando, Boliviamasculine
DemonymssarchiseñoSpanishadjof Sarchí, Costa Ricarelational
DemonymssarchiseñoSpanishnounsomeone from Sarchí, Costa Ricamasculine
DemonymsΑνατολίτηςGreeknounAnatolian (a person, usually male, from Anatolia or of Anatolian ethnicity)
DemonymsΑνατολίτηςGreeknounOriental (a person, usually male, from the East)
DemonymsМакедонкаMacedoniannamea female given name, Makedonka, masculine equivalent Ма́кедон (Mákedon)
DemonymsМакедонкаMacedoniannounMacedonian (a woman from Macedonia)
DemonymsطرابلسيArabicnamea surname
DermatologyChinesecharacterwound; cut
DermatologyChinesecharactersore; skin ulcer; boil
Derogatory names for placesImperial ManilaEnglishnounMetro Manila and its surroundings, as generally described in the other provinces in the Philippines.Philippines derogatory
Derogatory names for placesImperial ManilaEnglishnounThe notion stating that the Philippine government largely imposes its power within Metro Manila and its surroundings, and ignoring the other regions.government politicsPhilippine derogatory
Diets飲食Chinesenounfood and drink
Diets飲食Chinesenoundiet; eating
Diets飲食Chineseverbto eat and drink
DiscriminationbiasEnglishnounInclination towards something.countable uncountable
DiscriminationbiasEnglishnounThe diagonal line between warp and weft in a woven manufacturing textilescountable
DiscriminationbiasEnglishnounA wedge-shaped piece of cloth taken out of a garment (such as the waist of a dress) to diminish its manufacturing textilescountable
DiscriminationbiasEnglishnounA voltage or current applied to an electronic device, such as a transistor electrode, to move its operating point to a desired part of its transfer electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable uncountable
DiscriminationbiasEnglishnounThe difference between the expectation of the sample estimator and the true population value, which reduces the representativeness of the estimator by systematically distorting it.mathematics sciences statisticscountable uncountable
DiscriminationbiasEnglishnounIn the games of crown green bowls and lawn bowls: a weight added to one side of a bowl so that as it rolls, it will follow a curved rather than a straight path; the oblique line followed by such a bowl; the lopsided shape or structure of such a bowl. In lawn bowls, the curved course is caused only by the shape of the bowl. The use of weights is prohibited.hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
DiscriminationbiasEnglishnounA person's favourite member of a K-pop band.countable uncountable
DiscriminationbiasEnglishverbTo place bias upon; to influence.transitive
DiscriminationbiasEnglishverbTo give a bias electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
DiscriminationbiasEnglishadjInclined to one side; swelled on one side.
DiscriminationbiasEnglishadjCut slanting or diagonally, as cloth.
DiscriminationbiasEnglishadvIn a slanting manner; crosswise; obliquely; diagonally.not-comparable
DiseasesယဲMonverbto be ill; to be sick.
DiseasesယဲMonnounillness; disease.
DiseasesယဲMonnounsymptom of disease.
Distilled beveragesbananówkaPolishnounbanana liqueurfeminine
Distilled beveragesbananówkaPolishnounbanana cake (a cake with bananas in it)colloquial feminine
Distilled beveragesbananówkaPolishnoungored skirtfeminine
Distilled beveragesbananówkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of banan, female equivalent of bananowiec (“nouveau riche, rich kid, spoiled kid”) (a young person who has rich parents and brags about it)derogatory feminine form-of slang
Distilled beveragesgrappaItaliannouna metal rod bent at the endsfeminine
Distilled beveragesgrappaItaliannounbrace (arrangement for producing tension)feminine
Distilled beveragesgrappaItaliannounSynonym of graffamedia publishing typographyfeminine
Distilled beveragesgrappaItaliannoungrappafeminine
Districts of ThailandดุสิตThainounTusita, the fourth of the six spheres of heaven, ruled by สันดุสิต.Buddhism Buddhist astronomy cosmology lifestyle natural-sciences religion
Districts of ThailandดุสิตThainouna class of divine beings that live in this sphere.Buddhism Buddhist astronomy cosmology lifestyle natural-sciences religion
Districts of ThailandดุสิตThainameDusit District, a district of Bangkok, the capital of Thailand.
Districts of ThailandดุสิตThainameDusit Palace, a compound of royal residences in Bangkok, Thailand.
Districts of ThailandดุสิตThainameDusit Maha Prasat Hall, a throne hall within the Grand Palace, Bangkok, Thailand.
Districts of ThailandดุสิตThainamea male given name from Pali; Dusit
Districts of Thailandองครักษ์Thainounbodyguard.formal
Districts of Thailandองครักษ์ThainameOngkharak (a district of Nakhon Nayok province, Thailand)
Divine epithetsשדיHebrewnameEpithet for God, often translated as Almighty
Divine epithetsשדיHebrewadjdemonic, mischievous, deceitful, malicious
DogscatellaLatinnouna little bitch, bitch puppy, female whelpdeclension-1 feminine
DogscatellaLatinnouna light or ornamental chaindeclension-1
DogslimmerEnglishnounA rogue; a low, base fellow.Scotland
DogslimmerEnglishnounA promiscuous woman.
DogslimmerEnglishnounA limehound; a leamer.
DogslimmerEnglishnounA mongrel, such as a cross between the mastiff and hound.
DogslimmerEnglishnounA manrope at the side of a ladder.nautical transport
DogslimmerEnglishadjLimber; flexible (either physically or morally).
DrinkingупиватьсяRussianverbto get drunk
DrinkingупиватьсяRussianverbto revel (in), to be intoxicated (by), to feast one's eyes (upon), to gloat (over)
DucksgarrotFrenchnoungarrot (small wooden cylinder)masculine
DucksgarrotFrenchnoungoldeneye (duck)masculine
DucksmacreuseFrenchnounflat iron steakfeminine
DuckstiróCatalannountyro, novice, apprenticemasculine
DuckstiróCatalannounnautical transportempty-gloss masculine no-gloss
DuckstiróCatalannouncry for calling domestic fowl, especially ducksin-plural masculine
Ducksचक्रवाकSanskritnounruddy shelduck
Ducksचक्रवाकSanskritnounthe चक्र bird (Anas casarca; the couples are supposed to be separated and to mourn during night)
Ducksचक्रवाकSanskritnounthe female of the चक्र bird (ruddy shelduck, Anas casarca)
Dutch cardinal numbersbiljoenDutchnouna trillion, 10¹²neuter
Dutch cardinal numbersbiljoenDutchnounbillion, 10⁹neuter rare
EarthèerdaCimbriannounground; soilSette-Comuni feminine
EarthèerdaCimbriannounEarthSette-Comuni feminine
EasterpabasaTagalognouninvitation to read; letting of something to be read
EasterpabasaTagalognounreading of the Passion during LentCatholicism Christianity literature media publishing
EducationscolaíIrishnounschoolman, scholasticmasculine
EducationscolaíIrishnounAlternative form of scoláirealt-of alternative masculine
EducationчетвртицаSerbo-Croatiannounfour (digit or figure)
EducationчетвртицаSerbo-Croatiannounanything numbered four (playing card, tram, bus, player with a jersey number 4 etc.)
EducationчетвртицаSerbo-Croatiannounthe school grade '4'
ElectromagnetismelectricityEnglishnounOriginally, a property of amber and certain other nonconducting substances to attract lightweight material when rubbed, or the cause of this property; now understood to be a phenomenon caused by the distribution and movement of charged subatomic particles and their interaction with the electromagnetic field.uncountable usually
ElectromagnetismelectricityEnglishnounThe study of electrical phenomena; the branch of science dealing with such phenomena.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsuncountable usually
ElectromagnetismelectricityEnglishnounA feeling of excitement; a thrill.uncountable usually
ElectromagnetismelectricityEnglishnounElectrical power, as supplied by power stations or generators.uncountable usually
ElectromagnetismelectricityEnglishnounThe supply of electricity, as a utility.businessattributive often uncountable usually
ElectromagnetismumemeSwahilinounlightningclass-11 class-12 class-14 no-plural
ElectromagnetismumemeSwahilinounelectricity (form of energy)class-11 class-12 class-14 informal no-plural
Elephantsహస్తినిTelugunounshe elephant
Elephantsహస్తినిTelugunounThe Hindu poets divide all beautiful women into four classes called (1) హస్తిని, (2) శంఖిని, (3) చిత్రిణి and (4) పద్మిని; which answer to Juno, Flora, Venus and Minerva, respectively: A woman of the stolid type.
EmotionsanoyMiddle Englishnounannoyance, irritation
EmotionsanoyMiddle Englishnounhardship, infliction
EmotionsanxietyEnglishnounAn unpleasant state of mental uneasiness, nervousness, apprehension and obsession or concern about some uncertain event.countable uncountable
EmotionsanxietyEnglishnounAn uneasy or distressing desire (for something).countable uncountable
EmotionsanxietyEnglishnounA state of restlessness and agitation, often accompanied by a distressing sense of oppression or tightness in the stomach.medicine pathology sciencescountable uncountable
EmotionsbedürftigGermanadjneedy, poor, indigent
EmotionsbedürftigGermanadjin need of
EmotionsenjoyEnglishverbTo receive pleasure or satisfaction from something.transitive
EmotionsenjoyEnglishverbTo have the use or benefit of something.transitive
EmotionsenjoyEnglishverbTo be satisfied or receive pleasure.India intransitive
EmotionsenjoyEnglishverbTo have sexual intercourse with.transitive
EmotionsenthusiasmEnglishnounIntensity of feeling; excited interest or eagerness.countable uncountable
EmotionsenthusiasmEnglishnounSomething in which one is keenly interested.countable uncountable
EmotionsenthusiasmEnglishnounPossession by a god; divine inspiration or frenzy.countable historical obsolete uncountable
Emotionspy'aOld Tupinounliver
Emotionspy'aOld Tupinounstomach
Emotionspy'aOld Tupinounheart (source of one's feelings and emotions)figuratively
Emotionspy'aOld Tupinounmind; brains (source of one's thoughts and awareness)figuratively
Emotionspy'aOld Tupinouncore; bowels (deepest or innermost part)figuratively
EmotionswoefulEnglishadjFull of woe; sorrowful; distressed with grief or calamity.
EmotionswoefulEnglishadjBringing calamity, distress, or affliction.
EmotionswoefulEnglishadjLamentable, deplorable.
EmotionswoefulEnglishadjWretched; paltry; poor.
EmotionsμελέδημαAncient Greeknouncare
EmotionsμελέδημαAncient Greeknounanxiety
Emotions慷慨Chineseadjimpassioned; vehement; fervent
Emotions慷慨Chineseadjforthright; expansive; frank and straightforward
Emotions慷慨Chineseadjgenerous; beneficent
Emotions慷慨Chineseverbto sigh (with regret); to lament; to exclaimClassical
Emotions𐌾𐌹𐌿𐌺𐌰Gothicnounstrife, quarrel, argument
English cardinal numberscentillionEnglishnum10³⁰³.
English cardinal numberscentillionEnglishnum10⁶⁰⁰.
English cardinal numberstrigintillionEnglishnum10⁹³.US rare
English cardinal numberstrigintillionEnglishnum10¹⁸⁰.rare
English ordinal numbersmillionthEnglishadjThe ordinal form of the number one million.not-comparable
English ordinal numbersmillionthEnglishnounThe person or thing in the millionth position.
English ordinal numbersmillionthEnglishnounOne of a million equal parts of a whole. Term ppm (parts per million) is also used.
English unisex given namesJaeEnglishnameA male given name
English unisex given namesJaeEnglishnameA female given name
English unisex given namesJaeEnglishnameAlternative spelling of Jayalt-of alternative
English unisex given namesJulianEnglishnameThe Roman emperor Flavius Claudius Julianus or Julian the Philosopher or Julian the Apostate.
English unisex given namesJulianEnglishnameA male given name from Latin Iulianus, from Iulius.
English unisex given namesJulianEnglishnameA female given name from Latin, of medieval English usage, variant of Gillian.
English unisex given namesJulianEnglishnameAn English surname originating as a patronymic.
English unisex given namesJulianEnglishnameA French surname originating as a patronymic, a variant of Julien.
English unisex given namesJulianEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / A village in Nebraska; named for early French settler Julian Bahuaud.
English unisex given namesJulianEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / A census-designated place in San Diego County, California; named for early settler Mike Julian.
English unisex given namesJulianEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / A census-designated place in Pennsylvania.
English unisex given namesJulianEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / An unincorporated community in Kansas.
English unisex given namesJulianEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / An unincorporated community in North Carolina.
English unisex given namesJulianEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / An unincorporated community in West Virginia; named for early landowner Julian Hill.
English unisex given namesJulianEnglishadjOf or relating to Julius Caesar.
English unisex given namesJulianEnglishadjOf or relating to the Julian calendar.
English unisex given namesJulianEnglishadjOf or relating to the Julia programming language.
EntomologyсибяTundra Nenetsadjlight (of weight)
EntomologyсибяTundra Nenetsnoundust
EntomologyсибяTundra Nenetsnounlarva
EquestrianismsporeMiddle EnglishnounA spur; a prod for horses at the back of one's shoes.
EquestrianismsporeMiddle EnglishnounA spur as a representation of knightly status.
EquestrianismsporeMiddle EnglishnounThe spike of the claws of a rooster (or other bird).
EquestrianismsporeMiddle EnglishnounA low support made of wood.rare
EquestrianismsporeMiddle EnglishnounA heraldic depiction of a spur.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsrare
EquestrianismsporeMiddle EnglishnounA track or rare
Ericales order plantsbalsamerCatalannounMomordica balsamina, also known as the balsam applemasculine
Ericales order plantsbalsamerCatalannoungarden balsammasculine
Ericales order plantshardy kiwiEnglishnounA perennial vine native to China, Japan, Korea and Siberia; Actinidia arguta.
Ericales order plantshardy kiwiEnglishnounAn edible fruit produced by the said plant, the taste and texture of which are similar to those of the kiwifruit.
Ericales order plantsبيلسانArabicnounCommiphora gen. et spp., syns. Balsamodendron, Balsamea
Ericales order plantsبيلسانArabicnounImpatiens gen. et spp.
Ericales order plantsبيلسانArabicnounSambucus nigra (black elder, tree and fruit)
Ericales order plantsبيلسانArabicnounMyroxylon, especially Myroxylon balsamum
EthnonymskatalánHungariannounCatalan (person)countable uncountable
EthnonymskatalánHungariannounCatalan (the language of Catalonia)countable uncountable
EthnonymsⲙⲏⲇⲟⲥCopticnounMede, person from Media.Bohairic Sahidic
EthnonymsⲙⲏⲇⲟⲥCopticadjMede.Bohairic Sahidic
EuropeЕвропаRussiannameEurope (a continent)
EuropeЕвропаRussiannameEuropa (princess abducted to Crete by Zeus in Greek mythology)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
EuropeЕвропаRussiannameEuropa (moon of Jupiter)astronomy natural-sciences
Extinct languagesvándaloSpanishnounvandalmasculine
Extinct languagesvándaloSpanishnounhooligan; lout; thug; yob, yobbo; punkmasculine
Extinct languagesvándaloSpanishnounVandalmasculine
Extinct languagesvándaloSpanishnounVandalic (language)masculine uncountable
EyeconoGaliciannounconegeometry mathematics sciencesmasculine
EyeconoGaliciannouncone (fruit of a conifer)masculine
EyeconoGaliciannouncone (structure in the retina)masculine
EyeconoGaliciannounAlternative form of cona falt-of alternative masculine
EyeconoGalicianintjAlternative form of cona falt-of alternative
FabricsplucheDutchnounthe velvety fabric plushneuter
FabricsplucheDutchnounthe plush, i.e. cosy, luxurious, seats of power, hence: (being in) office, governing majoritymetonymically neuter
FabricszerówkaPolishnounreception classeducationcolloquial feminine
FabricszerówkaPolishnounartificial fabric imitating woolcolloquial feminine
FabricszerówkaPolishnounzero term exameducationcolloquial feminine
FabricsچاماشیرOttoman Turkishnoununderwear
FabricsچاماشیرOttoman Turkishnounlinen
FabricsچاماشیرOttoman Turkishnounlaundry
FaceawọnYorubanounsomething or someone that is expensive
FaceawọnYorubaparticlePrecedes a noun to mark it as plural.
FaceawọnYorubapronthey (emphatic third-person plural personal pronoun)
FaceawọnYorubapronhe, she, they (emphatic honorific third-person singular personal pronoun)
FacebráOld Norsenouneyelashfeminine
FacebráOld Norseverbfirst/third-person singular past active indicative of bregðaactive first-person form-of indicative past singular third-person
FacechekeMiddle Englishnounjaw, jawbone
FacechekeMiddle Englishnouncheek (side of face)
FacechekeMiddle Englishnounfauces (opening of the mouth)
FacechekeMiddle Englishnounsidefiguratively rare
FacechekeMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of chokenalt-of alternative
FamilyTRAEnglishnameInitialism of Tanzania Revenue Authority.abbreviation alt-of initialism
FamilyTRAEnglishnounInitialism of transracial adoption.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
FamilyTRAEnglishnounInitialism of transracial adoptee.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
FamilyTRAEnglishnounInitialism of tenants and residents association.UK abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
FamilyTRAEnglishnounInitialism of twins reared apart.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
FamilyTRAEnglishnounInitialism of trans rights activist.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
FamilyTRAEnglishnounInitialism of tax receivable agreement.businessabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
FamilydayıTurkishnounmaternal uncle, one's mother's brother
FamilydayıTurkishnounmacho, a man exhibiting extreme behaviour or mannerisms considered typical of a maleinformal
FamilydayıTurkishadjgood, nicedialectal
FamilyfamiliaSwahilinounfamilyclass-10 class-9
FamilyfamiliaSwahilinounfamilybiology natural-sciences taxonomyclass-10 class-9
FamilyկինOld Armeniannounwoman
FamilyկինOld Armeniannounwife, spouse
Familyപേരമ്മMalayalamnounThe elder sister of one’s parent
Familyപേരമ്മMalayalamnounThe wife of elder brother of one's father
Familyപേരമ്മMalayalamnounThe elder sister of one’s mother
Family membersóIrishnoungrandson, grandchildarchaic masculine
Family membersóIrishnoundescendantarchaic masculine
Family membersóIrishprepof, from (indicating origin)triggers-lenition with-dative
Family membersóIrishprepsincetriggers-lenition with-dative
Family membersóIrishprepused in conjunction with the verb bí to indicate need/wanttriggers-lenition with-dative
Family membersóIrishconjsince (temporal)triggers-lenition
Family membersóIrishconjaftertriggers-lenition
Family membersóIrishconjfrom the time whentriggers-lenition
Family membersóIrishconjoncetriggers-lenition
Family membersóIrishconjsince (causal), inasmuch astriggers-lenition
Family membersóIrishintjoh
Family membersóIrishparticleO (vocative particle)
Family membersóIrishcharacterThe letter o with an acute accent, known as ó fada (literally “long o”).letter
Family membersóIrishnounThe name of the Latin-script letter o/O.
Family membersóIrishprep-wards: Only used in ó thuaidh and ó dheastriggers-lenition with-dative
Fan fictionslashficEnglishnounA work in the genre of slash fiction.lifestylecountable slang
Fan fictionslashficEnglishnounShort for slash fiction, a genre of fan fiction.abbreviation alt-of uncountable
Fans (people)TrumpistEnglishadjPertaining to or resembling characteristics of Trumpism. Synonym of Trumpian.government politicsnot-comparable
Fans (people)TrumpistEnglishnounAn admirer or fan of Donald Trump.government politicsUS
Fans (people)TrumpistEnglishnounA person exhibiting characteristics of Trumpism.government politics
Fans (people)futrzakPolishnounrug or bedspread made from fur clippingsanimal-not-person masculine
Fans (people)futrzakPolishnountoy made of furanimal-not-person masculine
Fans (people)futrzakPolishnouncritter, pet (animal covered with thick fur)animal-not-person colloquial endearing masculine
Fans (people)futrzakPolishnounsulawesi soft-furred ratanimal-not-person masculine
Fans (people)futrzakPolishnounfurry (anthropomorphic animal character)animal-not-person masculine
Fans (people)futrzakPolishnounfurry (member of the furry fandom)animal-not-person masculine
FascismусташаSerbo-Croatiannounrebel, renegadehistorical literary
FascismусташаSerbo-Croatiannouna member of the Ustashe movement (Croatian fascist movement which ruled in Croatia during World War II)
FascismусташаSerbo-Croatiannouna Croatian far-right sympathizer (nationalist, chauvinist or fascist)colloquial derogatory
FascismусташаSerbo-Croatiannouna Croat or a person of Croatian descentbroadly derogatory ethnic slur
FastenerspinEnglishnounA needle without an eye (usually) made of drawn-out steel wire with one end sharpened and the other flattened or rounded into a head, used for fastening.
FastenerspinEnglishnounA small nail with a head and a sharp point.
FastenerspinEnglishnounA cylinder often of wood or metal used to fasten or as a bearing between two parts.
FastenerspinEnglishnounThe victory condition of holding the opponent's shoulders on the wrestling mat for a prescribed period of time.government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics professional-wrestling sports war wrestling
FastenerspinEnglishnounA slender object specially designed for use in a specific game or sport, such as skittles or bowling.
FastenerspinEnglishnounA informal
FastenerspinEnglishnounAny of the individual connecting elements of a multipole electrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
FastenerspinEnglishnounA piece of jewellery that is attached to clothing with a pin.
FastenerspinEnglishnounA simple accessory that can be attached to clothing with a pin or fastener, often round and bearing a design, logo or message, and used for decoration, identification or to show political affiliation, etc.US
FastenerspinEnglishnounEither a scenario in which moving a lesser piece to escape from attack would expose a more valuable piece to being taken instead, or one where moving a piece is impossible as it would place the king in check.board-games chess games
FastenerspinEnglishnounThe flagstick: the flag-bearing pole which marks the location of a holegolf hobbies lifestyle sports
FastenerspinEnglishnounThe spot at the exact centre of the house (the target area)ball-games curling games hobbies lifestyle sports
FastenerspinEnglishnounThe spot at the exact centre of the target, originally a literal pin that fastened the target in place.archery government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war
FastenerspinEnglishnounA mood, a state of being.obsolete
FastenerspinEnglishnounOne of a row of pegs in the side of an ancient drinking cup to mark how much each person should drink.
FastenerspinEnglishnounCaligo.medicine sciencesobsolete
FastenerspinEnglishnounA thing of small value; a trifle.
FastenerspinEnglishnounA peg in musical instruments for increasing or relaxing the tension of the strings.
FastenerspinEnglishnounA short shaft, sometimes forming a bolt, a part of which serves as a natural-sciences physical-sciences
FastenerspinEnglishnounThe tenon of a dovetail joint.
FastenerspinEnglishnounA size of brewery cask, equal to half a firkin, or eighth of a barrel.beverages brewing business food lifestyle manufacturingUK
FastenerspinEnglishnounA pinball machine.informal
FastenerspinEnglishnounA small cylindrical object which blocks the rotation of a pin-tumbler lock when the incorrect key is inserted.
FastenerspinEnglishnounAn injection of PEDs.bodybuilding hobbies lifestyle sportsslang
FastenerspinEnglishverbTo fasten or attach (something) with a pin.often
FastenerspinEnglishverbTo cause (a piece) to be in a pin.board-games chess games
FastenerspinEnglishverbTo pin down (someone).government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war wrestling
FastenerspinEnglishverbTo enclose; to confine; to pen; to pound.
FastenerspinEnglishverbTo attach (an icon, application, message etc.) to another item so that it persists.computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
FastenerspinEnglishverbTo fix (an array in memory, a security certificate, etc.) so that it cannot be modified.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencestransitive
FastenerspinEnglishverbTo cause an analog gauge to reach the stop pin at the high end of the range.transitive
FastenerspinEnglishverbTo inject for performance enhancement.bodybuilding hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive slang transitive
FastenerspinEnglishverbAlternative form of peenalt-of alternative
FastenersܣܟܬܐClassical Syriacnounpin, peg, pole
FastenersܣܟܬܐClassical Syriacnounnail, stake
FastenersܣܟܬܐClassical Syriacnounwedge
FastenersܣܟܬܐClassical Syriacnounsplinter
FastenersܣܟܬܐClassical Syriacnounploughshare
FastenersܣܟܬܐClassical Syriacnounwartmedicine pathology sciences
FelidsनाहरHindinountiger, lion
FelidsनाहरHindinounflower of Butea monosperma
FemalesirenEnglishnounOne of a group of nymphs who lured mariners to their death on the rocks.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
FemalesirenEnglishnounOne who sings sweetly and charms.
FemalesirenEnglishnounA dangerously seductive woman.
FemalesirenEnglishnounA member of Sirenia, an order of mammals.
FemalesirenEnglishnounA member of a genus of aquatic salamanders of the family Sirenidae, commonly used for all species in the family Sirenidae.
FemalesirenEnglishnounAny of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Hestina.
FemalesirenEnglishnounA device, either mechanical or electronic, that makes a piercingly loud sound as an alarm or signal, or the sound from such a device (first recorded 1879).
FemalesirenEnglishnounA musical instrument, one of the few aerophones in the percussion section of the symphony orchestra (patented as Acme Siren in 1895).entertainment lifestyle music
FemalesirenEnglishnounAn instrument for demonstrating the laws of beats and combination tones.
FemalesirenEnglishnounAn astrophysical event that can be used for calculating cosmic distances.astronomy astrophysics natural-sciences
FemalesirenEnglishverbTo make a noise with, or as if with, a siren.intransitive
FemalesirenEnglishverbTo drive with a siren on.intransitive
FemalesirenEnglishadjRelating to or like a siren.
Femaleనిర్వాహకురాలుTelugunouna female administrator.
Female animalsdeleAlbaniannounsheepfeminine
Female animalsdeleAlbaniannounewefeminine
Female animalsmotDutchnounbutterfly-like insect: moth (usually nocturnal insect of the order Lepidoptera)feminine
Female animalsmotDutchnouna slap, a blow, a hit (physical aggression with hands or fists)feminine
Female animalsmotDutchnouna quarrel, tiffbroadly feminine
Female animalsmotDutchnouna female pig; a sowfeminine
Female animalsmotDutchnouna lewd womanbroadly feminine
Female animalsmotDutchnounlight rain; drizzlefeminine
Female animalsధేనుకTelugunounmilch cow
Female animalsధేనుకTelugunamethe name of a raga in Carnatic musicentertainment lifestyle music
Female family memberstamāhineMaorinoundaughter
Female family memberstamāhineMaorinoungirl
Female family memberstamāhineMaoriadjgirlish
Female family membersнӣййтKildin Saminoundaughter
Female family membersнӣййтKildin Saminoungirl
Female family membersدخترPersiannoundaughter
Female family membersدخترPersiannoungirl, gal, lass, maid
Female peoplechytruskaPolishnounfemale equivalent of chytrus (“cunning, deceitful person”)colloquial derogatory feminine form-of
Female peoplechytruskaPolishnounfemale equivalent of chytrus (“greedy, miserly person”)colloquial derogatory feminine form-of
Female peoplechytruskaPolishnoungenitive singular of chytrusekanimal-not-person form-of genitive masculine singular
Female peopleodtwórczyniPolishnounfemale equivalent of odtwórca (“reproducer, recreator”)feminine form-of
Female peopleodtwórczyniPolishnounfemale equivalent of odtwórca (“performer, player, actor”)feminine form-of
Female peoplepejzażystkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of pejzażysta (“landscaper”)feminine form-of
Female peoplepejzażystkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of pejzażysta (“writer who describes nature”)feminine form-of literary
Female peoplepięknośćPolishnounbeauty (beautiful woman)countable feminine
Female peoplepięknośćPolishnounbeauty (quality of pleasing appearance)feminine uncountable
Female peopleslutteMiddle EnglishnounA slovenly, untidy, or dirty woman.
Female peopleslutteMiddle EnglishnounA morally loose woman.
Female peoplevaginoidEnglishnounA surgically-constructed vagina created in male-to-female sexual reassignment surgery.medicine sciences
Female peoplevaginoidEnglishadjResembling a vagina.not-comparable rare
Female peoplevaginoidEnglishnounOne who possesses a vagina; a female.derogatory rare slang
Female people女性Japanesenouna woman (adult female person)
Female people女性Japanesenounthe feminine genderbiology grammar human-sciences linguistics natural-sciences sciences
Female people女性Japanesenouna womandated rare
FeudalismtumawCebuanoverbto emerge
FeudalismtumawCebuanoverbto turn up; to show up; to appear sudenly or unexpectedly
FeudalismtumawCebuanonounthe nobility; the descendants of a datuhistorical
Fictiondeus ex machinaEnglishnounAny resolution to a story that does not pay due regard to the story's internal logic and that is so unlikely that it challenges suspension of disbelief, and presumably allows the author, director, or developer to end the story in the way that they desired.authorship broadcasting communications film journalism literature media publishing television writing
Fictiondeus ex machinaEnglishnounA contrived solution to a problem, relying on an agent external to the situation.broadly
Fictiondeus ex machinaEnglishnounA deity in Greek and Roman drama who was brought in by stage machinery to intervene in a difficult situation (i.e., to resolve a crisis, or untangle issues surrounding it, a character logically expected to do so).historical literary
Fictiondeus ex machinaEnglishnounA machine used to bring an actor playing a god onto the stage, either up through a trapdoor or (e.g. by crane) from above.historical
Fictional locationsStepfordEnglishnameA surname.countable uncountable
Fictional locationsStepfordEnglishnameA place namecountable uncountable
Fictional locationsStepfordEnglishnameA place name: / A locality in Dumfries and Galloway council area, Scotland (OS grid ref NX8681).countable uncountable
Fictional locationsStepfordEnglishadjDocile, unthinking and conformist.not-comparable
Fictional locationsStepfordEnglishadjAttractive but lacking any character.not-comparable
FinanceargentariusLatinnounbanker, money changerdeclension-2
FinanceargentariusLatinadjsilvernadjective declension-1 declension-2
FinanceargentariusLatinadjmonetaryadjective declension-1 declension-2
FinanceargentariusLatinadjfinancialadjective declension-1 declension-2
FinanceargentariusLatinadjbankingadjective declension-1 declension-2 relational
Finance押款Chineseverbto borrow money on security
Finance押款Chineseverbto send money under escort; to transport funds
Finance押款Chinesenounsecured loan
Finance押款Chinesenounadvance payment; advance
Finnish diminutives of male given namesJussiFinnishnamea male given name, and a common diminutive form of names related to Johannes
Finnish diminutives of male given namesJussiFinnishnameThe letter J in the Finnish spelling alphabet.
Finnish diminutives of male given namesJussiFinnishnamea Finnish surname transferred from the given name
FireincineradorCatalanadjrelative to incineration, or used to incinerate
Fire猛火Japanesenounraging fire; inferno
Fire猛火Japanesenounraging fire; inferno
FirearmsAKEnglishnameAbbreviation of Alaska, A state of the United States.US abbreviation alt-of
FirearmsAKEnglishnounan AK-47, AK-74, or related assault rifle (Avtomat Kalasnikova or Kalashnikov)
FirearmsAKEnglishnounAny assault rifle or machine gun.broadly nonstandard slang
FirearmsChicago pianoEnglishnounThe Thompson submachine gun.slang
FirearmsChicago pianoEnglishnoun1.1-inch anti-aircraft gun.slang
FirearmsChicago pianoEnglishnounMultiple 2-pdr pom pom anti-aircraft gun.slang
FirearmssputafuocoItaliannounfirebreatherby-personal-gender feminine invariable masculine
FirearmssputafuocoItaliannounfirearmfeminine informal invariable
FirearmssputafuocoItalianadjfirebreathinginvariable relational
FisheqalukGreenlandicnounsea trout
FisheqalukGreenlandicnounArctic char (Salvelinus alpinus)
FishgreusaicheScottish Gaelicnounshoemakermasculine
FishgreusaicheScottish Gaelicnouncobblerfish, frogfish, lumpfish, chub, bullhead, miller's thumb, sea devil, angler fishmasculine
FishingbaitEnglishnounAny substance, especially food, used in catching fish, or other animals, by alluring them to a hook, snare, trap, or net.countable uncountable
FishingbaitEnglishnounFood containing poison or a harmful additive to kill animals that are pests.countable uncountable
FishingbaitEnglishnounAnything which allures; something used to lure or entice someone or something into doing somethingcountable uncountable
FishingbaitEnglishnounAnything which allures; something used to lure or entice someone or something into doing something / Something that lures or entices a specified groupcountable uncountable
FishingbaitEnglishnounA portion of food or drink, as a refreshment taken on a journey; also, a stop for rest and refreshment. / A packed lunch - the bite to eat a worker took with them to eatDurham Geordie countable uncountable
FishingbaitEnglishnounA portion of food or drink, as a refreshment taken on a journey; also, a stop for rest and refreshment. / A small meal taken mid-morning while farming.East-Anglia countable uncountable
FishingbaitEnglishnounA portion of food or drink, as a refreshment taken on a journey; also, a stop for rest and refreshment. / A miner's packed meal.Northern-England countable uncountable
FishingbaitEnglishnounA portion of food or drink, as a refreshment taken on a journey; also, a stop for rest and refreshment. / A light or hasty luncheon.countable uncountable
FishingbaitEnglishnounA portion of food or drink, as a refreshment taken on a journey; also, a stop for rest and refreshment.countable uncountable
FishingbaitEnglishnounA post intended to get a rise out of others.Internet countable uncountable
FishingbaitEnglishverbTo attract with bait; to entice.transitive
FishingbaitEnglishverbTo affix bait to a trap or a fishing hook or fishing line.transitive
FishingbaitEnglishverbTo lay baits in an environment to control pest species.transitive
FishingbaitEnglishverbTo target a pest species by laying baits.transitive
FishingbaitEnglishverbTo set dogs on (an animal etc.) to bite or worry; to attack with dogs, especially for sport.transitive
FishingbaitEnglishverbTo intentionally annoy, torment, or threaten by constant rebukes or threats; to harass.transitive
FishingbaitEnglishverbTo feed and water (a horse or other animal), especially during a journey.archaic transitive
FishingbaitEnglishverb(of a horse or other animal) To take food, especially during a journey.intransitive
FishingbaitEnglishverb(of a person) To stop to take a portion of food and drink for refreshment during a journey.intransitive
FishingbaitEnglishverbTo flap the wings; to flutter as if to fly; or to hover, as a hawk when she stoops to her prey.intransitive obsolete
FishingbaitEnglishadjObvious; blatant.Multicultural-London-English
FishingbaitEnglishadjWell-known; famous; renowned.Multicultural-London-English
Flags五色旗Chinesenamea flag of five color
Flags五色旗Chinesenamethe first national flag of the Republic of China (1912–1928)historical
FleasپیرهOttoman Turkishnounflea, any small, parasitic insect in the order Siphonaptera
FleasپیرهOttoman Turkishnounaphid, any sap-sucking insect in the superfamily Aphidoidea
FlowershoaVietnamesenouna flower
FlowershoaVietnameseadjcapital, upper case
FlowershoaVietnamesenouna suitcard-games games
Food and drinkcook upEnglishverbTo prepare (food or chemical substances) by cooking or heating.transitive
Food and drinkcook upEnglishverbTo manufacture; to invent (something, often a deceit or falsehood); to counterfeit (something).figuratively transitive
Food and drinkcook upEnglishverbTo prepare (heroin, opium, crack, or meth) by heating or otherwise manufacturing.slang
Food and drinkcook upEnglishverbTo manufacture a significant amount of illegal drugs (LSD, methamphetamine, etc.).slang
Food and drinkcook upEnglishverbUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see cook, up.
Food and drinkmessenMiddle EnglishverbTo hold Mass (the service) or the Eucharist (the sacrament)
Food and drinkmessenMiddle EnglishverbTo deliver food to a table; to serve up food.
Food and drinkmessenMiddle Englishnounplural of masse (“mass”)form-of plural
Food and drinkпоестьRussianverbto eat, to have a bite (of something to eat), to try (eat)
Food and drinkпоестьRussianverbto devour
Food and drinkงวงThainounelephant's trunk.
Food and drinkงวงThainounblossom or spadix of the coconut or betel palm.
Food and drinkงวงThainounturkey.
FoodssałamachaPolishnounporridge cooked in water into a mashfeminine obsolete
FoodssałamachaPolishnounhodgepodge, melange, mishmashLviv feminine
FoodstrinxatCatalanadjsliced, diced, minced
FoodstrinxatCatalanadjper bendgovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
FoodstrinxatCatalannouna Catalan dish of cabbage, potato and pork, resembling bubble and squeakmasculine
FoodstrinxatCatalanverbpast participle of trinxarform-of participle past
Foods牛河Chinesenounbeef chow fun (Cantonese dish made from stir-frying beef and hor fun)
Foods牛河Chineseverbto go for a ride (especially a bus ride)Cantonese Hong-Kong humorous
Football (American)amerískur fótboltiIcelandicnounAmerican footballmasculine uncountable
Football (American)amerískur fótboltiIcelandicnounthe ball used to play American footballcountable masculine
FootwearbabyskoDanishnounA small shoe meant to be worn by infants.common-gender
FootwearbabyskoDanishnounindefinite plural of babyskocommon-gender form-of indefinite plural
FootwearbutPolishnounshoe (protective covering for the foot, with a bottom part composed of thick leather or plastic sole and often a thicker heel, and a softer upper part made of leather or synthetic material)inanimate masculine
FootwearbutPolishnounboot (heavy shoe that covers part of the leg)inanimate masculine
Forests樹林Japanesenouna forest; woods
Forests樹林JapanesenameShulin, a district in New Taipei City, Taiwan
Forests樹林Japanesenamea surname
Forms of governmentrepublicăRomaniannounrepublicfeminine
Forms of governmentrepublicăRomanianverbinflection of republica: / third-person singular/plural present indicativeform-of indicative plural present singular third-person
Forms of governmentrepublicăRomanianverbinflection of republica: / third-person singular simple perfect indicativeform-of
Forms of governmentrepublicăRomanianverbinflection of republica: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Forms of governmentrepublicăRomanianverbinflection of republicaform-of
FourquadrupletEnglishnounA set of four, particularly / A tuplet of four notes.entertainment lifestyle music
FourquadrupletEnglishnounA set of four, particularly / A sequence of four elements.
FourquadrupletEnglishnounOne of a group of four, particularly one of four babies born from the same mother during the same birth.
FourquadrupletEnglishnounA cycle for carrying four riders, arranged so that all the riders can assist in the propulsion.
Foxesliška obecnáCzechnounred fox, Vulpes vulpes, a species within the family Canidaefeminine
Foxesliška obecnáCzechnoungolden chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius), a species of fungi in the family Cantharellaceaefeminine
FruitsffrwythWelshnounfruitmasculine not-mutable
FruitsffrwythWelshnounvigourmasculine not-mutable
FruitsffrwythWelshnouneffectmasculine not-mutable
FruitsjapaninmispeliFinnishnounloquat, Eriobotrya japonicabiology botany natural-sciences
FruitsjapaninmispeliFinnishnounthe fruit of that tree
FruitskuloCebuanonouna breadfruit tree (Artocarpus altilis)
FruitskuloCebuanonounthe fruit of this tree
FruitsnhãnVietnamesenounlabel, trademark
FruitsromãPortugueseadjfeminine singular of romãofeminine form-of singular
FruitsromãPortuguesenounfemale equivalent of romãofeminine form-of
FruitsromãPortuguesenounpomegranate (fruit)feminine
FruitstomatoEsperantonountomato (fruit)
FruitstomatoEsperantonountomato plant (Solanum lycopersicum)
FruitsтријешњаSerbo-Croatiannouncherry (fruit and tree)feminine
FruitsтријешњаSerbo-Croatiannounshaking, tremblingfeminine
FruitsדקלHebrewnounpalm tree
FruitsדקלHebrewnoundate (fruit)
FruitsדקלHebrewnoundachshund (a breed of dogs)
FruitsआंवलाHindinounamla, Malacca tree; Phyllanthus emblica
FruitsआंवलाHindinounthe amla fruit, Indian gooseberry
FruitsਅੰਜੀਰPunjabinounfig tree
FungikozákSlovaknounfungus belonging to the genera Leccinum, Leccinelluminanimate masculine
FungikozákSlovaknounCossackanimate historical masculine
FungikozákSlovaknounbrave, experienced mananimate masculine
FurniturebureauEnglishnounAn administrative unit of government; office.
FurniturebureauEnglishnounAn organization or office for collecting or providing information or news.
FurniturebureauEnglishnounAn office (room where clerical or professional duties are performed).
FurniturebureauEnglishnounA desk, usually with a cover and compartments that are located above the level of the writing surface rather than underneath, and often used for storing papers.British
FurniturebureauEnglishnounA chest of drawers for clothes.US
FurniturekolebkaPolishnouncradle (rocking bed for a baby)dated feminine
FurniturekolebkaPolishnouncradle, wellspring, originfeminine figuratively
FurniturerockerEnglishnounA curved piece of wood attached to the bottom of a rocking chair or cradle that enables it to rock back and forth.
FurniturerockerEnglishnounA rocking chair.
FurniturerockerEnglishnounThe lengthwise curvature of a surfboard. (More rocker is a more curved board.)hobbies lifestyle sports surfing
FurniturerockerEnglishnounThe breve below as in ḫ.
FurniturerockerEnglishnounSomeone passionate about rock music.
FurniturerockerEnglishnounA musician who plays rock music.
FurniturerockerEnglishnounA rock music song.informal
FurniturerockerEnglishnounOne who rocks something.
FurniturerockerEnglishnounA member of a British subculture of the 1960s, opposed to the mods, who dressed in black leather and were interested in 1950s music.UK
FurniturerockerEnglishnounAny implement or machine working with a rocking motion, such as a trough mounted on rockers for separating gold dust from gravel, etc., by agitation in water.
FurniturerockerEnglishnounA tool with small teeth that roughens a metal plate to produce tonality in mezzotints.
FurniturerockerEnglishnounA rocking horse.
FurniturerockerEnglishnounA rocker board.
FurniturerockerEnglishnounA skate with a curved blade, somewhat resembling in shape the rocker of a cradle.
FurniturerockerEnglishnounA kind of electrical switch with a spring-loaded actuator.
FurniturerockerEnglishnounA rock natural-sciences physical-sciences
FurniturerockerEnglishnounA curved line accompanying the chevrons that denote rank, qualifying the rank with a grade.government military politics war
GaitsscootEnglishnounA dollar.slang
GaitsscootEnglishnouna scooter.slang
GaitsscootEnglishnounA sideways shuffling or sliding motion.
GaitsscootEnglishverbTo walk or travel fast; to go quickly.intransitive
GaitsscootEnglishverbTo run away hastily; scram.intransitive
GaitsscootEnglishverbTo ride on a scooter.intransitive
GaitsscootEnglishverbTo move with the forelegs while sitting, so that the floor rubs against its rear end.
GaitsscootEnglishverbTo move sideways (especially along a seat for multiple people), usually to make room for someone else (to sit, stand, etc.).intransitive often
GaitsscootEnglishverbTo dispatch someone or something at speed; Synonym of shoo.transitive
GaitsscootEnglishverbTo squirt.Scotland transitive
GaitsscootEnglishnounA sudden flow of water; a squirt.Scotland
GamespilietMarshallesenounpool (game)
GamespilietMarshalleseverbto play billiards
GamespilietMarshalleseverbto play pool
GenitaliajockEnglishnounA common man.archaic slang
GenitaliajockEnglishnounA Scotsman.British Ireland derogatory slang
GenitaliajockEnglishnounA jockey.informal
GenitaliajockEnglishnounThe penis.dated rare slang
GenitaliajockEnglishnounAn athletic supporter worn by men to support the genitals especially during sports.
GenitaliajockEnglishnounA young male athlete (through college age).US slang
GenitaliajockEnglishnounAn enthusiastic athlete or sports fan, especially one with few other interests, often stereotyped as slow-witted person of large size and great physical strength.US derogatory slang
GenitaliajockEnglishnounA disc jockey.slang
GenitaliajockEnglishnounA specialist computer programmer.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesUS dated in-compounds slang
GenitaliajockEnglishverbTo masturbate.slang
GenitaliajockEnglishverbTo humiliate.slang
GenitaliajockEnglishverbTo steal.slang
GenitaliajockEnglishnounFood; meals.Yorkshire dialectal uncountable
GenitaliamyszkaPolishnoundiminutive of myszdiminutive feminine form-of
GenitaliamyszkaPolishnounmouse (computing: input device)computer-hardware computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesfeminine
GenitaliamyszkaPolishnounfemale genitalia; pussyendearing feminine slang
Geographyááksi'ksaahkoBlackfootnounbank, embankmentinanimate
Geospatial scienceGISEnglishnounInitialism of gas injection system.automotive transport vehiclesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Geospatial scienceGISEnglishnounInitialism of geographic information science.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Geospatial scienceGISEnglishnounInitialism of geographic information system (“computer-based system to analyse and present spatial data”).computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Germanic tribesAlemanniEnglishnounA group of Germanic peoples living between the Rhine, Main, and Danube Rivers from the third to the sixth century.plural plural-only
Germanic tribesAlemanniEnglishnounThose individuals descended from one of the Alemanni tribes.plural plural-only
Germanic tribesAlemanniEnglishadjOf or related to the Alemanni peoples.not-comparable
Germanic tribesAlemanniEnglishadjOf or related to the Alemannic language or dialects.not-comparable
Germanic tribesThuringianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Thuringia or its people
Germanic tribesThuringianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Thuringia.
Germanic tribesThuringianEnglishnounA member of an ancient Germanic tribe inhabiting central Germany.historical
GermanydeutschGermanadjGerman (of or pertaining to the German people)relational
GermanydeutschGermanadjGerman (of or pertaining to Germany)relational
GermanydeutschGermanadjGerman (of or pertaining to the German language)relational
GhostsกุมารThainounboy: male child.formal
GhostsกุมารThainoun(พระ, พระราช, ราช~) son, especially one who is still a boy.
GhostsกุมารThainounchild ghost servant, created by surgically removing an unborn baby from the womb of its mother, roasting the baby until its body dries during a rite held at a graveyard, and covering the dry-roasted corpse with gold leaf. The corpse is carried by someone who believes that the ghost dwelling in it may be employed.slang
GhostsกุมารThainounany child ghost or spirit.slang
Ginger family plantsduwawCebuanonounturmeric (Curcuma longa); an Indian plant with aromatic rhizomes
Ginger family plantsduwawCebuanonounthe pulverized rhizome of the turmeric plant, used for stimulation, flavoring and to add a bright yellow color to food
Ginger family plantsduwawCebuanonounthe color of turmeric
Ginger family plantsduwawCebuanoadjof the colour turmeric
GlassblowinggomółkaPolishnounlump, clumpfeminine
GlassblowinggomółkaPolishnouncrown glass (early type of window glass)feminine
GlassblowinggomółkaPolishnounvariety of quark (dairy product)feminine
GoatsakẹYorubanounnanny goat, a large matured goat
GoatsakẹYorubanounseagull, specifically the Grey-headed gull
GoatsakẹYorubanounrope for tying rafters
GoatsgoayrManxnoungoatfeminine masculine
GoatsgoayrManxnounscadfeminine masculine
GoatsgoayrManxnounstoogefeminine masculine
GodJehovahEnglishnameThe personal name of God in the Hebrew Scriptures; in Hebrew, יהוה (YHVH)lifestyle religion
GodJehovahEnglishnounA Jehovah's Witness.informal
GodיהHebrewnameJah, one of the names of God and a common theophoric element in Hebrew names.
GodיהHebrewnounAlternative form of טו ("fifteen"), usually avoided owing to its homonymy with the holy name Jah.alt-of alternative
GodsFreyaEnglishnameAlternative form of Freyjaalt-of alternative
GodsFreyaEnglishnameA female given name from Old Norse of mostly British usage.
GovernmentCoupGermannouncoup (quick, brilliant, successful act)masculine strong
GovernmentCoupGermannouncoup d'étatliterary masculine strong
GovernmentaireachtIrishnounAlternative form of oireacht (“deliberative assembly of freemen; assembled freemen; assembly, gathering; patrimony, territory”)alt-of alternative masculine
GovernmentเสนาบดีThainounmilitary commander.archaic
GovernmentเสนาบดีThainouncabinet minister.archaic
GovernmentเสนาบดีThainounsenior public officer; high-ranking public officer.archaic
Government太史ChinesenounCourt Astronomerhistorical
Government太史ChinesenounImperial Historianhistorical
Government太史Chinesenamea surname
GrainshaverEnglishverbTo hem and haw.British
GrainshaverEnglishverbTo talk foolishly; to chatter.Scotland
GrainshaverEnglishnounOats (the cereal).Scotland UK dialectal
GrainshaverEnglishnounOne who has something (in various senses).
GrainshaverEnglishnounThe person who has custody of a document.lawScotland
GrainshaverEnglishnounAlternative form of chaveralt-of alternative
GrammarcwideOld Englishnounsayingmasculine
GrammarcwideOld Englishnounsentencemasculine
GrammarChinesecharacterword; term (Classifier: 組/组 m; 個/个)
GrammarChinesecharacterphrase; expression; speech; statement; lyrics
GrammarChinesecharacterci; a form of poetry originating in the Tang dynasty and flourishing during the Song dynasty (Classifier: 首 m)literature media publishing
GrammarChinesecharacterfunction word; particlehuman-sciences lexicography lexicology linguistics sciencesobsolete traditional
GrammarChinesecharacterAlternative form of 辭/辞 (cí, “to depart”)alt-of alternative obsolete
GrassescadilloSpanishnounany of certain species of plants / greater burdock (Arctium lappa)masculine
GrassescadilloSpanishnounany of certain species of plants / beggarticks (Bidens pilosa)masculine
GrassescadilloSpanishnounany of certain species of plants / carrot bur parsley (Caucalis platycarpos)masculine
GrassescadilloSpanishnounany of certain species of plants / wild teasel (Dipsacus fullonum)masculine
GrassescadilloSpanishnounany of certain species of plants / catchweed (Galium aparine)masculine
GrassescadilloSpanishnounany of certain species of plants / corn buttercup (Ranunculus arvensis)masculine
GrassescadilloSpanishnounany of certain species of plants / southern sandbur (Cenchrus echinatus)masculine
GrassescadilloSpanishnounany of certain species of plants / puncture vine (Tribulus terrestris)masculine
GrassescadilloSpanishnounany of certain species of plants / broadleaf false carrot (Turgenia latifolia)masculine
GreeceevzoneEnglishnounA member of the Greek presidential guard.
GreeceevzoneEnglishnounAn infantryman of a select corps of the Greek army.
Greek mythologytitánHungariannountitanium (symbol: Ti)uncountable usually
Greek mythologytitánHungariannountitan (deity in Greek mythology)uncountable usually
GreensresedaEnglishnounAny of various plants of the genus Reseda having small, pale grayish green flowers, such as dyer's rocket (Reseda luteola) and mignonette (Reseda odorata).biology botany natural-sciences
GreensresedaEnglishnounMignonette (Reseda odorata).agriculture biology botany business horticulture lifestyle natural-sciencesspecifically
GreensresedaEnglishnounA pale greyish-green colour like the flowers of a reseda plant; mignonette.
GreensresedaEnglishadjHaving a pale greyish-green colour like the flowers of a reseda plant; mignonette.not-comparable
GreensviridianEnglishnounA bluish-green pigment made from chromium sesquioxide.countable uncountable
GreensviridianEnglishnounA bluish-green color.countable uncountable
GreensviridianEnglishadjOf a bluish green colour.
Gums and resinscopaibaEnglishnounAny of several South American trees of the genus Copaiferacountable uncountable
Gums and resinscopaibaEnglishnounAn oleoresin, extracted from such trees, used in varnishes, ointments and as a perfume fixative.countable uncountable
HairbobEnglishverbTo move gently and vertically, in either a single motion or repeatedly up and down, at or near the surface of a body of water, or similar medium.intransitive
HairbobEnglishverbTo move (something) as though it were bobbing in water.transitive
HairbobEnglishverbTo move (something) as though it were bobbing in water. / To perform oral sex on someone.transitive with-on
HairbobEnglishverbTo curtsy.
HairbobEnglishverbTo strike with a quick, light blow; to tap.
HairbobEnglishverbSynonym of blob (“catch eels using worms strung on thread”)intransitive
HairbobEnglishnounA bobbing motion; a quick up and down movement.
HairbobEnglishnounA curtsy.
HairbobEnglishnounA bobber (buoyant fishing device).
HairbobEnglishnounAny of various hesperiid butterflies.
HairbobEnglishnounA bob haircut.
HairbobEnglishnounAny round object attached loosely to a flexible line, a rod, a body part etc., so that it may swing when hanging from it.
HairbobEnglishnounThe dangling mass of a pendulum or plumb line.
HairbobEnglishnounThe docked tail of a horse.
HairbobEnglishnounA short line ending a stanza of a poem.
HairbobEnglishnounThe short runner of a sled.
HairbobEnglishnounA bobsleigh.
HairbobEnglishnounA small wheel, made of leather, with rounded edges, used in polishing spoons, etc.
HairbobEnglishnounA working beam in a steam engine.
HairbobEnglishnounA particular style of ringing changes on bells.
HairbobEnglishnounA blow; a shake or jog; a rap, as with the fist.
HairbobEnglishnounA knot or short curl of hair; also, a bob wig.obsolete
HairbobEnglishnounThe refrain of a song.obsolete
HairbobEnglishnounA jeer; a sharp jest or taunt.obsolete
HairbobEnglishverbTo cut (hair) into a bob haircut.transitive
HairbobEnglishverbTo shorten by cutting; to dock; to crop.transitive
HairbobEnglishverbTo bobsleigh.
HairbobEnglishnounA shilling.Australia Kenya UK dated historical slang
HairbobEnglishnounA 10-cent coin.Australia dated slang
HairbobEnglishnounAn unspecified amount of money.slang
HairbobEnglishnounAbbreviation of shishkabob.abbreviation alt-of
HairbobEnglishnounA graphical element, resembling a hardware sprite, that can be blitted around the screen in large computing demoscene engineering lifestyle mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
HaircarpetEnglishnounA fabric used as a complete floor covering.countable uncountable
HaircarpetEnglishnounAny surface or cover resembling a carpet or fulfilling its function.countable figuratively uncountable
HaircarpetEnglishnounAny of a number of moths in the geometrid subfamily Larentiinaecountable uncountable
HaircarpetEnglishnounA wrought cover for tables.countable obsolete uncountable
HaircarpetEnglishnounA woman's pubic hair.countable slang uncountable vulgar
HaircarpetEnglishverbTo lay carpet, or to have carpet installed, in an area.
HaircarpetEnglishverbTo substantially cover something, as a carpet does; to blanket something.transitive
HaircarpetEnglishverbTo reprimand.UK
Hairdead endEnglishnounA street or path or tunnel that goes nowhere or is blocked on one end.idiomatic
Hairdead endEnglishnounThe inner end of a drift or mining
Hairdead endEnglishnounA position that offers no hope of change or progress.figuratively
Hairdead endEnglishnounA split end in the hair.
HairnapuszaćPolishverbto fluff up, to puff out (to ruffle up the feathers)imperfective reflexive transitive
HairnapuszaćPolishverbto become haughty and conceitedimperfective reflexive
HairschavenMiddle EnglishverbTo scrape or scratch, especially into pieces: / To make sharp or smooth; to hone or whet.
HairschavenMiddle EnglishverbTo scrape or scratch, especially into pieces: / To abrase surgically; to file off.
HairschavenMiddle EnglishverbTo scrape or scratch, especially into pieces: / To rub away or wipe out; to eliminate by abrasion.
HairschavenMiddle EnglishverbTo razor hair; to use a unpaired blade to cut hair: / To shave; to remove all hair in a given area.
HairschavenMiddle EnglishverbTo razor hair; to use a unpaired blade to cut hair: / To cut hair closely or fully.
HairschavenMiddle EnglishverbTo dice or chop off; to eliminate by cutting.
HairดังโงะThainounbun updo.
HappinessdamisiSwahilinouna jolly or cheerful person; a clownclass-10 class-9
HappinessdamisiSwahilinounan obstinate personclass-10 class-9
HappinesssunshineEnglishnounThe direct rays, light or warmth of the sun.uncountable usually
HappinesssunshineEnglishnounA location on which the sun's rays fall.uncountable usually
HappinesssunshineEnglishnounGeniality or cheerfulness.figuratively uncountable usually
HappinesssunshineEnglishnounA source of cheerfulness or joy.uncountable usually
HappinesssunshineEnglishnounThe effect which the sun has when it lights and warms some place.uncountable usually
HappinesssunshineEnglishnounFriendly form of address often reserved for juniors.Ireland UK uncountable usually
HappinesssunshineEnglishnounIronic form of address used to an inferior or troublemaker.Ireland UK uncountable usually
HappinesssunshineEnglishnounUsed to address someone who has just woken up and/or is very sleepy.humorous uncountable usually
HappinesssunshineEnglishnounEllipsis of orange sunshine.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis slang uncommon uncountable usually
HappinesssunshineEnglishadjOpen to and permitting public access, especially with regard to activities that were previously closed-door or back-room meetings.US not-comparable
Heads of statechancelloressEnglishnounA female chancellor.rare
Heads of statechancelloressEnglishnounThe wife of a chancellor.rare
Heads of statesoudanMiddle EnglishnounA sultan (especially one of the rulers of major Muslim states in the Middle Ages).
Heads of statesoudanMiddle EnglishnounA Muslim soldier or noble.broadly
Heads of state政府首腦Chinesenounhead of government; government leader
Heads of state政府首腦Chinesenounhead of state
HeadwearbuffIcelandicnouna chocolate-covered, marshmallow-creme-filled confectionaryneuter
HeadwearbuffIcelandicnouna multifunctional neck gaiter; a tubular bandana (used to keep one's head or neck warm during outdoor activities)neuter
HeadweardaszekPolishnoundiminutive of dachdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
HeadweardaszekPolishnounpeak, visor, vizor (fore piece of a cap)inanimate masculine
HeadweardaszekPolishnouncircumflex (^)inanimate masculine
HeadwearהיטלYiddishnounsmall hat, cap
HeadwearהיטלYiddishnounwoman's hat
Health健康Chineseadjhealthy (free from disease or disorder); good; well
Health健康Chineseadjhealthy (without problems or defects); sound; normal; good; well
Health健康Chinesenounhealth; physique; fitness
Heather family plantskanervakasviFinnishnounheath (shrub of the family Ericaceae)
Heather family plantskanervakasviFinnishnounthe family Ericaceaein-plural
Herbsbishop's-wortEnglishnounbetony (Stachys betonica, now Stachys officinalis)uncountable
Herbsbishop's-wortEnglishnounfennel flower or devil-in-the-bush (Nigella damascena)uncountable
Herrings沙甸ChinesenameShadian (a subdistrict and former town in Gejiu, Honghe prefecture, Yunnan, China)
HideswilczuraPolishnounwolfskinarchaic feminine
HideswilczuraPolishnounfemale German Shepherdfeminine rare
HideswilczuraPolishnounfemale wolf, she-wolfdialectal feminine
HideswilczuraPolishnoungenitive/accusative singular of wilczuraccusative animal-not-person form-of genitive masculine singular
HidesفطسArabicverbto die
HidesفطسArabicverbto tread vehemently, to beat down or flat
HidesفطسArabicverbto kill, to suffocate, to strangulate
HidesفطسArabicnounverbal noun of فَطَسَ (faṭasa) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
HidesفطسArabicnounmyrtle berriescollective
HidesفطسArabicnounbeads or small spheres used for decoration or for fascinationcollective
HidesفطسArabicnounskin of a beast that has not been slaughtered in a ritual mannercollective
HidesفطسArabicverbto be camous, to be flat-nosed, to have the bone of the nose wide and depressed
HidesفطسArabicnounverbal noun of فَطِسَ (faṭisa) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
Hindu deitiesముత్యాలుTelugunounplural of ముత్యము (mutyamu)form-of plural
Hindu deitiesముత్యాలుTelugunouna certain local goddess
HinduismcasteEnglishnounAny of the hereditary social classes and subclasses of South Asian societies or similar found historically in other cultures.
HinduismcasteEnglishnounA separate and fixed order or class of persons in society who chiefly associate with each other.
HinduismcasteEnglishnounA class of polymorphous eusocial insects of a particular size and function within a colony.biology natural-sciences zoology
HindutvaHinduphobicEnglishadjHaving or showing a dislike of, prejudice, or hatred against Hindus.
HindutvaHinduphobicEnglishadjRelating to or characteristic of Hinduphobia or Hinduphobes.
HindutvaHinduphobicEnglishadjOpposed to Hindutva or Hindu nationalism.government politicsIndia
HindutvaHinduphobicEnglishadjLeftist; liberal; supportive of Western or Islamist interests.government politicsIndia
HindutvaHinduphobicEnglishnounA Hinduphobe.
Historical currenciesbesEnglishverbthird-person singular simple present indicative of bedialectal form-of indicative present singular third-person
Historical currenciesbesEnglishverbPresent tense inflected form of be: am or are.dialectal form-of nonstandard present
Historical currenciesbesEnglishnounA bronze coin of the Roman Republic, worth two thirds of an as.hobbies lifestyle numismaticshistorical
Historical currenciesbesEnglishnounplural of be (“Cyrillic letter”)form-of plural
Historical currenciesbesEnglishnounAlternative form of beth (“Semitic letter”)alt-of alternative
History of ChinaWallEnglishnameA surname.countable uncountable
History of ChinaWallEnglishnameA placename / A village in Gwinear-Gwithian parish, south-west Cornwall, England, United Kingdom (OS grid ref SW6036).countable uncountable
History of ChinaWallEnglishnameA placename / A village and civil parish in south Northumberland, England, United Kingdom (OS grid ref NY9169); part of Hadrian's Wall is in the parish.countable uncountable
History of ChinaWallEnglishnameA placename / A village and civil parish in the City of Lichfield district, Staffordshire, England, United Kingdom (OS grid ref SK0906).countable uncountable
History of ChinaWallEnglishnameA placename / A borough in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, United States.countable uncountable
History of ChinaWallEnglishnameA placename / A town in Pennington County, South Dakota, United States.countable uncountable
History of ChinaWallEnglishnameA placename / An unincorporated community in Tom Green County, Texas, United States.countable uncountable
History of ChinaWallEnglishnamethe Berlin Wall.history human-sciences sciencesslang
History of ChinaWallEnglishnamethe Trump Wall.slang
History of ChinaWallEnglishnamethe Great Wall of China.slang
History of ChinaWallEnglishnameA Chinese constellation located near Pegasus and Andromeda, one of the 28 lunar mansions and part of the larger Black Turtle.astronomy natural-sciences
History of New ZealandszylingPolishnounshilling (coin formerly used in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta, Australia, New Zealand and many other Commonwealth countries)animal-not-person historical masculine
History of New ZealandszylingPolishnounschilling (the old currency of Austria, divided into 100 groschen)animal-not-person historical masculine
History of New ZealandszylingPolishnounshilling (currency of Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, and Uganda)animal-not-person masculine
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishnounAn item of furniture, often upholstered, for the comfortable seating of more than one person; a sofa.Australia Canada Ireland US
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishnounA bed, a resting-place.
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishnounThe den of an otter.
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishnounA preliminary layer, as of colour or arts
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishnounA mass of steeped barley spread upon a floor to germinate, in malting; or the floor occupied by the barley.beverages brewing business food lifestyle manufacturing
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishnounPsychotherapy.metonymically usually
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishnounVoters who opt out of voting, usually by staying home on their couch.government politicsfiguratively usually
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishverbTo lie down; to recline (upon a couch or other place of repose).
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishverbTo bend the body, as in reverence, pain, labor, etc.; to stoop; to crouch.
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishverbTo lay something upon a bed or other resting place.transitive
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishverbTo arrange or dispose as if in a bed.transitive
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishverbTo lay or deposit in a bed or layer; to bed.transitive
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishverbTo lower (a spear or lance) to the position of attack.transitive
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishverbIn the treatment of a cataract in the eye, to displace the opaque lens with a sharp object such as a needle. The technique is regarded as largely obsolete.medicine ophthalmology sciencestransitive
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishverbTo transfer (for example, sheets of partly dried pulp) from the wire mould to a felt blanket for further drying.transitive
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishverbTo attach a thread onto fabric with small stitches in order to add manufacturing sewing textilestransitive
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishverbTo phrase in a particular style; to use specific wording for.
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishverbTo lie down for concealment; to conceal, to hide; to be concealed; to be included or involved darkly or secretly.archaic
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishnounCouch grass, a species of persistent grass, Elymus repens, usually considered a weed.uncountable
Horse tackkantarSerbo-Croatiannounsea bream
Horse tackkantarSerbo-Croatiannounhalter
Horse tackkantarSerbo-Croatiannounbridle
Horse tackkantarSerbo-Croatiannounsteelyard
Horse tackkantarSerbo-Croatiannounkantar
Horse tackropónSpanishnounovergarmentmasculine
Horse tackropónSpanishnounoverfrockmasculine
Horse tackкөлүүрYakutnounharness
Horse tackкөлүүрYakutnoundraft
HorsescliobagScottish Gaelicnounclip (colt)feminine
HorsescliobagScottish Gaelicnounfillyfeminine
HorseskursorPolishnouncursor (moving icon representing the position of a pointing device)computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesinanimate masculine
HorseskursorPolishnouncursor (indicator of where the next insertation or other edit will take place)computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesinanimate masculine
HorseskursorPolishnouncourier (person who delivers messages)archaic inanimate masculine
HorseskursorPolishnounracehorsehobbies horse-racing horseracing horses lifestyle pets racing sportsarchaic inanimate masculine
HorseséguaPortugueseintjfucking hell, Jesus H. Christ, bloody hell, fuck, shit, crikey (interjection of astonishment and difficulty)Brazil colloquial regional
HouseholdfamiliaLatinnouna household (all persons subject to the control of one man (whether relations, freedmen or slaves))declension-1 feminine
HouseholdfamiliaLatinnounthe slaves of a household, servantsdeclension-1 feminine
HouseholdfamiliaLatinnouna group of slaves stationed in one place; a brigade, gang (used for some purpose)declension-1 feminine
HouseholdfamiliaLatinnouna group of slaves stationed in one place; a brigade, gang (used for some purpose) / one's personal retinuedeclension-1 feminine
HouseholdfamiliaLatinnouna family, kin (a group of people closely related to one another)declension-1 feminine
HouseholdfamiliaLatinnounan intellectual school (e.g., of philosophy)declension-1 feminine
HouseholdfamiliaLatinnounan estate (sometimes distinct from pecūnia and possibly restricted to rēs mancipī)lawdeclension-1 feminine
HousingگھرPunjabinounhouse, home
HousingگھرPunjabinounhousehold; familybroadly
HousingگھرPunjabinounhomeland, country, birthplacefiguratively
HousingگھرPunjabinounbuilding, placein-compounds
HumanبشرArabicnounhumans, humankindcollective
HumanبشرArabicnounskin, outer skin, epidermiscollective
HumanبشرArabicverbto peel, to pare
HumanبشرArabicverbto shave so as to render the skin visible
HumanبشرArabicverbto eat the ground bare
HumanبشرArabicverbto take (a matter) into one's own hands
HumanبشرArabicnounverbal noun of بَشَرَ (bašara) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
HumanبشرArabicverbto rejoice at, to become glad, to congratulate, to rejoice
HumanبشرArabicnounverbal noun of بَشِرَ (bašira) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
HumanبشرArabicnounverbal noun of بَشَرَ (bašara) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
HumanبشرArabicverbto bring good news (to)
HumanبشرArabicverbto evangelize, to preach the gospel (to)Christianity
Huntingहत्यारMarathinountool, instrument
HygienepurezaPortuguesenounpurity (the state of being pure)feminine
HygienepurezaPortuguesenouncleanliness (the state of being clean)feminine
HygienepurezaPortuguesenouninnocence (lack of ability or intention to harm or damage)feminine
HygienepurezaPortuguesenounchastity; virginityfeminine
Ibises and spoonbills저어새KoreannounAny ibis or spoonbill.
Ibises and spoonbills저어새KoreannounThe black-faced spoonbill, Platalea minor.
Ice creamstracciatellaEnglishnounan Italian soup made by dribbling a mixture of Parmesan cheese and beaten egg into hot brothcountable uncountable
Ice creamstracciatellaEnglishnouna type of Italian milk-based ice cream with chocolate shavingscountable uncountable
Incestsibling fuckerEnglishnounMotherfucker (generic term of abuse).vulgar
Incestsibling fuckerEnglishnounOne who engages in incestuous sex with their sibling.vulgar
IndividualsAdánSpanishnameAdam (biblical figure)masculine
IndividualsAdánSpanishnamea male given name, equivalent to English Adammasculine
IndividualsEuklidesTagalognameEuclid (Greek mathematician)
IndividualsEuklidesTagalognameEuclid of Megara (Greek philosopher)
IndividualsNingthempishakEnglishnameA Meitei male given name.
IndividualsNingthempishakEnglishnameA Meitei emperor of the Ningthouja dynasty, who ruled Kangleipak, in the 19th century CE.
IndividualsSan RafaelCebuanonamethe archangel Raphael
IndividualsSan RafaelCebuanonamea barangay in Barili, Cebu, Philippines
IndividualsThéophileFrenchnameTheophilus (addressee in the New Testament)biblical lifestyle religionmasculine
IndividualsThéophileFrenchnamea male given namemasculine
IndividualsTitianEnglishnameA sixteenth century Italian painter, Tiziano Vecellio.
IndividualsTitianEnglishnameA male given name.
IndividualsἌγρωνAncient GreeknameAgron, an Illyrian king
IndividualsἌγρωνAncient GreeknameAgron, a Lydian king
Individuals土門ChinesenameTumen (a town in Yunxi, Shiyan, Hubei, China)
Individuals土門ChinesenameTumen (a village in Sanhe, Yingcheng, Xiaogan, Hubei, China)
Individuals土門ChinesenameBumin Qaghan (founder of the Turkic Khaganate)historical
InjuriescocardFrenchnouna black eyemasculine
InjuriescocardFrenchnounan old cock (rooster)masculine
InsectsteigneFrenchnouna tineid, any of various species of moth, such as the clothes mothfeminine
InsectsteigneFrenchnounringwormfeminine uncountable
InsectsteigneFrenchnounlouse, vixen (mean or aggressive person)derogatory feminine
InsectsteigneFrenchverbfirst/third-person singular present subjunctive of teindrefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
InternetsähköpostiFinnishnoune-mail, electronic mail (system for transferring messages from one computer to another)
InternetsähköpostiFinnishnoune-mail (message)
InternetsähköpostiFinnishnounClipping of sähköpostiosoite (“email adress”).abbreviation alt-of clipping informal
Islamপর্দাBengalinounpurdah, cover, veil (especially referring to that of Muslim women)
Islamপর্দাBengalinounmodesty; privacy, privateness
Islamপর্দাBengalinouncurtain, blind, hanging
Islamপর্দাBengalinounmembrane / eardrum
Islamপর্দাBengalinountoneentertainment lifestyle music
Islamপর্দাBengalinounfretentertainment lifestyle music
IslandsΖάκυνθοςGreeknameZakynthos, Zante (Ionian island)
IslandsΖάκυνθοςGreeknameZakynthos, Zante (main town and capital of the island)
ItalyflorentinoSpanishadjFlorentine (of or relating to Florence, Italy)
ItalyflorentinoSpanishadjof Florencia, Caquetárelational
ItalyflorentinoSpanishnounFlorentine (person from Florence)masculine
ItalyflorentinoSpanishnounsomeone from Florencia, Caquetámasculine
Italyհին իտալերենArmeniannounOld Italian (language)
Italyհին իտալերենArmenianadvin Old Italian
Italyհին իտալերենArmenianadjOld Italian (of or pertaining to the language)
Japanese清音Japanesenouna voiceless and unaspirated onset obstruent, including the glottal stophuman-sciences linguistics phonology sciencesChinese traditional
Japanese清音Japanesenounany mora listed on the 五十音図 (gojūonzu, literally “chart of the fifty sounds”), without a voiced onset obstruent or /p/human-sciences linguistics phonology sciencesJapanese traditional
Japanese male given namesJapanesecharacterkanji no-gloss
Japanese male given namesJapanesenamea male given name
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesecharacterborderHyōgai kanji
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesecharacterboundaryHyōgai kanji
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesecharacterstaircaseHyōgai kanji
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesecharacterhundred quintillionHyōgai kanji
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesenumA number of 10²⁰ in modern Japanese since 17th century.
JazzjazzPolishnounjazzinanimate masculine
JazzjazzPolishnounmarijuanainanimate masculine slang
KuwaitdinarPolishnoundinar (currency of Algeria)animal-not-person masculine
KuwaitdinarPolishnoundinar (currency of Bahrain)animal-not-person masculine
KuwaitdinarPolishnoundinar (former unit of currency of Bosnia and Herzegovina)animal-not-person masculine
KuwaitdinarPolishnoundinar (former unit of currency of Croatia)animal-not-person masculine
KuwaitdinarPolishnoundinar (former unit of currency of Iran)animal-not-person masculine
KuwaitdinarPolishnoundinar (currency of Iraq)animal-not-person masculine
KuwaitdinarPolishnoundinar (currency of Jordan)animal-not-person masculine
KuwaitdinarPolishnoundinar (currency of Kuwait)animal-not-person masculine
KuwaitdinarPolishnoundinar (currency of Libya)animal-not-person masculine
KuwaitdinarPolishnoundinar (currency of Serbia)animal-not-person masculine
KuwaitdinarPolishnoundinar (former unit of currency of South Yemen)animal-not-person masculine
KuwaitdinarPolishnoundinar (former unit of currency of Sudan)animal-not-person masculine
KuwaitdinarPolishnoundinar (currency of Tunisia)animal-not-person masculine
KuwaitdinarPolishnoundinar (former unit of currency of Yugoslavia)animal-not-person masculine
KuwaitdinarPolishnoundinar (ancient Arab gold coin of 65 grains in weight)animal-not-person historical masculine
KyrgyzstanкыргызстандыкKyrgyznounKyrgyzstani (citizen of Kyrgyzstan)
LandformsbaaiDutchnounbaygeography natural-sciencesfeminine
LandformsbaaiDutchnounbaizefeminine masculine
LandformsbaaiDutchnounwine (in recent texts only used of red wine, and in earlier texts also of wines from the German Rhineland)dated feminine masculine slang uncountable
LandformscoireIrishnouncauldron, boiler, vatmasculine
LandformscoireIrishnoundell, corriemasculine
LandformscoireIrishnouncrater, pitmasculine
LandformscoireIrishnoungenitive singular of coir (“crime, offence; fault, transgression”)feminine form-of genitive singular
LandformsdesertumLatinnouna desert, wastelanddeclension-2
LandformsdesertumLatinverbinflection of dēsertus: / nominative/accusative/vocative neuter singularaccusative form-of neuter nominative participle singular vocative
LandformsdesertumLatinverbinflection of dēsertus: / accusative masculine singularaccusative form-of masculine participle singular
LandformsdesertumLatinverbaccusative supine of dēserōaccusative form-of supine
LandformsjūrmalaLatviannounseaside, seashore, seacoast (coastal land bordering a sea or ocean)declension-4 feminine
LandformsjūrmalaLatviannounseaside (region near the sea)declension-4 feminine
LandformspenrhynWelshnouncape, promontorymasculine
LandformsκόλποςAncient Greeknounbosom, lapAeolic Attic Doric Epic Koine
LandformsκόλποςAncient Greeknouna fold in fabric around the bosomAeolic Attic Doric Epic Koine
LandformsκόλποςAncient Greeknounany hollow space, pocketAeolic Attic Doric Epic Koine
LandformsκόλποςAncient Greeknounespecially of water, the hollow between wavesAeolic Attic Doric Epic Koine
LandformsκόλποςAncient Greeknoungulf, bay, creekAeolic Attic Doric Epic Koine
Landformsка̄ййвKildin Saminounspring (source of water)
Landformsка̄ййвKildin Saminounsource, origin
LandformsسهلArabicadjflat; level
LandformsسهلArabicnouna plain, a grasslandcountable
LandformsسهلArabicverbto be or become less difficult, toilsome, or laborious; to smoothintransitive
LandformsسهلArabicverbto flattendated intransitive
LandformsسهلArabicverbto make less difficult, toilsome, or laborious; to facilitate; to smooth; to lubricatetransitive
LandformsسهلArabicverbto flattendated transitive
LanguageܩܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounvoice
LanguageܩܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounsound
LanguageܩܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounvotefiguratively modern
LanguageܩܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnountune, tone, modeentertainment lifestyle music
LanguageܩܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounsound of a consonantal letter or vowel diacriticgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
LanguageܩܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicverbto be/become fried; to fryconstruction-peal intransitive transitive
LanguagesBisayaHiligaynonnameany of the Visayan language
LanguagesBisayaHiligaynonnameCebuano (language)specifically
LanguagesBosnianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Bosnian people or their culture and language.
LanguagesBosnianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Bosniahistorical
LanguagesBosnianEnglishadjPertaining to Bosniaksnonstandard
LanguagesBosnianEnglishnounA person from Bosnia and Herzegovina or of Bosnian descent.countable
LanguagesBosnianEnglishnounThe standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian, a South Slavic language, spoken primarily by Bosniaks in Bosnia and Herzegovina.uncountable
LanguagesBosnianEnglishnounSerbo-Croatian in general, as spoken in Bosnia.countable historical uncountable
LanguagesBosnianEnglishnounA Bosniak.countable nonstandard uncountable
LanguagesEngliscOld Englishnamethe English language
LanguagesEngliscOld EnglishadjEnglish
LanguagesEngliscOld Englishadjan Englishman or an Anglesubstantive
LanguagesEnglischGermannameEnglish (language)neuter no-plural proper-noun
LanguagesEnglischGermannameA children’s game for three or more participants played with one goal. Players try to reduce the goalkeeper’s points by scoring volley goals. Missing the goal makes the respective player the goalkeeper. The first player to forfeit all their points is the loser.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsdialectal neuter no-plural proper-noun
LanguagesHindkiEnglishnameThe Hindko language.
LanguagesHindkiEnglishnounthe people of Indian descent who have converted to Islam, found in Peshawar and other parts of Afghanistan.
LanguagesLarakiaEnglishnounAlternative spelling of Larrakiaalt-of alternative
LanguagesLarakiaEnglishnameAlternative spelling of Larrakiaalt-of alternative
LanguagesMacushiEnglishnounAn indigenous ethnic group in Brazil and Guyana.plural plural-only
LanguagesMacushiEnglishnameTheir language, which has between 20000 and 30000 speakers, and is in the Cariban family.
LanguagesRomaEnglishnameA nomadic people with origins in India, the Romani.
LanguagesRomaEnglishnameA subgroup of the Romani people found primarily in Eastern Europe.
LanguagesRomaEnglishnameA variety of the Romani language (or occasionally) the Romani macrolanguage.
LanguagesRomaEnglishnounA Romani; a member of the Roma/Romani people.
LanguagesRomaEnglishadjRomani: of or pertaining to the Roma people.not-comparable
LanguagesRomaEnglishnameAny of a number of places, including a city in Texas and a city in Queensland.
LanguagesRomaEnglishnameA female given name from Latin of English-speakers.
LanguagesRomaEnglishnameAlternative form of Romealt-of alternative
LanguagesRomaEnglishnounA variety of tomato.
LanguagesRomaEnglishnameAn Austronesian language of Indonesia.
LanguagesTajikEnglishnounA person from Tajikistan or of Tajik descent.
LanguagesTajikEnglishnameThe Persian dialect spoken in Tajikistan.
LanguagesTajikEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Tajikistan, the Tajik people (living in Tajikistan and Afghanistan) or the Tajiki dialect of Persian.not-comparable
LanguagesTiwiTiwinamea Tiwi person
LanguagesTiwiTiwinamethe Tiwi language
LanguagesallemandFrenchnounGerman (The German language)masculine
LanguagesallemandFrenchadjGerman (related to or originating from Germany)relational
LanguagesallemandFrenchadjof the German language; Germanrelational
LanguagesbirmanePortugueseadjBurmese (of, from, or pertaining to Burma)feminine masculine
LanguagesbirmanePortuguesenounBurmese (a person from Myanmar or of Burmese descent)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
LanguagesbirmanePortuguesenounBurmese (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagescalãoPortuguesenounvulgar slang; argotmasculine uncountable
LanguagescalãoPortuguesenounjargon (language characteristic of a particular group)masculine uncountable
LanguagescalãoPortuguesenounCaló (a language spoken by the Spanish and Portuguese Romani)masculine uncountable
LanguagescalãoPortuguesenounan indolent individualmasculine
LanguagescalãoPortugueseadjindolent; lazy
LanguagescalãoPortuguesenouna type of long boat used in the Algarve for fishing tunamasculine
LanguagescalãoPortuguesenouncarrying polemasculine
LanguagescalãoPortuguesenouna type of fishing net, with floaters in three corners and a sinker in the fourth cornermasculine
LanguagescalãoPortuguesenouna tile used to cover the bottom of ditches, to prevent water from being absorbed into the groundmasculine
LanguagescalãoPortuguesenouna type of large container for liquidsmasculine
LanguagescalãoPortuguesenounAugmentative of caloaugmentative form-of masculine
LanguagescalãoPortugueseverbObsolete form of calam.alt-of obsolete
LanguagesislandskDanishnounIcelandic (language)indeclinable neuter uncountable
LanguageslaosianoPortugueseadjLao; Laotian (of or relating to Laos and its people)
LanguageslaosianoPortugueseadjLao; Laotian (in or relating to the Laotian language)
LanguageslaosianoPortuguesenounLao; Laotian (person from Laos)masculine
LanguageslaosianoPortuguesenounLao; Laotian (national language of Laos)masculine
LanguagesleonêsPortugueseadjLeonese (of or relating to León)not-comparable
LanguagesleonêsPortuguesenounLeonese (someone from León)masculine
LanguagesleonêsPortuguesenounLeonese (Romance language spoken in León)masculine uncountable
LanguagesrumænskDanishadjRomanian (of or relating to Romania, its people, or language)
LanguagesrumænskDanishnounRomanian (the Romanian language)neuter
LanguagesrussuSicilianadjRussian (of, from or relating to Russia)
LanguagesrussuSiciliannounRussian (native or inhabitant of Russia)masculine
LanguagesrussuSiciliannounRussian (language)masculine
LanguagesxinèsCatalannounChinese personmasculine
LanguagesxinèsCatalannounChinese languagemasculine uncountable
LanguagesяпонскийRussiannounJapanese languageuncountable
Languages母国語Japanesenounthe language of the country of one's birth
Languages母国語Japanesenounnative language, mother tongue, first language
Latin nomina gentiliaAmbiviusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaAmbiviusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Lucius Ambivius Turpio, a Roman actordeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaGrilliusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaGrilliusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Grillius, a Roman grammariandeclension-2 masculine singular
LaughtergiggleEnglishverbTo laugh gently in a playful, nervous, or affected manner.
LaughtergiggleEnglishnounA high-pitched, silly laugh.
LaughtergiggleEnglishnounFun; an amusing episode.informal
LaundryprzepieraćPolishverbto hurriedly wash something in case of somethingcolloquial imperfective transitive
LaundryprzepieraćPolishverbto push something through with difficultyimperfective transitive
LawsuspectEnglishverbTo imagine or suppose (something) to be true, or to exist, without proof.transitive
LawsuspectEnglishverbTo distrust or have doubts about (something or someone).transitive
LawsuspectEnglishverbTo believe (someone) to be guilty.transitive
LawsuspectEnglishverbTo have suspicion.intransitive
LawsuspectEnglishverbTo look up to; to respect.obsolete transitive
LawsuspectEnglishnounA person who is suspected of something, in particular of committing a crime.
LawsuspectEnglishadjViewed with suspicion; suspected.
LawsuspectEnglishadjViewing with suspicion; suspecting.nonstandard
Law enforcementkomendaPolishnouncommand, orderfeminine
Law enforcementkomendaPolishnounregional police headquartersfeminine
Law enforcementkomendaPolishnounpolice stationfeminine informal
Law enforcementkomendaPolishnouncommandcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesfeminine
Law enforcement憲兵Chinesenounmilitary police
Law enforcement憲兵Chinesenounmilitary police officer
Law enforcement憲兵Chinesenoungendarmerie
Law enforcement憲兵Chinesenoungendarme
Legal occupationsclerkEnglishnounOne who occupationally provides assistance by working with records, accounts, letters, etc.; an office worker. / A salesclerk; a person who serves customers in a store or market.
Legal occupationsclerkEnglishnounOne who occupationally provides assistance by working with records, accounts, letters, etc.; an office worker. / A law clerk.
Legal occupationsclerkEnglishnounOne who occupationally provides assistance by working with records, accounts, letters, etc.; an office worker. / An employee at a hotel who deals with guests.
Legal occupationsclerkEnglishnounOne who occupationally provides assistance by working with records, accounts, letters, etc.; an office worker. / The chief legal advisor of a legislature or legislative chamber, who is usually also responsible for keeping minutes of sittings.
Legal occupationsclerkEnglishnounOne who occupationally provides assistance by working with records, accounts, letters, etc.; an office worker.
Legal occupationsclerkEnglishnounA facilitator of a Quaker meeting for business affairs.Quakerism
Legal occupationsclerkEnglishnounIn the Church of England, the layman that assists in the church service, especially in reading the responses (also called parish clerk).archaic
Legal occupationsclerkEnglishnounA cleric or clergyman (the legal title for clergy of the Church of England is "Clerk in Holy Orders", still used in legal documents and cherished by some of their number).dated
Legal occupationsclerkEnglishnounA scholar.obsolete
Legal occupationsclerkEnglishverbTo act as a clerk, to perform the duties or functions of a clerk.
Legal occupationsclerkEnglishverbTo assemble information about a patient during their initial assessment by actions such as a taking a detailed medical history and performing a physical examination.medicine sciences
LegumespulsMiddle EnglishnounLegumes or their seeds.uncountable
LegumespulsMiddle EnglishnounA legume.rare uncountable
LegumesāboliņšLatviannouncloverdeclension-1 masculine
LegumesāboliņšLatviannountrefoildeclension-1 masculine
LegumesκύαμοςAncient Greeknounbean (Vicia faba)
LegumesκύαμοςAncient GreeknounA swelling of the papsmedicine sciences
LegumesJapanesecharacterHyōgai kanji no-gloss
LegumesJapanesenounpagoda tree (Styphnolobium japonicum)
Lesser apeslarPolishnounlar (household god, particularly overseeing the family itself)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman animal-not-person in-plural masculine
Lesser apeslarPolishnounlar, lar gibbon, common gibbon, white-handed gibbon (Hylobates lar)animal-not-person masculine
LichensлишайникRussiannounlichen (symbiotic organism)
Light陽光Chinesenounsunlight; sunshine; sunbeam; daylight
Light陽光Chineseadjopen; transparent
Light陽光Chineseadjhaving a sunny disposition; cheery; upbeat; optimistic
Light陽光ChinesenameYangguang (a community of Guanshan, Hongshan district, Wuhan, Hubei, China)
Light sourceschandelierFrenchnouncandlestickmasculine
Light sourceschandelierFrenchnounchandeliermasculine
Light sourceschandelierFrenchnouncandlemakermasculine
Light sourcesgaițăRomaniannounjay (bird); Eurasian jayfeminine
Light sourcesgaițăRomaniannouna chatty womanfeminine figuratively
Light sourcesgaițăRomaniannounlamp oil, petroleumfeminine regional
Light sourcesgaițăRomaniannounkind of rustic oil lampfeminine
Light sourcesφανάριGreeknountraffic lights
Light sourcesφανάριGreeknounlantern, lamp, torch
Light sourcesܢܦܛܐClassical Syriacnounnaphtha, petroleumuncountable
Light sourcesܢܦܛܐClassical Syriacnountorch
Light sourcesܢܦܛܐClassical Syriacnounblister, pustule, pimple
Light sourcesकेतुSanskritnounlamp, flame, torch
Light sourcesकेतुSanskritnounbright appearance, clearness, brightness
Light sourcesकेतुSanskritnounrays of lightin-plural
Light sourcesकेतुSanskritnounday-time
Light sourcesकेतुSanskritnounapparition, form, shape
Light sourcesकेतुSanskritnounsign, mark, ensign, flag, banner
Light sourcesकेतुSanskritnounany unusual or striking phenomenon, comet, meteor, falling star
Light sourcesकेतुSanskritnounKetu: the dragon's tail or descending node (considered in astronomy as the 9th planet, and in mythology as the body of the demon Saiṃhikeya which was severed from the head or Rahu by Vishnu at the churning of the ocean, but was rendered immortal by having tasted the अमृत (amṛ́ta))
Light sources火燭Chinesenounlights (collectively)
Light sources火燭Chinesenouncandlelight
Light sources火燭Chinesenounthings that easily catch on fire
Light sources火燭Chinesenounfire (as a disaster); conflagrationCantonese
Light sources火燭Chineseverbto illuminate with fire
Light sources火燭Chineseverbto be on fireCantonese
LigurialigurienFrenchnounLigurian (language)masculine uncountable
LiquidseffusionEnglishnounA liquid outpouring.countable uncountable
LiquidseffusionEnglishnounProcess of gases passing through a hole or holes considerably smaller than the mean free path of the gas molecules.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable uncountable
LiquidseffusionEnglishnounAn outpouring of speech or emotion.broadly countable figuratively uncountable
LiquidseffusionEnglishnounThe seeping of fluid into a body cavity; the fluid itself.medicine sciencescountable uncountable
Literary genreseroticEnglishadjRelating to or tending to arouse sexual desire or excitement.
Literary genreseroticEnglishnounAn amorous composition or poem.
LiteratureOgbediYorubanameThe nineteenth sign of the Ifa divination system, it is one of the signs of the ọmọ odù; the 240 minor signs
LiteratureOgbediYorubanameThe ninteenth chapter of the Odù Ifá corpus. It is one of the sixteen chapters in the Ogbè category (àpólà) and third chapter of the 240 minor chapters, or àmúlù of the Odù Ifá.
LiteratureOgbediYorubanameThe spirit associated with this chapter
LoveáiVietnameseverbto lovehumorous slang
LoveáiVietnameseadjhomosexual; gayslang
LoveáiVietnameseintjow; ouchonomatopoeic
MadridMadrilenianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Madrid, Spain, or to its inhabitants.not-comparable
MadridMadrilenianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Madrid, Spain.
Mahabharataపార్థసారథిTelugunamecharioteer for Partha, Krishna who drove his chariot during Mahabharata war.
Mahabharataపార్థసారథిTelugunamea male given name from Sanskrit
Male animalsдомбайOssetiannounbison
Male animalsдомбайOssetiannounlion
Male animalsдомбайOssetianadjstrong, powerfulfiguratively
Male family membersсородичRussiannounrelative, kinsman
Male family membersсородичRussiannounfellow countryman, compatriot
Male family membersමාමාSinhalesenounmaternal uncle
Male family membersමාමාSinhalesenounfather-in-law
Male family members妹背Japanesenounsister(s) and brother(s)archaic
Male family members妹背JapanesenounSynonym of 夫婦 (fūfu, “married couple”)archaic
Male peoplebobrownikPolishnounbeaver breedermasculine obsolete person
Male peoplebobrownikPolishnounbeaver hunting overseerhobbies hunting lifestylemasculine person
Male peopległadyszPolishnounan overly well-mannered, refined, or good-looking man, dandy, coxcombmasculine obsolete person
Male peopległadyszPolishnounany fungus of the genus Ionaspisinanimate masculine
Male peopległadyszPolishnounfile, tool used to smoothen or polisharchaic inanimate masculine
Male peopległadyszPolishnounsnowdrop (plant of the genus Galanthus)archaic inanimate masculine
Male peopległadyszPolishnouna handleless jugdialectal inanimate masculine
Male peopleklawiszPolishnounkey (a button on the keyboard of a musical instrument, on a typewriter or on a computer keyboard)inanimate masculine
Male peopleklawiszPolishnounpick, picklockinanimate masculine obsolete slang
Male peopleklawiszPolishnounprison guardmasculine person slang
Male peoplenadawcaPolishnounsendermasculine person
Male peoplenadawcaPolishnounbroadcastermasculine person
Male peoplenuntiusLatinnouna messenger, reporter, courierdeclension-2
Male peoplenuntiusLatinnounan envoy, message, reportdeclension-2
Male peoplenuntiusLatinnouna command, order, injunctiondeclension-2
Male peoplenuntiusLatinnounnews, tidings, informationdeclension-2 in-plural
Male peoplezbieraczPolishnouncollectormasculine person
Male peoplezbieraczPolishnoungatherermasculine person
Male peoplezelinářCzechnounvegetable groweranimate masculine
Male peoplezelinářCzechnoungreengroceranimate masculine
Male peopleтрутеньUkrainiannoundrone, male bee
Male peopleтрутеньUkrainiannoundrone, idler, sluggardfiguratively
Male peopleчобанSerbo-Croatiannounshepherd
Male peopleчобанSerbo-Croatiannounboor, hick (uncultured or rude person)derogatory
Malpighiales order plantsアヤワスカJapanesenounayahuasca (giant vine native to South America, Banisteriopsis caapi, noted for its psychotropic properties)
Malpighiales order plantsアヤワスカJapanesenounayahuasca (any of various psychoactive infusions or decoctions prepared from the ayahuasca vine)
Malvales order plantsatsuweteTagalognounachiote; lipstick tree (Bixa orellana)
Malvales order plantsatsuweteTagalognounannatto (fruit of achiote)
Malvales order plantsհալուէOld Armeniannounlignaloe, agalloch, eaglewood
Malvales order plantsհալուէOld Armeniannounaloe (plant)
MammalsfarahOld High GermannounA pigneuter
MammalsfarahOld High GermannounA pigletneuter
MammalsmëzoreAlbaniannounfirst-calf heiferfeminine
MammalsmëzoreAlbaniannouncow that is not pregnant and still giving milkfeminine
MammalsخيلHijazi Arabicnounhorsescollective
MammalsخيلHijazi Arabicnounhorseinformal
MarijuanabluntEnglishadjHaving a thick edge or point; not sharp.
MarijuanabluntEnglishadjDull in understanding; slow of discernment; opposed to acute.
MarijuanabluntEnglishadjAbrupt in address; plain; unceremonious; wanting the forms of civility; rough in manners or speech.
MarijuanabluntEnglishadjHard to impress or penetrate.
MarijuanabluntEnglishadjSlow or deficient in feeling: insensitive.
MarijuanabluntEnglishnounA fencer's practice foil with a soft tip.
MarijuanabluntEnglishnounA short needle with a strong point.
MarijuanabluntEnglishnounA marijuana smokingUS slang
MarijuanabluntEnglishnounmoneyUK archaic slang uncountable
MarijuanabluntEnglishnounA playboating move resembling a cartwheel performed on a wave.
MarijuanabluntEnglishverbTo dull the edge or point of, by making it thicker; to make blunt.
MarijuanabluntEnglishverbTo repress or weaken; to impair the force, keenness, or susceptibility, offiguratively
MarijuanatamienFrenchnounhashishLyon masculine slang
MarijuanatamienFrenchnounzoot, cannabis cigaretteLyon masculine slang
Marriageengagement ringEnglishnounA ring given to one's fiancé(e) or intended fiancé(e), signifying a promise to wed, typically a gold band with one or more diamonds or other precious lifestyle
Marriageengagement ringEnglishnounAny ring that has the appearance of a ring given as a promise to wed.broadly
Mass mediataeniolaLatinnounlittle band; thin ribbondeclension-1 feminine
Mass mediataeniolaLatinnounfilm, movie, videoNew-Latin declension-1 feminine
MaterialsszövetHungariannounfabric, cloth, textile
MaterialsszövetHungariannountexture, structure
MaterialsszövetHungariannountissuebiology natural-sciences
Mathematicsbảng cửu chươngVietnamesenounmathematical table
Mathematicsbảng cửu chươngVietnamesenounmultiplication table
MealsbrakfastScotsverbto breakfast
MealstiffinEnglishnounA (light) midday meal or snack; luncheon.British India countable uncountable
MealstiffinEnglishnounA box or container used to carry a tiffin.British India countable uncountable
MealstiffinEnglishnounA cake-like confection composed of crushed biscuits, sugar, syrup, raisins, cherries and cocoa powder, often covered with a layer of melted chocolate.countable uncountable
MealstiffinEnglishverbTo eat a (light) midday meal or snack.British India intransitive
MeatsHammelGermannounwether (castrated ram)masculine strong
MeatsHammelGermannounShort for Hammelfleisch: the meat of a wether used for food; muttonabbreviation alt-of masculine strong
MeatsHammelGermannounjackass (person)masculine strong
MeatsheronseweMiddle EnglishnounThe young of the grey heron (Ardea cinerea)
MeatsheronseweMiddle EnglishnounThe meat of a heron used as food.
MeatskaczkaPolishnounduck (bird)feminine
MeatskaczkaPolishnounduck meatfeminine
MeatskaczkaPolishnounurinal (bottle)feminine
MeatskaczkaPolishnouncanardaeronautics aerospace business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesfeminine
MeatskaczkaPolishnounfalse information, canardcolloquial feminine
MeatskaczkaPolishnounwah-wah pedalentertainment lifestyle musiccolloquial feminine
MeatskaczkaPolishnouncertain part of a seinefishing hobbies lifestylefeminine
Meatsroast beefEnglishnounBeef cooked by roasting.countable uncountable
Meatsroast beefEnglishnounA cut of beef that has been roasted.countable uncountable
Meatsroast beefEnglishnounA cut of beef intended for roasting.countable uncountable
Meatsroast beefEnglishnounA portion of roasted beef.countable uncountable
MeatsпастрмчеMacedoniannoundiminutive of пастрмка f (pastrmka, “trout”)diminutive form-of
MeatsпастрмчеMacedoniannoundiminutive of пастрма f (pastrma, “pastirma”)diminutive form-of
Medical signs and symptoms麻木Chineseadjnumb; without feeling
Medical signs and symptoms麻木Chineseadjlacking sensitivity; apatheticfiguratively
Medical signs and symptoms麻木Chinesenounelectric rickshawMandarin Wuhan
MedicinedepleteEnglishverbTo empty or unload, as the vessels of the human system, by bloodletting or by medicine.intransitive transitive
MedicinedepleteEnglishverbTo reduce by destroying or consuming the vital powers of; to exhaust, as a country of its strength or resources, a treasury of money, etc.
MedicinescanographyEnglishnounThe production of radiographs by scanning with X-rays through a moving, thin slit.medicine radiography radiology sciencesuncountable
MedicinescanographyEnglishnounThe process of capturing digitized images of objects using a flatbed scanner for the purpose of creating photographic artsuncountable
MemeticsmémétiqueFrenchnounthe study of memes; memeticsfeminine uncountable
MemeticsmémétiqueFrenchadjmeme; memeticrelational
MenstruationprzekwitaćPolishverbto wither, to lose blossomimperfective intransitive
MenstruationprzekwitaćPolishverbto lose one's youthful appearanceimperfective intransitive
MenstruationprzekwitaćPolishverbto wither (to lose vigor or power)imperfective intransitive
MenstruationprzekwitaćPolishverbto go through menopauseimperfective intransitive
Michigan, USAMIEnglishnameAbbreviation of Michigan, a state of the United States of America.abbreviation alt-of
Michigan, USAMIEnglishnounInitialism of middle initial.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Michigan, USAMIEnglishnounInitialism of military intelligence.government military politics warabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Michigan, USAMIEnglishnounInitialism of myocardial infarction.cardiology medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Michigan, USAMIEnglishnounInitialism of mitral insufficiency.cardiology medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Michigan, USAMIEnglishnounInitialism of mesioincisal.dentistry medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Michigan, USAMIEnglishnounInitialism of mathematical induction.mathematics sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Michigan, USAMIEnglishnounInitialism of mechanical index.medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Michigan, USAMIEnglishnounInitialism of medical inspection.medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Michigan, USAMIEnglishnounInitialism of mutual information.computing engineering information-theory mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Michigan, USAMIEnglishnounInitialism of middle infielder.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
MicrosoftDMFEnglishnounInitialism of dimethylformamide.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
MicrosoftDMFEnglishnounInitialism of dimethylfuran.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
MicrosoftDMFEnglishnounInitialism of distribution media format.Windows computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences softwareabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
MicrosoftDMFEnglishnounAlternative form of DFMalt-of alternative countable uncountable
Middle English cardinal numbershundredMiddle EnglishnumA hundred; 100.
Middle English cardinal numbershundredMiddle EnglishnumA large number; a zillion.
Middle English cardinal numbershundredMiddle EnglishnounA hundredweight.
Middle English cardinal numbershundredMiddle EnglishnounA hundred (administrative division)
Middle English cardinal numbershundredMiddle EnglishnounThe assembly or court of such a division.
Middle English cardinal numbershundredMiddle EnglishadjA hundredth.
MilitarygeneralSwedishnouna general; a military titlecommon-gender
MilitarygeneralSwedishnounan Air Chief Marshalcommon-gender
Militarymilitary scienceEnglishnounThe science of how best to run a military; the academic discipline which examines institutions and behaviours in, and optimized administration of, a military.
Militarymilitary scienceEnglishnounScience as applied to military requirements, including how best to run a military and the advancement of military technology, just as applied science informs engineering and technology generally.
MilitaryⲇⲟⲩⲝCopticnounoffice holder
MilitaryⲇⲟⲩⲝCopticnounduke, prince
MilitaryⲇⲟⲩⲝCopticnouncommandantgovernment military politics war
Military司令部Chinesenounheadquarters; military command centre
Military司令部Chinesenounheadquarters (of any non-military organization)
Military炮彈Chinesenounartillery shell
Military rankskapenMarshallesenouna captain
Military rankskapenMarshallesenounan officer of high rank
Military ranksαντιπλοίαρχοςGreeknounfirst mate, chief mate, first officernautical transport
Military ranksαντιπλοίαρχοςGreeknouncommander in the Royal Navy and in the US navy, a rank with the NATO grade OF-4nautical transport
Military unitsсотняRussiannouna hundred
Military unitsсотняRussiannounsotnia, company (Cossack military unit)historical
MillennialsZillennialEnglishnounA person born on the cusp between the Millennials/Generation Y and Generation Z. Sources cite birth years from the early 1990s through the early 2000s for this cohort. They are cultural hybrids of both generations.
MillennialsZillennialEnglishadjOf or relating to Zillennials.not-comparable
MinddoteMiddle EnglishnounAn idiot or imbecile; a dotard.
MinddoteMiddle EnglishnounA senile individual; an elderly person lacking sound mind.
MinddoteMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of dotenalt-of alternative
MindрозумінняUkrainiannounverbal noun of розумі́ти impf (rozumíty) and розумі́тися impf (rozumítysja)form-of noun-from-verb uncountable
MindрозумінняUkrainiannoununderstanding, comprehension, apprehensionuncountable
MindрозумінняUkrainiannounconception, senseuncountable
Mind예지Koreannounprecognition, foreknowledge
Mind예지Koreannounintelligence, intellect, sagacity, wisdom
Mint family plantsbugleweedEnglishnounAny of the aromatic herbs in genus Lycopus, especially Lycopus virginicus, water horehound
Mint family plantsbugleweedEnglishnounAny of a genus of herbs used for ground cover, bugle (Ajuga).
MonarchyingresPolishnounceremonial assumption of office by a bishop in their dioceseChristianityinanimate masculine
MonarchyingresPolishnounceremonial entry into a city combined with the assumption of office by a monarch or other high government officialhistorical inanimate masculine
MonarchyregaliaPolishnounregalia (royal rights, prerogatives, and privileges)historical plural
MonarchyregaliaPolishnounregalia (emblems, symbols, or paraphernalia)plural
MonasticismcoventMiddle EnglishnounA congregation or meeting; an assembled group of people.
MonasticismcoventMiddle EnglishnounA group or order of (male or female) monastics; a convent.
MonasticismcoventMiddle EnglishnounA monastery; a building housing such a group.
MonasticismcoventMiddle EnglishnounA group of missiles.rare
MonkeysThânVietnamesenamea surname from Chinese
MonkeysThânVietnamesenamea unisex given name from Chinese
MonkeysThânVietnamesenamethe ninth earthly branch represented by the Monkey
Mulberry family plantsჟოლიGeorgiannounblueberry, bilberry, synonym of მოცვი (mocvi)
Mulberry family plantsჟოლიGeorgiannounraspberry, alternative form of ჟოლო (žolo)
Mulberry family plantsჟოლიGeorgiannounmulberry, synonym of თუთა (tuta)
Mulberry family plantsჟოლიGeorgiannounnewly hived beeswarm; wild beehive
Municipalities of FinlandVaasaFinnishnameVasa (Swedish royal house that ruled from 1523 to 1689)
Municipalities of FinlandVaasaFinnishnameVaasa (a city in Finland)
MurdermamumunoCebuanonounkiller; murderer
MusiccochiaulleeManxnoungenitive singular of cochiaullform-of genitive masculine singular
MusicleichMiddle High Germannouna song consisting of strophes of unequal lengthmasculine
MusicleichMiddle High Germannounamorous play, mating of animals, especially fishmasculine
MusicleichMiddle High Germannounspawn (fish eggs)masculine
Musical instrumentsaerophoneEnglishnounAny musical instrument which produces sound primarily by causing a body of air to vibrate, without the use of strings or membranes, and without the vibration of the instrument itself adding considerably to the sound.
Musical instrumentsaerophoneEnglishnounA form of combined speaking trumpet and ear trumpet.dated
Musical instrumentsaerophoneEnglishnounAn instrument for greatly intensifying speech, consisting of a phonograph diaphragm arranged so that its action opens and closes valves, producing synchronous air blasts sufficient to operate a larger diaphragm with greater amplitude of vibration.dated
Musical instrumentsatọYorubanounsperm, semen
Musical instrumentsatọYorubanouna small gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) with a long thin neck used as a musical instrument or used to store medicine
Musical instrumentsatọYorubanounripe old age
Musical instrumentsatọYorubanounone that is straight, right, or appropriate
Musical instrumentsцимбалыRussiannouncymbals, dulcimerentertainment lifestyle musicplural plural-only
Musical instrumentsцимбалыRussiannounnominative/accusative plural of цимба́л (cimbál)accusative form-of nominative plural
Musical instrumentsବେଣୁOdianounbamboo
Musical instrumentsବେଣୁOdianounflute; pipe; fife
Musical instrumentsகொம்புTamilnounhorn, tuskanatomy medicine sciences
Musical instrumentsகொம்புTamilnounhorn, pipe, cornetentertainment lifestyle music
Musical instrumentsகொம்புTamilnounbranch, bough, twigbiology botany natural-sciences
Musical instrumentsகொம்புTamilnounpole, stick, staff
Musical instrumentsகொம்புTamilnounname of the letter ள (ḷa)alt-of letter name
Musical instrumentsகொம்புTamilnounname of the symbol ெ
Musical instruments휴대용 풍금Koreannounbarrel organ
Musical instruments휴대용 풍금Koreannounhurdy-gurdy
Mythological creaturesthunderbirdEnglishnounA mythological bird, often associated with stormy weather, especially in various indigenous North American mythologies.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
Mythological creaturesthunderbirdEnglishnounThe golden whistler, an Australian insectivorous songbird (Pachycephala pectoralis, formerly Pachycephala gutturalis), whose male is conspicuously marked with black and yellow, and has a black crescent on the breast.
NationalitiesAndoranoTagalogadjAndorran (from or native to Andorra)
NationalitiesAndoranoTagalogadjAndorran (pertaining to Andorra)
NationalitiesAndoranoTagalognounAndorran (person from Andorra)
NationalitiesMalianEnglishnounA person from Mali or of Malian descent.
NationalitiesMalianEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Mali or the Malian people.not-comparable
NationalitiesMalianEnglishnounA member of an ancient tribe that resided at the mouth of the river Spercheios in Greece.historical
NationalitiesangolensePortugueseadjAngolan (of or relating to Angola or its people)feminine masculine
NationalitiesangolensePortuguesenounAngolan (person from Angola or of Angolan descent)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
NationalitiesaustralialainenFinnishnounAn Australian.
NationalitiescaboverdianoSpanishadjCape Verdean, Cabo Verdean
NationalitiescaboverdianoSpanishnounCape Verdean, Cabo Verdeanmasculine
NationalitiesetíopePortuguesenounEthiopian (person from Ethiopia)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
NationalitiesetíopePortugueseadjEthiopian (of Ethiopia)feminine masculine not-comparable
NationalitiesluksemburskiPolishadjLuxembourgish, of Luxembourg (city or state)not-comparable relational
NationalitiesluksemburskiPolishnounLuxembourgish (language)inanimate masculine
NationalitiesnorvégHungarianadjNorwegian (of, from, or relating to Norway, its people or language)not-comparable
NationalitiesnorvégHungariannounNorwegian (person)countable uncountable
NationalitiesnorvégHungariannounNorwegian (language)countable uncountable
NationalitiespolaEsperantoadjPolish (of or pertaining to Poland, the Polish people, or the Polish language)
NationalitiespolaEsperantoadjClipping of la pola lingvo (“the Polish language”).abbreviation alt-of clipping
NationalitiesprusakPolishnouncockroach, roach (insect)animal-not-person colloquial masculine
NationalitiesprusakPolishnounGerman personanimal-not-person derogatory ethnic masculine slur
NationalitiesxaponésAsturianadjJapanese (of or pertaining to Japan)masculine singular
NationalitiesxaponésAsturiannouna Japanese (person)masculine singular
NationalitiesxaponésAsturiannounJapanese (language)masculine singular uncountable
NationalitiesĠermaniżMaltesenounGerman (person)masculine
NationalitiesĠermaniżMaltesenounGerman (language)
NationalitiesляхRussiannounPole, Polish man, Polackethnic historical slur
NationalitiesляхRussiannoungenitive plural of ля́ха (ljáxa)form-of genitive plural
NauticalafloatEnglishadvIn or into a state of floating.not-comparable
NauticalafloatEnglishadvIn, or while in, a vessel at sea or on another body of water; at sea.not-comparable
NauticalafloatEnglishadvUnder water (bearing floating objects).not-comparable
NauticalafloatEnglishadvIn or into circulation or currency.informationfiguratively not-comparable usually
NauticalafloatEnglishadvIn or into a condition of stimulation, arousal, confusion, bewilderment, etc.figuratively not-comparable obsolete
NauticalafloatEnglishadjIn, or found while in, a vessel at sea or on another body of water.not-comparable
NauticalafloatEnglishadjFloating in the air; flowing freely; not tied, braided, etc. (of hair or clothing)not-comparable
NauticalafloatEnglishadjCovered with water, bearing floating objects.not-comparable
NauticalafloatEnglishadjCovered, overspread, filled (with or in something).figuratively not-comparable
NauticalafloatEnglishadjHaving just enough resources to continue to operate; barely able to pay expenses; (of a private individual, family, etc.) keeping one's head above water.not-comparable
NauticalafloatEnglishadjBelieved or talked about by many people; being passed from person to person.informationfiguratively not-comparable usually
NauticalafloatEnglishadjStimulated, aroused, activated.figuratively not-comparable obsolete
NauticalafloatEnglishadjIn a state of confusion, bewilderment, or distraction.figuratively not-comparable obsolete
NauticalafloatEnglishprepFloating upon.obsolete
NauticalgovernaunceMiddle EnglishnounAuthority, rule, or leadership; the holding of power: / Governing; governmental or political control.
NauticalgovernaunceMiddle EnglishnounAuthority, rule, or leadership; the holding of power: / Military command or force; the state of being in military control.
NauticalgovernaunceMiddle EnglishnounAuthority, rule, or leadership; the holding of power: / A term or tenure; a period of office.rare
NauticalgovernaunceMiddle EnglishnounControl, governance; the action of being governed: / Teaching or guardianship; caring or developing another.
NauticalgovernaunceMiddle EnglishnounControl, governance; the action of being governed: / Willpower or self-control; one's ability to exercise restraint.
NauticalgovernaunceMiddle EnglishnounControl, governance; the action of being governed: / Control of a device or machine (especially a nautical vessel).
NauticalgovernaunceMiddle EnglishnounInfluence or effect (especially exerted by constellations or organs)
NauticalgovernaunceMiddle EnglishnounOne's actions, choices, or behaviour; that which characterises oneself.
NauticalgovernaunceMiddle EnglishnounA course of action; a set of directives.alchemy medicine pseudoscience sciences
NauticalgovernaunceMiddle EnglishnounThe organisation or cohesion of an army.rare
NauticalgovernaunceMiddle EnglishnounAn governmental command or order to aid in governance.rare
NauticalgovernaunceMiddle EnglishnounProtective guidance, keeping, or care
Nautical occupationscomitoItaliannouna galley boatswain, in charge of handling sailsnautical transportmasculine
Nautical occupationscomitoItaliannounfrom the 13th century, a galley captain within the Republic of Venicenautical transportmasculine
Nautical occupationscomitoItaliannounfrom the 13th century, a harbourmaster/harbormaster, especially in Kingdom of Naplesnautical transportmasculine
NazismNaziGermannouna member or (ideological) supporter of the Nazi Party, Nazism, or neo-Nazism; a National Socialistmasculine strong
NazismNaziGermannouna general, extremely strong insult, chiefly of someone right-wing, authoritarian or xenophobicmasculine strong
NazismNaziGermannounan expression of strong contempt for someone or something right-wing, authoritarian or xenophobic, as in Nazischwein, Nazipropaganda, etc.masculine strong
NazismNaziGermannamea diminutive of the male given names Ignaz or Ignatiusmasculine proper-noun rare strong
NazismstormtrooperEnglishnounA soldier trained in special infiltration tactics.
NazismstormtrooperEnglishnounA member of the Sturmabteilung, a Nazi street militia.
New Jersey, USAJerseyiteEnglishnounA person from the island of Jersey.
New Jersey, USAJerseyiteEnglishnounA person from New Jersey, United States.
New World warblersovenbirdEnglishnounAny of several birds / Originally, any of several small European birds that build dome-shaped nests; such as the long-tailed tit, willow warbler and chiffchaff.
New World warblersovenbirdEnglishnounAny of several birds / An American warbler, Seiurus aurocapilla, that builds such a nest of vegetation.
New World warblersovenbirdEnglishnounAny of several birds / Any bird of the Central and South America family Furnariidae.
New YearKoreannounYut, a traditional Korean board game.
New YearKoreannounAbbreviation of 윷짝 (yutjjak, “Yut sticks”).abbreviation alt-of
New YearKoreannoun4 points (made by a cast of yut sticks).
Nightlast nightEnglishnounThe evening or night immediately before the present. (This entry is a translation hub.)adverbial often uncountable
Nightlast nightEnglishadvduring the previous day’s nighttime; during the night before today (This entry is a translation hub.)not-comparable
Nova ScotiaNova ScotianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Canadian province of Nova Scotia.not-comparable
Nova ScotiaNova ScotianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Nova Scotia, Canada.
Nuclear warfareSDIEnglishnounInitialism of single-document interface.computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
Nuclear warfareSDIEnglishnameInitialism of Strategic Defense Initiative.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Nuclear warfareSDIEnglishnameInitialism of Steel Deck Institute.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Nuclear warfareSDIEnglishnameInitialism of Scuba Diving International.hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of initialism
Nuclear warfarebunkerEnglishnounA hardened shelter, often partly buried or fully underground, designed to protect the inhabitants from falling bombs or other attacks.government military politics war
Nuclear warfarebunkerEnglishnounA compartment for storing coal for the ship's boilers; or a tank for storing fuel oil for the ship's engines.nautical transport
Nuclear warfarebunkerEnglishnounThe coal compartment on a tank engine.rail-transport railways transport
Nuclear warfarebunkerEnglishnounA hazard on a golf course consisting of a sand-filled hobbies lifestyle sports
Nuclear warfarebunkerEnglishnounAn obstacle used to block an opposing player's view and field of hobbies lifestyle paintball sports
Nuclear warfarebunkerEnglishnounA large bin or container for storing coal, often built outdoors in the yard of a house.British historical
Nuclear warfarebunkerEnglishnounA sort of box or chest, as in a window, the lid of which serves as a seat.Scotland
Nuclear warfarebunkerEnglishnounA kitchen worktop.Scotland slang
Nuclear warfarebunkerEnglishverbTo load (a vessel) with coal or fuel oil for the engine.nautical transporttransitive
Nuclear warfarebunkerEnglishverbTo take a load of coal or fuel oil for its engine.nautical transportintransitive
Nuclear warfarebunkerEnglishverbTo steal bunker fuel by illicitly siphoning it off.nautical transportNigeria transitive
Nuclear warfarebunkerEnglishverbTo hit (a golf ball) into a bunker; (chiefly passive voice) to place (a golfer) in the position of having a golf ball in a hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
Nuclear warfarebunkerEnglishverbTo hit (a golf ball) into a bunker; (chiefly passive voice) to place (a golfer) in the position of having a golf ball in a bunker. / To place (someone) in a position that is difficult to get out of; to hobbies lifestyle sportsUK idiomatic informal transitive
Nuclear warfarebunkerEnglishverbTo fire constantly at (an opponent hiding behind an obstacle), trapping them and preventing them from firing at other players; also, to eliminate (an opponent behind an obstacle) by rushing to the position and firing at extremely close range as the player becomes paintballtransitive
Nuclear warfarebunkerEnglishverbOften followed by down: to take shelter in a bunker or other place.intransitive
Nuclear warfarebunkerEnglishnounOne who bunks off; a truant from school.British slang
Nuclear warfarebunkerEnglishnounThe menhaden, any of several species of fish in the genera Brevoortia and Ethmidium.US regional
NumbersâmVietnamesenounClipping of âm tố or clipping of ngữ âm (“phone”).human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencesabbreviation alt-of clipping colloquial
NumbersâmVietnamesenounclipping of âm vị (“phoneme”).human-sciences linguistics phonology sciencesabbreviation alt-of clipping colloquial
NumbersâmVietnamesenounClipping of âm tiết (“syllable”).human-sciences linguistics sciencesabbreviation alt-of clipping colloquial
NumbersâmVietnamesenounyinhuman-sciences mysticism occult philosophy sciences
NumbersâmVietnameseadjhaving "yin" characteristics, as in "dark", "lunar" or "feminine"human-sciences mysticism occult philosophy sciences
NumbersâmVietnameseadjnegativemathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences physics sciencesnegative
NumbersâmVietnameseprefixminus; negativemorpheme
NutritiondietaryEnglishadjOf, or relating to diet.not-comparable
NutritiondietaryEnglishadjComprising a food source.not-comparable
NutritiondietaryEnglishnounA regulated diet.UK dated
ObesitydikharCimbriannounfatty (fat person)Sette-Comuni masculine
ObesitydikharCimbriannounsimpleton, idiotSette-Comuni colloquial masculine
OccultȝerdeMiddle EnglishnounA bar or rod; a long, skinny piece of material: / A twig or shoot; a small branch or extension from a trunk.
OccultȝerdeMiddle EnglishnounA bar or rod; a long, skinny piece of material: / A crutch or staff; a bar used to support something.
OccultȝerdeMiddle EnglishnounA bar or rod; a long, skinny piece of material: / A baton; a bar used as a blunt weapon.
OccultȝerdeMiddle EnglishnounA bar or rod; a long, skinny piece of material: / A bar used to stop a joint from moving; a splint.
OccultȝerdeMiddle EnglishnounA bar or rod; a long, skinny piece of material: / A rod used to represent legitimacy, right, and might.
OccultȝerdeMiddle EnglishnounA bar or rod; a long, skinny piece of material: / A magical or mystical rod.rare
OccultȝerdeMiddle EnglishnounA bar or rod; a long, skinny piece of material: / A ruler totalling a yard.rare
OccultȝerdeMiddle EnglishnounOne's penis or phallus; the main sexual organ of a male.
OccultȝerdeMiddle EnglishnounA yard (unit of length consisting of three feet, often used for fabric)
OccultȝerdeMiddle EnglishnounA unit of area averaging approximately 30 acres; a virgate.
OccultȝerdeMiddle EnglishnounAn upright slab of wood which a sail is attached onto.
OccultȝerdeMiddle EnglishnounAn offspring or heir; one that descends from a lineage.
OccultȝerdeMiddle EnglishnounA line or column of smoke or mist.rare
OccultȝerdeMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of yerd (“land; property”)alt-of alternative
OccupationsengigneorOld Frenchnoundeceiver; one who deceives
OccupationsengigneorOld Frenchnounengineer
OccupationsleszedőHungarianverbpresent participle of leszedform-of participle present
OccupationsleszedőHungariannounbusser, busboy, busgirl
OccupationspaleontologPolishnounpaleontologistmasculine person
OccupationspaleontologPolishnounpaleontologistfeminine indeclinable
OccupationssecretariadoPortuguesenounsecretaryship (the office or position of a secretary)masculine
OccupationssecretariadoPortuguesenounthe occupation of being a secretarymasculine
OccupationssecretariadoPortuguesenounsecretariat (department of secretaries)masculine
OccupationssecretariadoPortuguesenounsecretarial studiesmasculine
OccupationsshunterEnglishnounA railway locomotive used for shunting; a switcher.rail-transport railways transportBritish
OccupationsshunterEnglishnounA person who carries out shunting operations.rail-transport railways transportBritish
OccupationsshunterEnglishnounOne who shunts (carries on arbitrage between London and provincial stock exchanges).business financeUK historical
OccupationsşamdancıTurkishnounmaker or seller of candlesticks
OccupationsşamdancıTurkishnounservant whose duty was to light up the candles inside a palacehistorical
OccupationsܦܠܚܐClassical Syriacnounservant, attendant, agent, minister
OccupationsܦܠܚܐClassical Syriacnounartisan
OccupationsܦܠܚܐClassical Syriacnounsoldiergovernment military politics war
OccupationsܦܠܚܐClassical Syriacnounworker, peasant
OccupationsܦܠܚܐClassical Syriacnounvintner
OccupationsܦܠܚܐClassical Syriacnounworshipper
OccupationsܦܠܚܐClassical Syriacnounworker
OccupationsܦܠܚܐClassical Syriacnountiller, cultivator, farmer, agriculturalist
OccupationsܦܠܚܐClassical Syriacnounvintner, vinedresser
OccupationsܦܠܚܐClassical Syriacnounworshipper
OccupationsܩܫܝܫܐClassical Syriacnounancient, ancestor, forefather
OccupationsܩܫܝܫܐClassical Syriacnounelder, grandfather
OccupationsܩܫܝܫܐClassical Syriacnounpriest, pastor, presbyterChristianity
OccupationsܩܫܝܫܐClassical Syriacnounchief or presider of a banquet; host
Occupationsਜ਼ਿਮੀਂਦਾਰPunjabinounlandholder, landowner, landlord
Occupationsਜ਼ਿਮੀਂਦਾਰPunjabinounfarmer, agriculturalist
Occupationsਜ਼ਿਮੀਂਦਾਰPunjabinounzamindar, yeoman, peasanthistorical
Occupations所長Chinesenounchief; head (of an institute, police station, etc.); director
Occupations所長Chinesenounone's forte; strength; strong point
Occupations翻譯Chineseverbto translate (to change spoken words or written text from one language to another)
Occupations翻譯Chineseverbto translate (to generate a chain of amino acids based on the sequence of codons in an mRNA molecule)biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciences
Occupations翻譯Chinesenountranslator; interpreter (Classifier: 名; 位)
OfficesconstableMiddle Englishnounconstable (high commander or officer of a medieval realm)
OfficesconstableMiddle Englishnounconstable (warden of a castle)
Old World monkeysdrillEnglishverbTo create (a hole) by removing material with a drill (tool).transitive
Old World monkeysdrillEnglishverbTo practice, especially in (or as in) a military context.intransitive
Old World monkeysdrillEnglishverbTo cause to drill (practice); to train in military arts.ergative
Old World monkeysdrillEnglishverbTo repeat an idea frequently in order to encourage someone to remember it.transitive
Old World monkeysdrillEnglishverbTo investigate or examine something in more detail or at a different levelfiguratively intransitive
Old World monkeysdrillEnglishverbTo throw, run, hit or kick with a lot of power.transitive
Old World monkeysdrillEnglishverbTo hit someone with a pitch, especially in an intentional context.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
Old World monkeysdrillEnglishverbTo have sexual intercourse with; to penetrate.slang vulgar
Old World monkeysdrillEnglishverbTo shoot; to kill.slang
Old World monkeysdrillEnglishnounA tool or machine used to remove material so as to create a hole, typically by plunging a rotating cutting bit into a stationary workpiece.
Old World monkeysdrillEnglishnounThe portion of a drilling tool that drives the bit.
Old World monkeysdrillEnglishnounAn activity done as an exercise or practice (especially a military exercise), particularly in preparation for some possible future event or occurrence.
Old World monkeysdrillEnglishnounA short and highly repeatable sports training exercise designed to hone a particular skill that may be useful in competition.
Old World monkeysdrillEnglishnounAny of several molluscs, of the genus Urosalpinx and others, especially the oyster drill (Urosalpinx cinerea), that make holes in the shells of their prey.
Old World monkeysdrillEnglishnounA style of trap music with gritty, violent lyrics, originating on the South Side of Chicago.entertainment lifestyle musicuncountable
Old World monkeysdrillEnglishnounAn agricultural implement for making holes for sowing seed, and sometimes so formed as to contain seeds and drop them into the hole made.
Old World monkeysdrillEnglishnounA light furrow or channel made to put seed into, when sowing.
Old World monkeysdrillEnglishnounA row of seed sown in a furrow.
Old World monkeysdrillEnglishverbTo sow (seeds) by dribbling them along a furrow or in a row.transitive
Old World monkeysdrillEnglishnounA small trickling stream; a rill.obsolete
Old World monkeysdrillEnglishverbTo cause to flow in drills or rills or by trickling; to drain by trickling.transitive
Old World monkeysdrillEnglishverbTo protract, lengthen out; fritter away, spend (time) aimlessly.dialectal obsolete transitive
Old World monkeysdrillEnglishverbTo entice or allure; to decoy; with on.dialectal obsolete transitive
Old World monkeysdrillEnglishverbTo cause to slip or waste away by degrees.dialectal obsolete transitive
Old World monkeysdrillEnglishnounAn Old World monkey of West Africa, Mandrillus leucophaeus, similar in appearance to the mandrill, but lacking the colorful face.
Old World monkeysdrillEnglishnounA strong, durable cotton fabric with a strong bias (diagonal) in the weave.countable uncountable
Olive family plantsolivettaItaliannounsmall olive (fruit)feminine
Olive family plantsolivettaItaliannountoggle (wooden bar-shaped button)feminine
Olive family plantsolivettaItaliannounprivetfeminine
Olive family plantsolivettaItaliannounnut plateengineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesfeminine
Olive family plantsseringaFrenchnounsweet mock orange (Philadelphus coronarius)masculine
Olive family plantsseringaFrenchnounhence any of several flowering plants of the genus Philadelphusmasculine
Olive family plantsseringaFrenchnounany of several flowering plants of the genus Syringa such as the lilacsmasculine uncommon
OneKoreannumone (as a determiner numeral before a noun or classifier)
OneKoreandetabout, around
OneKoreannoundeep-seated resentment
OneKoreannameShort for 한국(韓國) (Han'guk, “Korea, the Republic of Korea”).abbreviation alt-of
OneKoreannamea surname
OneKoreannameHan (ancient Chinese county, viscounty, and kingdom of the Zhou dynasty)historical
OneKoreannameHan dynastyhistorical
OneKoreannamea surname
OneKoreansuffixman; persondated morpheme negative often
OneKoreannounlimit; end; bound
OneKoreannounbeing as long as; being as far as
OneKoreannouna word used to indicate that the extent of what is referred to in the preceding statement is beyond measure
OneKoreannouna word used to indicate a situation in which one is expected to sacrifice oneself for a certain task or endure a difficult and painful circumstance
Opticsမှန်ဘီလူးBurmesenounlens (object focusing or defocusing the light passing through it)
Opticsမှန်ဘီလူးBurmesenounmagnifying glass
Orangesstrawberry blondeEnglishadjAn uncommon hair colour that is a combination of blonde and red. Strawberry blonde hair appears blonde in dim light, but when exposed to sun or a bright light, the hair may assume a slight tinge of pink or red color.
Orangesstrawberry blondeEnglishnounA person, especially a female, who has hair of this colour.
Orangesstrawberry blondeEnglishnounA cocktail comprising one part vodka to two parts cherry brandy to three parts cola topped with a dash of cream and stirred gently with a swizzle stick before serving.
OrganizationsAdidasEnglishnameThe German sports apparel manufacturer adidas AG, formally founded in 1949.
OrganizationsAdidasEnglishnounA clothing product of this brand, especially a pair of shoes.
OrgansHuutLimburgishnounskin, hide of a person or animal / foreskinfeminine
OrgansHuutLimburgishnounskin, hide of a person or animal / saddle leather (strong, specially tanned leather used for tack)feminine
OrgansHuutLimburgishnounskin (membrane found on the surface of an object, like a sausage)feminine
OrgansHuutLimburgishnounbody of a person or animalfeminine
OrgansHuutLimburgishnounsole (of a foot)feminine
OrgansHuutLimburgishnounbellyfeminine humorous
OrganskulitBrunei Malaynounskin (outer covering of the body of a person)
OrganskulitBrunei Malaynounskin (protective outer layer of a plant or fruit)
OrganskulitBrunei Malaynounleather (material produced by tanning animal skin)
OrganskulitBrunei Malaynounshell (covering of a nut)
OwlsparliamentEnglishnounA formal council summoned (especially by a monarch) to discuss important issues.countable historical uncountable
OwlsparliamentEnglishnounIn many countries, the legislative branch of government, a deliberative assembly or set of assemblies whose elected or appointed members meet to debate the major political issues of the day, make, amend, and repeal laws, authorize the executive branch of government to spend money, and in some cases exercise judicial powers; a legislature.countable uncountable
OwlsparliamentEnglishnounA particular assembly of the members of such a legislature, as convened for a specific purpose or period of time (commonly designated with an ordinal number – for example, first parliament or 12th parliament – or a descriptive adjective – for example, Long Parliament, Short Parliament and Rump Parliament).countable uncountable
OwlsparliamentEnglishnounA gathering of birds, especially rooks or owls.countable uncountable
OwlsparliamentEnglishnounParliament cake, a type of gingerbread.countable historical uncountable
PaintingmazaniceCzechnounscrawl, scribblefeminine
PakistanملتانیUrduadjMultani (of or relating to Multan)
PakistanملتانیUrdunameMultanite (person)
Palm trees海棗Chinesenouna kind of fruit in Chinese mythologyliterary
Palm trees海棗Chinesenounchimerical thingfiguratively literary
Palm trees海棗Chinesenoundate palm (Phoenix dactylifera)
ParasiteskĩehaKikuyunoungrief, sorrow, sadness, anxietyclass-7
ParasiteskĩehaKikuyunounEnglerina woodfordioides (syn. Loranthus woodfordioides); parasitic plant found on trees, like mistletoeclass-7
ParentsojczulekPolishnoundad, daddycolloquial endearing masculine person
ParentsojczulekPolishnounmonk, friarendearing humorous masculine person
PedophilialoliconEnglishnounAttraction (often erotic) to young or young-looking female characters.anime broadcasting comics film literature manga media publishing televisionuncountable usually
PedophilialoliconEnglishnounAn individual who is attracted to young or young-looking female characters.anime broadcasting comics film literature manga media publishing televisioncountable usually
PedophilialoliconEnglishnounErotic or suggestive artwork depicting young or young-looking girls.anime broadcasting comics film literature manga media publishing televisionuncountable usually
PedophilialoliconEnglishnounSexual attraction to or fascination with young girls in general.uncountable usually
PeopleBFFEnglishnounInitialism of best friend forever.abbreviation alt-of informal initialism
PeopleBFFEnglishnounInitialism of backend for frontend.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences softwareabbreviation alt-of initialism
PeopleNipponophileEnglishnounOne who loves Japan or Japanese culture.
PeopleNipponophileEnglishnounAn advocate of Japanese thought or culture.
PeopleadbayserCebuanonounone's homeroom teacher or class adviser
PeopleadbayserCebuanonounan adviser; one who advises
PeopleantisexistEnglishadjOpposed to sexism.
PeopleantisexistEnglishnounOne who opposes sexism.
PeopleauxiliarSpanishadjauxiliary, ancillaryfeminine masculine
PeopleauxiliarSpanishadjsubsidiaryaccounting business financefeminine masculine
PeopleauxiliarSpanishadjsupport (e.g. support staff)feminine masculine
PeopleauxiliarSpanishnounassistant, attendant, steward, stewardess, aideby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PeopleauxiliarSpanishverbto help, to aid
PeoplebiblistEnglishnounOne who holds the Bible as the sole rule of faith.
PeoplebiblistEnglishnounA biblical scholar; a biblicist.
PeoplecamaleóCatalannounflip-flopperfiguratively masculine
PeoplechatterboxEnglishnounOne who chats or talks to excess.informal
PeoplechatterboxEnglishnounA cootie catcher (children's fortune-telling device).
PeoplechatterboxEnglishnounSynonym of chatterbotcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
PeoplechatterboxEnglishnounThe orchid Epipactis gigantea.
PeopledastardEnglishnounA malicious coward; a dishonorable sneak.
PeopledastardEnglishadjMeanly shrinking from danger, cowardly, dastardly.
PeopledastardEnglishverbTo dastardize.
PeopledudeletEnglishnounAn effeminate young man who strives to be fashionable; a dandy.archaic derogatory
PeopledudeletEnglishnounA young boy, especially one who is fashionable or popular.
PeopledudeletEnglishnounA fashionable young woman.archaic
PeoplefucknozzleEnglishnounAn obnoxious or contemptible person.derogatory offensive slang vulgar
PeoplefucknozzleEnglishnounThe penis.slang vulgar
Peoplegit-człowiekPolishnounmember of a prison subculture that occupies the highest position in the internal hierarchymasculine person slang
Peoplegit-człowiekPolishnounrebel; hippie (representative of the youth subculture created in Poland in the 1970s that draws on certain patterns of conduct and internal hierarchy from the criminal world; young person who demonstrated their individuality by disregarding the social rules in force at the time)jargon masculine person
PeoplegnojekPolishnoundipshit, shithead, bastard (a contemptible person, usually a youth)derogatory masculine person
PeoplegnojekPolishnounpauper (a poor person)derogatory masculine obsolete person
PeoplegnojekPolishnounslob, pig (a dirty, unkempt person)derogatory masculine obsolete person
PeoplegnojekPolishnounscrooge, skinflint, tightwadderogatory masculine obsolete person
PeopleguedinFrenchnounhotheadby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PeopleguedinFrenchnoundespicable personby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PeoplehinimbaCebuanoadjcharacteristic of a churchgoer
PeoplehinimbaCebuanonouna churchgoer
Peoplelong-haulerEnglishnounA truck driver who covers long distances to deliver goods, often being away from home for extended periods of time.
Peoplelong-haulerEnglishnounA COVID-19 patient who is suffering from the symptoms of the disease for a significantly longer period than the average.
PeopleluciferianoItalianadjadherent of the schism of Lucifer of Cagliarihistorical masculine
PeopleluciferianoItalianadjused to indicate the followers of several heretical movements linked to Catharism during the 11ᵗʰ and 12ᵗʰ centurieshistorical masculine
PeoplemajordomoEnglishnounThe head servant or official in a royal Spanish or Italian household; later, any head servant in a wealthy household in a foreign country; a leading servant or butler.
PeoplemajordomoEnglishnounA manager of a hacienda, ranch or estate.US
PeoplemajordomoEnglishnounAny overseer, organizer, person in command.US
PeoplemerPolishnounmayor (in France and other countries, the chief executive of the municipal government of a city, borough, etc.)masculine person
PeoplemerPolishnounmer, repeat unitchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesinanimate masculine
PeoplemorNorwegian Nynorsknounmotherfeminine
PeoplemorNorwegian Nynorsknouna Moormasculine
PeoplemotherfuckerEnglishintjExpressing dismay, discontent, or surprise.vulgar
PeoplemotherfuckerEnglishnounAn extremely contemptible, vicious or mean person.offensive vulgar
PeoplemotherfuckerEnglishnounAny person, often but not always with the connotation that the person is disliked or is threatening.vulgar
PeoplemotherfuckerEnglishnounAn extremely intense experience, often but not always negative.vulgar
PeoplemotherfuckerEnglishnounAn extremely intense experience, often but not always negative. / To an extreme degree.vulgar
PeoplemotherfuckerEnglishnounA good very close friend or relative.vulgar
PeoplemotherfuckerEnglishnounOne who engages in incest with their mother.literally vulgar
PeoplemotherfuckerEnglishnounOne who engages in sex with a mother, not necessarily one's own.literally vulgar
PeopleopoYorubanounpillar; columnarchitecture
PeopleopoYorubanounorbitastronomy natural-sciences
PeopleopoYorubanounpillar; backbone; nucleusfiguratively
PeoplequailEnglishverbTo waste away; to fade, to wither.intransitive
PeoplequailEnglishverbTo daunt or frighten (someone).archaic transitive
PeoplequailEnglishverbTo lose heart or courage; to be daunted or fearful.intransitive
PeoplequailEnglishverbOf courage, faith, etc.: to slacken, to give way.intransitive
PeoplequailEnglishnounAny of various small game birds of the genera Coturnix, Anurophasis or Perdicula in the Old World family Phasianidae or of the New World family Odontophoridae.countable uncountable
PeoplequailEnglishnounThe meat from this bird eaten as food.uncountable
PeoplequailEnglishnounA prostitute.countable obsolete uncountable
PeoplequailEnglishverbTo curdle or coagulate, as milk does.obsolete
PeoplereaderEnglishnounA person who reads.
PeoplereaderEnglishnounA person who reads a publication.
PeoplereaderEnglishnounA person who recites literary works, usually to an audience.
PeoplereaderEnglishnounA proofreader.
PeoplereaderEnglishnounA person employed by a publisher to read works submitted for publication and determine their merits.
PeoplereaderEnglishnounA position attached to aristocracy, or to the wealthy, with the task of reading aloud, often in a foreign language.
PeoplereaderEnglishnounA university lecturer ranking below a professor.British
PeoplereaderEnglishnounAny device that reads something.
PeoplereaderEnglishnounA book of exercises to accompany a textbook.
PeoplereaderEnglishnounAn elementary textbook for those learning to read, especially for foreign languages.
PeoplereaderEnglishnounA literary anthology.
PeoplereaderEnglishnounA lay or minor cleric who reads lessons in a church service.
PeoplereaderEnglishnounA newspaper advertisement designed to look like a news article rather than a commercial solicitation.advertising business marketing
PeoplereaderEnglishnounMarked playing cards used by cheaters.gambling gamesin-plural slang
PeoplereaderEnglishnounA wallet or pocketbook.obsolete slang
PeoplescaffolderEnglishnounA person who erects and dismantles scaffolding.
PeoplescaffolderEnglishnounA software tool that creates the basic framework or template for a new project.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
PeoplescaffolderEnglishnounA spectator in the gallery of a theatre.
PeoplestannatorEnglishnounAn elected representative to the stannary parliament.historical
PeoplestannatorEnglishnounThe mayor of Plympton, in Devon.historical
Peoplestorm chaserEnglishnounOne who chases storms as a profession or hobby.
Peoplestorm chaserEnglishnounOne who finds and films storms, especially tornadoes.
PeopletenantEnglishnounOne who holds a lease (a tenancy).
PeopletenantEnglishnounOne who has possession of any place.broadly
PeopletenantEnglishnounAny of a number of customers serviced through the same instance of an application.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
PeopletenantEnglishnounOne who holds a feudal tenure in real property.historical
PeopletenantEnglishnounOne who owns real estate other than via allodial propertybroadly
PeopletenantEnglishverbTo hold as, or be, a tenant.
PeopletenantEnglishverbTo inhabit.transitive
PeopletenantEnglishnounMisconstruction of tenetalt-of misconstruction
PeopletrokariFinnishnounEllipsis of lipputrokari (“a person who scalps tickets”).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
PeopletrokariFinnishnouna person who scalps other items with a limited availability.broadly
PeopletrokariFinnishnounAny trader.derogatory
PeopleunsubEnglishnounAbbreviation of unknown subject. of an investigation.government law-enforcementabbreviation alt-of
PeopleunsubEnglishverbAbbreviation of unsubscribe.abbreviation alt-of
PeopleunsubEnglishnounAbbreviation of unsubscription.abbreviation alt-of
PeopleunsubEnglishnounAbbreviation of unsubscriber.abbreviation alt-of
PeoplevapistEnglishnounOne who uses a vaping device.derogatory humorous possibly
PeoplevapistEnglishnounOne who promotes or advocates vaping.derogatory humorous possibly
PeoplewarmongerEnglishnounSomeone who advocates war; a militarist.derogatory
PeoplewarmongerEnglishnounA mercenary soldier.
PeoplewarmongerEnglishverbTo advocate war.derogatory intransitive
PeopleحواریUrdunounan apostle; disciple of JesusIslam lifestyle religion
PeopleحواریUrdunouna companion of any other Prophetbroadly
PeopleحواریUrdunouncertain Prophets of Godbroadly
PeopleحواریUrdunounan epithet for Zubayrbroadly
PeopleحواریUrdunoundisciple (of a teacher or sage etc.)
PeopleحواریUrdunouna washerman; fullerdated
PeopleحواریUrdunounone who has white skinrare
PeopleحواریUrdunouna faithful / loyal person
PeopleਲੋਕPunjabinounpeople (any collective group of persons)
PeopleਲੋਕPunjabinounworld, universe
PeopleਲੋਕPunjabinounpublic, popular, folkin-compounds
Peopleஅயலான்Tamilnounalien, extraterrestrial beingmasculine
People木頭人Chinesenounone who stares blankly, in a trance; one who is slow in understanding; blockhead
People木頭人Chinesenounperson in a vegetative state; human vegetable; cabbageThailand
Perching birdsκαλόγεροςGreeknounmonk, friarlifestyle religion
Perching birdsκαλόγεροςGreeknouna solitary, ascetic, monkish personfiguratively humorous
Perching birdsκαλόγεροςGreeknouncoat rack, hatstand
Perching birdsκαλόγεροςGreeknounboilmedicine sciences
Perching birdsκαλόγεροςGreeknoungreat tit (bird)
Perching birdsκαλόγεροςGreeknounexposed rock at seanautical transport
Percoid fishmojarraSpanishnounmojarrafeminine
Percoid fishmojarraSpanishnountilapiafeminine
PersonalitycreativeEnglishadjTending to create things, or having the ability to create; often, excellently, in a novel fashion, or any or all of these.
PersonalitycreativeEnglishadjOriginal, expressive and imaginative.
PersonalitycreativeEnglishadjA type of set of natural numbers, related to mathematical logic.mathematics sciences set-theory
PersonalitycreativeEnglishadjDesigned or executed to deceive or mislead.
PersonalitycreativeEnglishnounA person directly involved in a creative marketing process.countable
PersonalitycreativeEnglishnounArtistic material used in advertising, e.g. photographs, drawings, or video.uncountable
PersonalityfusspotEnglishnounA person who makes a fuss, particularly about trivial things.informal
PersonalityfusspotEnglishverbTo make a fuss, particularly about trivial things.informal intransitive
PersonalitypiggSwedishadjalert, fresh (often after sleeping, as opposed to drowsy) / healthy
PersonalitypiggSwedishadjalert, fresh (often after sleeping, as opposed to drowsy) / lively, active
PersonalitypiggSwedishadjalert, fresh (often after sleeping, as opposed to drowsy) / lively, active / spry
PersonalitypiggSwedishadjalert, fresh (often after sleeping, as opposed to drowsy)
PersonalitypiggSwedishadjup for, keen on (wanting)predicative
PersonalitypiggSwedishnouna (small) spikecommon-gender
PersonalitypiggSwedishnouna spine, a thorn, a quillcommon-gender
PerusolEnglishnounIn a movable-do or tonic sol-fa system: the fifth step in a scale, preceded by fa and followed by la.entertainment lifestyle musicuncountable
PerusolEnglishnounIn a fixed-do system: the musical note G.entertainment lifestyle musicuncountable
PerusolEnglishnounAn old coin from France and some other countries worth 12 deniers.historical
PerusolEnglishnounA former Spanish-American silver coin.historical
PerusolEnglishnounIn full nuevo sol or new sol: the main currency unit of Peru which replaced the inti in 1991; also, a coin of this value.
PerusolEnglishnounA solar day on the planet Mars (equivalent to 24 hours, 39 minutes, 35 seconds).astronomy natural-sciences
PerusolEnglishnounA type of colloid in which a solid is dispersed in a liquid.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesphysical
PerusolEnglishnounA solution to an objection (or "ob"), for example, in controversial divinity.obsolete
Philmont Scout RanchPhilmontEnglishnamePhilmont Scout Ranch.
Philmont Scout RanchPhilmontEnglishnameA town in Columbia County, New York, United States.
Physical chemistryacidicEnglishadjHaving a pH less than 7, or being sour, or having the strength to neutralize alkalis, or turning a litmus paper red.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
Physical chemistryacidicEnglishadjContaining a high percentage of silica-bearing minerals; opposed to basic.geography geology natural-sciences petrology
Physical chemistryacidicEnglishadjOf or relating to acid; having the character of an acid.
PhysicskortvågSwedishnounshortwave, a range of the radio frequency spectrum from 3 to 30 MHz, its capability to convey signalscommon-gender uncountable
PhysicskortvågSwedishnouna radio wave or electromagnetic signal in this rangecommon-gender
PigsgaltSwedishnounboar; male pigcommon-gender
PigsgaltSwedishverbsupine of galaform-of supine
PigslochaPolishnounsow (female pig)feminine
PigslochaPolishverbthird-person singular present of lochaćform-of present singular third-person
PinnipedsmerikarhuFinnishnounSynonym of haaremihylje (“southern fur seal of the genus Arctocephalus”).biology natural-sciences zoologydated
PinnipedsmerikarhuFinnishnounSynonym of beringinhylje (“northern fur seal of the genus Callorhinus”).biology natural-sciences zoologydated
PinnipedsmerikarhuFinnishnounseadog, tar (experienced sailor)nautical transport
Piperales order plantspiobarIrishnounpepper (plant of the family Piperacea; spice from dried berries of this plant)masculine
Piperales order plantspiobarIrishnounpepper (fruit of the capsicum)masculine
Planets of the Solar SystemVéineasIrishnameVenus (planet)feminine
Planets of the Solar SystemVéineasIrishnameVenus (Roman goddess)feminine
Plant anatomyflabellumEnglishnounA large fan used for religious ceremonies.
Plant anatomyflabellumEnglishnounAny fan-shaped structure.biology botany natural-sciences zoology
PlantsgorakaTernateverbto be bent overstative
Plantspakpak-lawinTagalognounbird's-nest fern (Asplenium nidus)
Plantspakpak-lawinTagalognounoakleaf fern (Drynaria quercifolia)
PlantstorgaGaliciannounbond usually made with a twisted twigfeminine
PlantstorgaGaliciannounsmall hole on earth (as those done by moles); molehillfeminine
PlantstorgaGaliciannounhindrance (an object used to prevent pigs to access or pass through enclosures)feminine
PlantstorgaGalicianverbinflection of torgar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
PlantstorgaGalicianverbinflection of torgar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
PlantsतनाHindinounstem, stalk
Poetry詩篇Japanesenounbook of poetry; anthology
Poetry詩篇JapanesenamePsalms (book of the Bible)
PolanduchoPolishnounear (organ of hearing)anatomy medicine sciencesneuter
PolanduchoPolishnounear (organ of hearing) / ear (external part of the organ of hearing; the auricle)anatomy medicine sciencesneuter
PolanduchoPolishnounear (ability to hear)broadly neuter
PolanduchoPolishnounear (one who hears or listens)figuratively neuter
PolanduchoPolishnounear, earflap (part of a hat that covers one's ears)neuter
PolanduchoPolishnounorillon (semicircular projection made at the shoulder of a bastion for the purpose of covering the retired flank, found in old fortresses)architectureneuter
PolanduchoPolishnounAugmentative of uszko (“kreplach”)augmentative form-of neuter
PolanduchoPolishnoundog-ear (folded corner of the page of a book or other publication, either due to having been read many times or intentionally as a sort of bookmark)neuter obsolete
PolanduchoPolishnounhandle (grip of a basket, kettle, etc.)neuter
PolanduchoPolishnouneye (hole at the blunt end of a needle through which thread is passed)neuter
PolanduchoPolishnounend of a bag from the edges for tyingneuter obsolete
PolanduchoPolishnouneye of a net in which the upper and lower ends of a sprit are attachedfishing hobbies lifestyle nautical transportneuter obsolete
PoliticsZUkrainiansymbolthe Roman letter Z, z
PoliticsZUkrainiansymbola symbol indicating that the user, or the person tagged with it, supports the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukrainegovernment politics
PoliticsrooieDutchadjinflection of rood: / masculine/feminine singular attributiveattributive colloquial feminine form-of masculine singular
PoliticsrooieDutchadjinflection of rood: / definite neuter singular attributiveattributive colloquial definite form-of neuter singular
PoliticsrooieDutchadjinflection of rood: / plural attributiveattributive colloquial form-of plural
PoliticsrooieDutchnouna redheaded personfeminine masculine
PoliticsrooieDutchnouna socialist, a communistfeminine masculine
PoliticsrooieDutchnouna thousand-guilder bill, short for rooie rug 'red back' (the colour of the underside of the bill)feminine informal masculine
PoliticsrooieDutchverbsingular present subjunctive of rooienform-of present singular subjunctive
Pome fruitsمصعArabicnounfruit of boxthornArabic Classical collective
Pome fruitsمصعArabicnounmedlar tree and its fruitArabic Classical al-Andalus collective
PoultryⲥⲱⲟⲩϩⲓCopticnoun(Bohairic) crown of headanatomy medicine sciences
Pregnancydawać życiePolishverbto give birthidiomatic imperfective intransitive literary
Pregnancydawać życiePolishverbSynonym of oddawać życieidiomatic imperfective intransitive
Primrose family plantsmetiljSerbo-Croatiannounfluke (parasitic flatworm)
Primrose family plantsmetiljSerbo-Croatiannounloosestrife (Lysimachia gen. et spp.)
Primrose family plantsprymulaPolishnounprimrose (any plant of the genus Primula)feminine
Primrose family plantsprymulaPolishnounprimrose (flower of a primrose)feminine
PrintingprintingEnglishnounThe process or business of producing printed material by means of inked type and a printing press or similar technology.uncountable
PrintingprintingEnglishnounMaterial that has been printed.uncountable
PrintingprintingEnglishnounAll the copies of a publication that have been printed in one batch.countable
PrintingprintingEnglishnounWritten characters that are not joined up.uncountable
PrintingprintingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of printform-of gerund participle present
PrintingprintingEnglishverbTo inadequately carry a concealed weapon such that its silhouette is visible on the person wearing it.
PrisonmewEnglishnounA gull, seagull.archaic dialectal poetic
PrisonmewEnglishnounA prison, or other place of confinement.obsolete
PrisonmewEnglishnounA hiding place; a secret store or den.obsolete
PrisonmewEnglishnounA breeding-cage for birds.obsolete
PrisonmewEnglishnounA cage for hawks, especially while moulting.falconry hobbies hunting lifestyle
PrisonmewEnglishnounA building or set of buildings where moulting birds are kept.falconry hobbies hunting lifestylein-plural
PrisonmewEnglishverbTo shut away, confine, lock up.archaic
PrisonmewEnglishverbTo moult.
PrisonmewEnglishverbTo cause to moult.obsolete
PrisonmewEnglishverbTo shed antlers.obsolete
PrisonmewEnglishnounThe crying sound of a cat; a meow, especially of a kitten.
PrisonmewEnglishnounThe crying sound of a gull or buzzard.
PrisonmewEnglishnounAn exclamation of disapproval; a boo.obsolete
PrisonmewEnglishverbTo meow.especially
PrisonmewEnglishverbTo make its cry.
PrisonmewEnglishintjA cat's (especially a kitten's) cry.
PrisonmewEnglishintjA gull's or buzzard's cry.
PrisonmewEnglishintjAn exclamation of disapproval; boo.archaic
PrisonmewEnglishverbTo flatten one's tongue against the roof of the mouth, with the aim of improving jaw and facial structure.intransitive slang
Provinces of ChinaAnnamEnglishnameA former colonial province of China, now part of Vietnam's present-day Tonkin.history human-sciences sciences
Provinces of ChinaAnnamEnglishnameOne the French protectorates in Vietnam, located in Central Vietnam.history human-sciences sciences
Provinces of ChinaĐài LoanVietnamesenameTaiwan
Provinces of ChinaĐài LoanVietnameseadjTaiwanese
Psychologymain character syndromeEnglishnounThe phenomenon of the protagonist of a show or movie receiving unrealistic special treatment from the worldbuilders.fiction literature media publishinguncountable
Psychologymain character syndromeEnglishnounThe phenomenon of thinking of oneself as the protagonist in the "movie" of one's life (and, thus, usually as unrealistically important or distinguished).broadly derogatory uncountable
Punctuation marksкоскаBelarusiannoundiminutive of каса́ (kasá, “braids”)diminutive form-of
Punctuation marksкоскаBelarusiannoundiminutive of каса́ (kasá, “scythe”)diminutive form-of
Punctuation marksкоскаBelarusiannouncomma
PurplesmagentaEnglishnounA colour which is close to an equal mixture of red and blue which is an additive secondary colour but a subtractive primary colour evoked by the combination of red and blue light.countable uncountable
PurplesmagentaEnglishadjhaving the colour of fuchsia, fuchsine, light purple.
PyrotechnicsmascletCatalannoundiminutive of mascle (“male”)diminutive form-of masculine
PyrotechnicsmascletCatalannounhandle of a tap or faucetmasculine
PyrotechnicsmascletCatalannouna cocktail typical of Reus in Tarragona, consisting of a mixture of red vermouth and Plim, a local banana-flavoured beveragemasculine
QuakerismsilenceEnglishnounThe absence of any sound.uncountable usually
QuakerismsilenceEnglishnounThe act of refraining from speaking.uncountable usually
QuakerismsilenceEnglishnounRefraining from speaking, for purposes of prayer or meditation; especially, a form of worship practiced by the Society of Friends (Quakers) during meetings.uncountable usually
QuakerismsilenceEnglishverbTo make (someone or something) silent.transitive
QuakerismsilenceEnglishverbTo repress the expression of something.transitive
QuakerismsilenceEnglishverbTo suppress criticism, etc.transitive
QuakerismsilenceEnglishverbTo block gene expression.
QuakerismsilenceEnglishverbTo murder.euphemistic
QuakerismsilenceEnglishintjBe silent.imperative
QuantityenoughEnglishdetSufficient; all that is required, needed, or appropriate. / Used before a noun in the manner of words like some, a bit of, and so on.
QuantityenoughEnglishdetSufficient; all that is required, needed, or appropriate. / Used after a noun.archaic
QuantityenoughEnglishadvFully; quite; used after adjectives to express slight augmentation of the positive degree, and sometimes equivalent to very.
QuantityenoughEnglishadvUsed after certain adverbs to emphasise that a quality is notable, unexpected, etc.
QuantityenoughEnglishpronA sufficient or adequate number, amount, etc.
QuantityenoughEnglishintjStop! Don't do that any more!
QuantityenoughEnglishnounAn instance of being sufficient, or of doing something rare
Qur'anآيةArabicnounsign, token
Qur'anآيةArabicnounverse (of a holy book, such as the Quran or Bible)
Qur'anآيةArabicnounprodigy, marvel
Qur'anآيةArabicnamea female given name
Rail transportationCharing CrossEnglishnameAn important road junction in central London, England, which gives its name to the surrounding area and a railway terminus, and is the point where distances from London are measured from (OS grid ref TQ3080).
Rail transportationCharing CrossEnglishnameA neighbourhood, major road junction and railway station in central Glasgow, Scotland (OS grid ref NS5866).
Rail transportationbrakesmanEnglishnounSomeone who operates the winch in a mine.
Rail transportationbrakesmanEnglishnounA brakeman; a railroad employee responsible for a train's brakes, couplings etc.
Rail transportationcapçalCatalannounhead (of a bed), headboardmasculine
Rail transportationcapçalCatalannounpillowmasculine
Rail transportationcapçalCatalannounheadstockmasculine
Rail transportationcapçalCatalannounlintelmasculine
Rail transportationsurfacemanEnglishnounA miner who works in the open air, rather than mining
Rail transportationsurfacemanEnglishnounA platelayer; one who maintains a railway track.Scotland
Recreational drugschase the dragonEnglishverbTo inhale the vapour from heated morphine, heroin, oxycodone or opium that has been placed on a piece of foil.slang
Recreational drugschase the dragonEnglishverbTo chase after the promise of a continually fulfilling high from an addictive substance.idiomatic
Recreational drugsกัญชาThainounthe plant Cannabis indica of the family Cannabaceae.biology botany natural-sciences
Recreational drugsกัญชาThainoun(สกุล~) the genus Cannabis.biology botany natural-sciences
Recreational drugsกัญชาThainoundrug prepared from any plant of this genus, as bhang, hashish, marijuana, etc.
RedshồngVietnamesenounpersimmon (Diospyros kaki)
RedshồngVietnamesenounrose (Rosa)
ReligiondeityEnglishnounSynonym of divinity: the state, position, or fact of being a god.countable uncountable
ReligiondeityEnglishnounA supernatural divine being; a god or goddess.countable uncountable
ReligionheveneMiddle EnglishnameHeaven; a divine realm or positive afterlife.
ReligionheveneMiddle EnglishnounThe heavens; the cosmos surrounding the Earth, especially: / A layer of the cosmos; one of the celestial spheres.
ReligionheveneMiddle EnglishnounThe heavens; the cosmos surrounding the Earth, especially: / The entirety of the sky; the atmosphere.
ReligionheveneMiddle EnglishnounThe heavens; the cosmos surrounding the Earth, especially: / Outer space; the abode of the stars.
ReligionheveneMiddle EnglishnounA serene or heavenly locale or experience.figuratively
ReligionheveneMiddle EnglishnounA serene or heavenly person.figuratively rare
ReligionprophetesseMiddle EnglishnounA female prophet; one who expounds upon a divine message or a purported one.
ReligionprophetesseMiddle EnglishnounA female foreteller; a woman who divines or previews.rare
ReligionproroczyPolishadjprophetnot-comparable relational
ReligionproroczyPolishadjprophesy; propheticnot-comparable relational
ReligionreredosMiddle EnglishnounA reredos or retable; a panel at the back of an altar.
ReligionreredosMiddle EnglishnounA dorsal; a hanging or tapestry at the back of an altar.
ReligionreredosMiddle EnglishnounThe back of a fireplace or hearth.rare
ReligionreredosMiddle EnglishnounA wood screen against the back of a chair or wall.rare
ReligionreredosMiddle EnglishnounA panel of armour for protecting the rear.rare
ReligionreredosMiddle EnglishnounThe rearguard of an army.rare
ReligionsantoSpanishadjholy, godly
ReligionsantoSpanishnounmale saintmasculine
ReligionsantoSpanishnounname daymasculine
ReligionspiritoEsperantoverbsingular past nominal passive participle of spiriform-of nominal participle passive past singular
ReligionшашингүйMongoliannounprivative singular of шашин (šašin)form-of privative singular
Road transportкупеUkrainiannouncompartment, couchette (of a railway carriage)indeclinable
Road transportкупеUkrainiannouncoupé, coupe (two-seater car, often sporty)indeclinable
Road transportкупеUkrainiannounA fitted wardrobe or closet for storing clothes.indeclinable
RoadsislandEnglishnounA contiguous area of land, smaller than a continent, totally surrounded by water.
RoadsislandEnglishnounA contiguous area of land, smaller than a continent, partially surrounded by water; A peninsula; A half-island.broadly
RoadsislandEnglishnounAn entity surrounded by other entities that are very different from itself.
RoadsislandEnglishnounA superstructure on an aircraft carrier's deck.
RoadsislandEnglishnounA traffic island.
RoadsislandEnglishnounA roundabout; a traffic circle.West-Midlands broadly
RoadsislandEnglishnounA bench, counter, etc., that is not connected to a wall or other furniture and which can be used from any side.
RoadsislandEnglishnounAn unincorporated area wholly surrounded by one or more incorporated areas.government
RoadsislandEnglishnounA phrase from which a wh-word cannot be extracted without yielding invalid grammar.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
RoadsislandEnglishverbTo surround with water; make into an island.transitive
RoadsislandEnglishverbTo set, dot (as if) with islands.transitive
RoadsislandEnglishverbTo isolate.transitive
RoadsκόμβοςGreeknouninterchange, hub, circustraffic transport
RoadsκόμβοςGreeknounknot (speed of one nautical mile per hour)nautical transport
Roads抜け道Japanesenounobscure, less-traveled road; byway
Roads抜け道Japanesenounloophole (means of escape)
Roman CatholicismCistercianEnglishnounA member of a monastic order which follows the Benedictine rule and emphasizes silent contemplative prayer.
Roman CatholicismCistercianEnglishadjOf, pertaining to or characteristic of the Cistercian Order and its members.
Roman deitiesUranusAfrikaansnameUranusastronomy natural-sciences
Roman deitiesUranusAfrikaansnameUranushuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman
RoomslobbyFrenchnounlobby (hall)masculine
RoomslobbyFrenchnounlobby (advocacy group)masculine
Root vegetables'aumangʉSaaroanoungreen onion
Root vegetables'aumangʉSaaroanounonion
Rosales order plantsszilfaHungariannounelm tree, elm (a tree of the genus Ulmus)
Rosales order plantsszilfaHungariannounelm (wood from an elm tree)
Rosales order plantsszilfaHungarianadjelmen (made from the wood of the elm tree)not-comparable
Roses薔薇Japanesenounany shrub with thorns: a bramble, a briar
Roses薔薇Japanesenouna thorny flower of the genus Rosa: a rose
Roses薔薇Japanesenouna thorny flower of the genus Rosa: a rose
Roses薔薇Japanesenouna color scheme for 襲 (kasane, literally “layering”, a traditional style of layering robes or kimono), with crimson for the outer layer and purple for the inner layer
Roses薔薇Japanesenouna thorny flower of the genus Rosa: a rose
Roses薔薇Japanesenouna color scheme for 襲 (kasane, literally “layering”, a traditional style of layering robes or kimono), with crimson for the outer layer and purple for the inner layer
Rue family plantssatinwoodEnglishnounWoody trees in family Rutaceae / Chloroxylon swietenia (Ceylon or East Indian satinwood)countable uncountable
Rue family plantssatinwoodEnglishnounWoody trees in family Rutaceae / Zanthoxylum flavum (Jamaican satinwood or West Indian satinwood).countable uncountable
Rue family plantssatinwoodEnglishnounWoody trees in family Rutaceae / Chloroxylon faho (Madagascar satinwood)countable uncountable
Rue family plantssatinwoodEnglishnounWoody trees in family Rutaceae / Murraya paniculata, from southeast Asia and Australiacountable uncountable
Rue family plantssatinwoodEnglishnounWoody trees in family Rutaceae / Nematolepis squamea, from Australiacountable uncountable
Rue family plantssatinwoodEnglishnounWood used for crafting fine furniture, particularly for inlay and marquetry, from either Chloroxylon swietenia or Zanthoxylum flavum.countable uncountable
RussiaIrkutskianEnglishadjOf or relating to the city of Irkutsk, Russia.not-comparable
RussiaIrkutskianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Irkutsk, Russia.
Russian cardinal numbersнольRussiannounzero (0)
Russian cardinal numbersнольRussiannounnil, nothing
Russian cardinal numbersнольRussiannounprecisely, exactly (time)
Russian cardinal numbersнольRussiannouncipher, nobody, nonentity, a paltry personfiguratively
Russian cardinal numbersнольRussiannounnothing, naughtfiguratively
SandwicheschacareroEnglishnounA small-scale farmer in South America.
SandwicheschacareroEnglishnounA Chilean sandwich made with thinly sliced meat on a round roll with tomatoes, green beans and chili pepper.
SandwichestortaEnglishnounA sandwich, served either hot or cold, on an oblong white sandwich roll, derived from Mexican cuisine.US
SandwichestortaEnglishnounA flat heap of moist, crushed silver ore, prepared for the patio process.
SandwichestortaEnglishnounA Philippine omelette of ground meat and potatoes.
SandwichestortaEnglishnounAn Italian cake.countable uncountable
Sauces沙爹Chinesenounsatay (Malay-style barbecued meat skewers)
Sauces沙爹Chinesenounshacha sauce (a Chinese sauce adapted from satay sauce)
SawschainsawEnglishnounA power saw that has a power-driven and fast-revolving chain of metal teeth, usually used to cut forestry
SawschainsawEnglishverbTo cut with a forestrytransitive
Science fictionandroidEnglishnounA robot that is designed to look and act like a human being (not necessarily a male one).
Science fictionandroidEnglishnounAn artificial human.
Science fictionandroidEnglishadjPossessing human qualities.
Science fictionandroidEnglishadjOf the pelvis, having a narrow anterior segment and a heart-shaped brim, typically found in the male.anatomy medicine sciences
Science fictionandroidEnglishadjCharacteristic of men.
SciencesfysikkNorwegian Bokmålnounphysics (branch of science)masculine uncountable
SciencesfysikkNorwegian Bokmålnounphysique (physical structure of a person's body)masculine uncountable
SeafoodchoroSpanishadjcoolChile colloquial
SeafoodchoroSpanishadjbrave and/or aggressiveChile colloquial
SeafoodchoroSpanishnounmusselSouth-America masculine
SeafoodchoroSpanishnounvulvaChile masculine vulgar
SeafoodchoroSpanishnounChilean musselChile masculine
SeafoodchoroSpanishnounpetty thief, pickpocketSouth-America Spain masculine vulgar
SeafoodchoroSpanishnounlip service, empty talkMexico colloquial masculine
SeafoodchoroSpanishnouncharlatan, quackMexico colloquial masculine
SeasonsvårSwedishpronour; belonging to uspossessive
SeasonsvårSwedishnounspring; the season between winter and summercommon-gender
SedgessegEnglishnounA man; warrior; hero.archaic
SedgessegEnglishnounA man; fellow.UK dialectal
SedgessegEnglishnounA castrated farm animal.Scotland UK dialectal obsolete
SedgessegEnglishnounSegregationUS slang uncountable
SedgessegEnglishadjDesignated for people of colornot-comparable
SedgessegEnglishnounA metal stud or plate fixed to the sole or heel of a shoe to prevent excessive wear.
SedgessegEnglishnounA callus, an area of hardened skin.dialectal
SedgessegEnglishnounGladen, or other species of Iris
SedgessegEnglishnounClipping of segment.broadcasting mediaabbreviation alt-of clipping
Senecioneae tribe plantsspinachEnglishnounA particular edible plant, Spinacia oleracea, or its leaves.countable uncountable
Senecioneae tribe plantsspinachEnglishnounAny of numerous plants, or their leaves, which are used for greens in the same way Spinacia oleraceae is or resemble it in some way.countable uncountable
Seven7TranslingualsymbolThe cardinal number seven.
Seven7TranslingualsymbolA digit in the decimal system of numbering, as well as octal, and hexadecimal.
Seven7Translingualsymbolan indicator that a chord is a dominant or major seventh chordentertainment lifestyle musicsuperscript
Seven7Translingualsymboltone number 7, typically identified with dark entering yin ru (陰入)human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencesoften superscript
SexdondooSwahilinounquotation, excerpt (fragment of a human expression)class-5 class-6
SexdondooSwahilinounitem on an agendaclass-5 class-6
SexdondooSwahilinounpromiscuous behavior, promiscuityclass-5 class-6
SexdàirScottish Gaelicverbrut, copulate
SexdàirScottish GaelicnouncalvingLewis feminine
Sexhanky-pankyEnglishnounMischievous behaviour, dishonest or shady activity.uncountable
Sexhanky-pankyEnglishnounAmorous behaviour, smooching, making out, necking, sexual intercourse or other sexual activity, especially if illicit.uncountable
Sexhanky-pankyEnglishnounA debaucherous act; a sexual act that is considered inappropriate.uncountable
SexrujaPolishnounheat, oestrus (state of a female animal that is ready for mating)biology natural-sciencesfeminine
SexrujaPolishnounsexual arousalfeminine humorous idiomatic
SexοἴφωAncient Greekverbto have sexual intercourse with, to fuckslang transitive vulgar
SexοἴφωAncient Greekverbto have sexual intercourse, to fuckintransitive slang vulgar
SexքունեմOld Armenianverbto sleep
SexքունեմOld Armenianverbto pass away, to diefiguratively
SexքունեմOld Armenianverbto lie with, to sleep with a woman, to know her
SexنكاحArabicnounverbal noun of نَكَحَ (nakaḥa) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
SexنكاحArabicnounmarriage / marriageabilitydated formal
SexنكاحArabicnounsexual intercourse
ShapesbicappedEnglishadjHaving a cap (in the shape of a pyramid) at each endgeometry mathematics sciencesnot-comparable
ShapesbicappedEnglishadjHaving the shape of such a prismchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesnot-comparable physical
ShapeskvadratSwedishnounsquare, a polygongeometry mathematics sciencescommon-gender
ShapeskvadratSwedishnounsquare, a number (or other element) raised in second powermathematics sciencescommon-gender
ShrikestörnskataSwedishnounred-backed shrike (Lanius collurio)common-gender
SiblingsbroEnglishnounBrother (a male sibling).slang
SiblingsbroEnglishnounBrother (a comrade or friend; one who shares one’s ideals).slang
SiblingsbroEnglishnounBrother used to address a male.slang
SiblingsbroEnglishnounA frat boy or someone who espouses the fraternity bro culture.slang
SiblingsbroEnglishnounSomeone, usually male, who aggressively evangelizes a person, concept or technology.derogatory in-compounds slang usually
SiblingsbroEnglishpronA person previously mentioned, usually male. Chiefly equivalent to he and him.masculine nominative objective singular third-person
Simple machines輪子Chinesenounwheel
Simple machines輪子ChinesenounFalun Gong practitionerderogatory neologism
Simple machines輪子Chinesenounexisting implementation (in reference to 重複造輪子/重复造轮子 (“reinventing the wheel”))computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencesslang
SingingsteccaItaliannounstick, stakefeminine
SingingsteccaItaliannounrib (of an umbrella)feminine
SingingsteccaItaliannouncue, cue sportball-games games hobbies lifestyle snooker sportsfeminine
SingingsteccaItaliannounsplint (device to immobilize a body part)medicine sciencesfeminine
SingingsteccaItaliannouncarton, box (of cigarettes)colloquial feminine
SingingsteccaItaliannounfalse note, crack, voice crack (on a high note)entertainment lifestyle musicfeminine
SingingsteccaItalianverbinflection of steccare: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
SingingsteccaItalianverbinflection of steccare: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
SixsiceEnglishnounAlternative spelling of saisalt-of alternative
SixsiceEnglishnounThe number six in a game of dice.dice gamesobsolete
SixsiceEnglishverbTo excite.slang
SizemetiorLatinverbto measure or estimateconjugation-4 deponent
SizemetiorLatinverbto distribute or mete outconjugation-4 deponent
SizemetiorLatinverbto traverseconjugation-4 deponent
SizeniskiUpper Sorbianadjlow (low in height)
SizeniskiUpper Sorbianadjlow (that extends or drags along the ground or that rises just above the ground)
SizeChinesecharacterswan gooseliterary
SizeChinesecharacterletter; epistle; written messagefiguratively literary
SizeChinesecharacterof great size; big; large; hugeliterary
SizeChinesecharacterstrong; powerful; energeticliterary
Slavic deitiesTrzygłówPolishnameTriglav (Slavic three-headed deity)masculine person
Slavic deitiesTrzygłówPolishnameTrzygłów (a village in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland)historical inanimate masculine
Sleepin the arms of MorpheusEnglishprep_phraseAsleep, sleeping.figuratively literary
Sleepin the arms of MorpheusEnglishprep_phraseIn a state of being completely forgotten, or of unawareness.broadly figuratively
SleepmaraPolishnounA dream, nightmare.feminine literary
SleepmaraPolishnounA creature believed to drain sleeping people of their blood or energy; wight, mare.feminine
SleepsiestaEnglishnounA nap, especially an afternoon one taken after lunch in some cultures.
SleepsiestaEnglishverbto take a siesta; to nap.intransitive
SleepśpioszkaPolishnoungenitive/accusative singular of śpioszekaccusative form-of genitive singular
Sleep安眠Chineseverbto sleep peacefully
Sleep安眠Chineseverbto pass awayeuphemistic
SmellbrockleEnglishnounBroken pieces of a structure; rubble, ruins.dialectal obsolete uncountable
SmellbrockleEnglishadjOf food odors: malodorous, flatulent, pungent: smelling of sulfur, hydrogen sulfide, or hydrogen disulfide.
SmellbrockleEnglishadjOf animals: variegated, speckled, multicolored; usually used in the phrase brockle-faced.
SmellsaldumsLatviannounsweetness (the quality of that which is sweet)declension-1 masculine singular usually
SmellsaldumsLatviannounsweets, candy (pastries or confections with high sugar content)declension-1 masculine plural-normally
SmellsaldumsLatviannounsweetnessdeclension-1 masculine singular usually
SmellsaldumsLatviannounsweetness (pleasantness, physical or psychological)declension-1 masculine singular usually
SmellsaldumsLatviannounsweetness, sentimentality,declension-1 masculine singular usually
SmellstęchłyPolishverbthird-person plural nonvirile past of stęchnąćform-of nonvirile past plural third-person
SnakesboaGaliciannounboa (snake)feminine
SnakesboaGaliciannounboa (scarf)feminine
SnakesboaGalicianadjfeminine singular of bofeminine form-of singular
SnowśniegPolishnounsnow (frozen, crystalline state of water that falls as precipitation)inanimate masculine uncountable
SnowśniegPolishnounsnow, snowfall (blanket of frozen, crystalline water)countable inanimate masculine
SnowśniegPolishnounsnow (cocaine)inanimate masculine slang uncountable
Social justiceSJWEnglishnounInitialism of social justice warrior.Internet abbreviation alt-of countable derogatory initialism
Social justiceSJWEnglishnounInitialism of St. John's wort.abbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
SocietymultikultiPolishnounmulticulti, Multikulti, multiculturalism (characteristics of an organization, society, city, etc., which has many different ethnic or national cultures mingling freely; political or social policies which support or encourage such coexistence)colloquial indeclinable neuter
SocietymultikultiPolishadjmulticulti, multicultural (relating or pertaining to several different cultures)colloquial not-comparable postpositional relational
SocietymultikultiPolishadvmulticulti, multiculturally (in a multicultural manner)colloquial not-comparable
SocietyunhonestlyMiddle Englishadvdisgracefully, dishonourably
SocietyunhonestlyMiddle Englishadvimmorally, unethically
SocietyunhonestlyMiddle Englishadvinappropriately, unsuitably
Sociologywhite-collarEnglishadjOf or pertaining to office work and workers; contrasted with blue-collar.
Sociologywhite-collarEnglishadjPertaining to the culture of white-collar workers, as values, politics, etc.; contrasted with blue-collar.
SolanumsnaranjillaEnglishnounSolanum quitoense, a subtropical perennial plant from northwestern South America.
SolanumsnaranjillaEnglishnounThe edible fruit of this plant.
Solanumsvelo de noviaSpanishnounbaby's breathmasculine
Solanumsvelo de noviaSpanishnounsnow-on-the-mountainmasculine
Solanumsvelo de noviaSpanishnounpotato vine, Solanum laxummasculine
SoundestruendoSpanishnounracket, din, roarmasculine
SoundestruendoSpanishnounbang (sudden loud noise)masculine
SoundschlupPolishintjploop, splashonomatopoeic
SoundschlupPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative of chlupaćform-of imperative second-person singular
SoundsfreamătRomaniannounrustling, rustleneuter
SoundsfreamătRomaniannounflurry, bustleneuter
SoundsfreamătRomaniannouncommotion, uproar, tumultneuter
SoundsulNorwegian Nynorsknouna howlmasculine
SoundsulNorwegian Nynorskverbimperative of ulaform-of imperative
SoupsיויךYiddishnounbroth, especially chicken broth, or any clear soup consisting primarily of it
South SudansudsudanésSpanishadjSouth Sudanese (of or relating to South Sudan)
South SudansudsudanésSpanishnounSouth Sudanese (native or resident of South Sudan)masculine
SpearsgiavellottoItaliannounjavelin (pointed weapon)masculine
SpearsgiavellottoItaliannounjavelin (spear used in athletic events)masculine
Spices and herbslaukurIcelandicnounonion, leek, garlicmasculine
Spices and herbslaukurIcelandicnouna bulbmasculine
Spices and herbslaukurIcelandicnounthe best of something (probably where the intensifying prefix lauk- comes from)masculine
SportscochonnetFrenchnounpiglet, young pigmasculine
SportscochonnetFrenchnounjack, jack-ballmasculine
SpurgesalomCebuanonouna tree, Melanolepsis multiglandulosa
SpurgesalomCebuanonouna mole; a pigmented spot in the skin
SquirrelschuckEnglishnounMeat from the shoulder of a cow or other food lifestylecountable uncountable
SquirrelschuckEnglishnounFood.US countable dated slang uncountable
SquirrelschuckEnglishnounA mechanical device that holds an object firmly in place, for example holding a drill bit in a high-speed rotating drill or mechanical mechanical-engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
SquirrelschuckEnglishverbTo place in a chuck, or hold by means of a chuck, as in turning.
SquirrelschuckEnglishverbTo bore or turn (a hole) in a revolving piece held in a chuck.
SquirrelschuckEnglishnounA chicken, a hen.dialectal obsolete
SquirrelschuckEnglishnounA clucking sound.
SquirrelschuckEnglishnounA friend or close acquaintance; term of endearment.slang
SquirrelschuckEnglishverbTo make a clucking sound.
SquirrelschuckEnglishverbTo call, as a hen her chickens.
SquirrelschuckEnglishverbTo chuckle; to laugh.obsolete
SquirrelschuckEnglishnounA gentle touch or tap.
SquirrelschuckEnglishnounA casual throw.informal
SquirrelschuckEnglishnounA throw, an incorrect bowling action.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsinformal
SquirrelschuckEnglishnounAn act or instance of vomiting.slang
SquirrelschuckEnglishnounOn rhythm guitar or mandolin etc., the muting of a chord by lifting the fretting fingers immediately after strumming, producing a percussive effect.entertainment lifestyle music
SquirrelschuckEnglishverbTo touch or tap gently.
SquirrelschuckEnglishverbTo throw, especially in a careless or inaccurate manner.informal transitive
SquirrelschuckEnglishverbTo throw; to bowl with an incorrect action.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive
SquirrelschuckEnglishverbTo discard, to throw away.informal transitive
SquirrelschuckEnglishverbTo jilt; to dump.informal transitive
SquirrelschuckEnglishverbTo give up; to stop doing; to quit.dated informal transitive
SquirrelschuckEnglishverbTo vomit.intransitive slang
SquirrelschuckEnglishverbTo leave; to depart; to bounce.South-Africa intransitive slang
SquirrelschuckEnglishverbOn rhythm guitar or mandolin etc.: to mute a chord by lifting the fretting fingers immediately after strumming, producing a percussive effect.entertainment lifestyle music
SquirrelschuckEnglishnounAbbreviation of woodchuck.abbreviation alt-of
SquirrelschuckEnglishnounA small pebble.Scotland
SquirrelschuckEnglishnounMoney.Scotland in-plural obsolete slang
States of Indiaసౌరాష్ట్రముTelugunounName of a raga or tune in Indian music.entertainment lifestyle music
States of Indiaసౌరాష్ట్రముTelugunounSourashtra: old name of the Gujarat province.
States of the United Statesజార్జియాTelugunameGeorgia: A country in Eurasia. Capital: Tbilisi.
States of the United Statesజార్జియాTelugunameGeorgia (a state of United States of America. Capital): Atlanta.
Stock charactersprincessEnglishnounA female member of a royal family other than a queen, especially a daughter or granddaughter of a monarch.
Stock charactersprincessEnglishnounA woman or girl who excels in a given field or class.
Stock charactersprincessEnglishnounA female ruler or monarch; a queen.archaic
Stock charactersprincessEnglishnounThe wife of a prince; the female ruler of a principality.
Stock charactersprincessEnglishnounA young girl; used as a term of endearment.
Stock charactersprincessEnglishnounA young girl or woman (or less commonly a man) who is vain, spoiled, or selfish; a prima donna.US derogatory
Stock charactersprincessEnglishnounA tinted crystal marble used in children's games.
Stock charactersprincessEnglishnounA type of court card in the Tarot pack, coming between the 10 and the prince (Jack).
Stock charactersprincessEnglishnounA female lemur.
Stock charactersprincessEnglishnounA Bulgarian open-faced baked sandwich prepared with ground meat.
Straits兩岸Chinesenounboth sidesusually
Straits兩岸Chinesenounboth sides of the Taiwan Strait
String instruments提琴Chinesenounviolin family of musical instruments (Classifier: 把 m)
String instruments提琴Chinesenountiqin (one of several bowed string instruments in the huqin family, used in traditional Chinese music) (Classifier: 把 m)
Stromateoid fishbluenoseEnglishnounA prude.informal
Stromateoid fishbluenoseEnglishnounA person from Nova Scotia, Canada.slang
Stromateoid fishbluenoseEnglishnounA person who has crossed the Arctic Circle.government military naval navy politics warUS slang
Stromateoid fishbluenoseEnglishnounA variety of potato from Nova Scotia, Canada.slang
Stromateoid fishbluenoseEnglishnounA follower of Everton Football Club.slang
Stromateoid fishbluenoseEnglishnounA follower of Birmingham City Football Club.slang
Stromateoid fishbluenoseEnglishnounA trout cod (Maccullochella macquariensis)Australia US
Stromateoid fishbluenoseEnglishnounAntarctic butterfish (Hyperoglyphe antarctica)Australia New-Zealand UK US
Stromateoid fishbluenoseEnglishnounblue-throated wrasse (Notolabrus tetricus)Australia
Subatomic particlesdagisikTagalogadjcompressed
Subatomic particlesdagisikTagalognounelectronneologism
SulfurvulcanizeEnglishverbTo treat rubber with heat and (usually) sulfur to harden it and make it more durable.transitive
SulfurvulcanizeEnglishverbTo undergo such treatment.intransitive
SurgeryKugelzieherGermannounwad hook, two spiral blades arranged something like a corkscrew and fastened to a ramrod for extracting spherical objects from the bottom of a bore-hole / particularly a bullet from the barrel of a firearm, gun wormmasculine strong
SurgeryKugelzieherGermannounwad hook, two spiral blades arranged something like a corkscrew and fastened to a ramrod for extracting spherical objects from the bottom of a bore-hole / particularly a surgical implement to pull out bullets for someone afflicted by a gunshot woundmasculine strong
Sweets鳥鼠仔Chinesenounsmall mouse or rat (Classifier: 隻/只 mn)Taiwanese-Hokkien
Sweets鳥鼠仔Chinesenounmouse; rat (in general) (Classifier: 隻/只 mn)Taiwanese-Hokkien
Sweets鳥鼠仔Chinesenoundeep-fried sweet wheat glutenZhangzhou-Hokkien
SwitzerlandfrankPolishnounfranc (former unit of currency of Belgium)animal-not-person historical masculine
SwitzerlandfrankPolishnounfranc (currency of the Comoros)animal-not-person masculine
SwitzerlandfrankPolishnounfranc (former unit of currency of France)animal-not-person historical masculine
SwitzerlandfrankPolishnounfranc (currency of Liechtenstein)animal-not-person masculine
SwitzerlandfrankPolishnounfranc (former unit of currency of Luxembourg)animal-not-person historical masculine
SwitzerlandfrankPolishnounfranc (former unit of currency of Monaco)animal-not-person historical masculine
SwitzerlandfrankPolishnounfranc (currency of Switzerland)animal-not-person masculine
SwordssableSpanishadjsablegovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsfeminine masculine
SwordssableSpanishnounsaber, cutlassmasculine
SwordssableSpanishnounsaberfencing government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports warmasculine
SwordssableSpanishnounsanddated masculine
TalkingrerdMiddle EnglishnounA sound of talking; heard speech; a voice.
TalkingrerdMiddle EnglishnounA yelling or screeching sound; a yelp.
TalkingrerdMiddle EnglishnounA loud noise or clamour.
TalkingtrajkotPolishnounclatter, rattling, commotioncolloquial inanimate masculine
TalkingtrajkotPolishnounjabber, prattle, chattercolloquial inanimate masculine
TalkingzagadaćPolishverbto engage, to accost, to strike up a conversation with, to chat upperfective transitive
TalkingzagadaćPolishverbto fast-talk, to distract by talking, to talk atperfective transitive
TalkingzagadaćPolishverbto talk out, to talk away (e.g. a problem)perfective transitive
TalkingzagadaćPolishverbto lose track (e.g. of time) through excessive talkingperfective reflexive
TalkingобщительныйRussianadjsociable (tending to socialize or be social; friendly; inviting; congenial)
Talking嘀咕Chineseverbto speak quietly
Talking嘀咕Chineseverbto feel uncertain; to feel uncertain uneasily
TastemageiLivvinounsweetness, sweet
TastesaldensLatvianadja little sweet, sweetish
TastesaldensLatvianadjsweetish (having a little sugar)
TastesaldensLatvianadja little flattering
TastesaldensLatvianadja little sentimental
TaxationinferoLatinverbto carry, bring, put, place, or throw in, into, to, or upon somewhere or something; insertconjugation-3 irregular
TaxationinferoLatinverbto bring forward, introduce, produce, cause, occasion, inspireconjugation-3 irregular
TaxationinferoLatinverbto set fire to; offer, sacrifice, renderconjugation-3 irregular
TaxationinferoLatinverbto bury, bring to a place for burial, interconjugation-3 irregular
TaxationinferoLatinverbto pay, furnishconjugation-3 irregular
TaxationinferoLatinverbto advance, march, move forwardgovernment military politics warconjugation-3 irregular
TaxationinferoLatinverbto bear the standards against the enemy, attack, make an attack upon; wage war ongovernment military politics warconjugation-3 irregular
TaxationinferoLatinverbto bring forward, introduce; produce, occasion, make; conclude; importconjugation-3 figuratively irregular
TaxationinferoLatinverbto cause, inflict, imposeconjugation-3 figuratively irregular with-dative
TaxationinferoLatinverbto conclude, infer, draw an inferenceconjugation-3 irregular
TaxationklasaPolishnounclass (group, collection, category or set sharing characteristics or attributes)countable feminine
TaxationklasaPolishnoungrade, form (level of primary and secondary education)educationcountable feminine
TaxationklasaPolishnoungrade, form (students in such a level)countable feminine
TaxationklasaPolishnounclass, classroom (room, often in a school, where classes take place)countable feminine
TaxationklasaPolishnounclass (subject of study in art education at a specific level)countable feminine
TaxationklasaPolishnounclass (social grouping)human-sciences sciences social-science sociologycountable feminine
TaxationklasaPolishnounclass (group of entities distinguished because of the quality or level assigned to them in relation to other objects of the same type)feminine uncountable
TaxationklasaPolishnounclass (degree in a closed hierarchy of objects of the same type)countable feminine
TaxationklasaPolishnounclass (rank in the classification of organisms, below phylum and above order; a taxon of that rank)biology natural-sciences taxonomycountable feminine
TaxationklasaPolishnounclass, grade, rank (type or level of sports competition)hobbies lifestyle sportscountable feminine
TaxationklasaPolishnounclass (category of seats in an airplane, train or other means of mass transportation)countable feminine
TaxationklasaPolishnounclass (admirable behavior; elegance)feminine uncountable
TaxationklasaPolishnounclass (set of objects having the same behavior (but typically differing in state), or a template defining such a set in terms of its common properties, functions, etc.)countable feminine
TaxationklasaPolishnounclass (collection of sets definable by a shared property)mathematics sciences set-theorycountable feminine
TaxationklasaPolishnounclass (degree of technical value of objects as assessed by experts)countable feminine
TaxationklasaPolishnounhopscotch (child's game, in which a player, hopping on one foot, drives a stone from one compartment to another of a figure traced or scotched on the ground)feminine in-plural
TaxationklasaPolishnounwallball; suicide (game in which a ball is thrown against a wall with increasing difficulty)feminine in-plural obsolete
TaxationklasaPolishnounclass; circle (group of people with shared interests)countable feminine obsolete
TaxationklasaPolishnoungymnasium, middle schoolcountable dialectal feminine in-plural obsolete
TaxationklasaPolishnounclass (lesson)countable feminine obsolete
TaxationklasaPolishnoungrade (mark received in school determining how well one performed at a task)feminine obsolete
TaxationklasaPolishnounincome taxfeminine obsolete
TaxationklasaPolishadjfirst class (of high quality)not-comparable
TaxationklasaPolishadvin a first class mannernot-comparable
TaxationpipeMiddle EnglishnounA pipe; a piece of tubing used as a channel (often for fluids): / A piece of tubing which string or rope is inserted into.
TaxationpipeMiddle EnglishnounA pipe; a piece of tubing used as a channel (often for fluids): / A syringe; a hollow tube for medical removal or insertion.medicine sciences
TaxationpipeMiddle EnglishnounA pipe; a piece of tubing used as a channel (often for fluids): / Any other medical device or equipment based around a chamber or pipe.
TaxationpipeMiddle EnglishnounA pipe; a piece of tubing used as a channel (often for fluids): / A pipe (musical instrument) or a similar wind instrument.
TaxationpipeMiddle EnglishnounA pipe; a piece of tubing used as a channel (often for fluids): / A pipe as part of a musical instrument (e.g. bagpipes)rare
TaxationpipeMiddle EnglishnounA barrel or tub; a container or vessel for the storage of bulk goods, especially wine.
TaxationpipeMiddle EnglishnounA unit measuring the mass or amount (equivalent to such a container).
TaxationpipeMiddle EnglishnounA record of a payment or audit acting as part of the Pipe Rolls.
TaxationpipeMiddle EnglishnounAn anatomical or bodily channel or passage, especially one used for respiration.
TaxationpipeMiddle EnglishnounA tube-shaped support or holder; something resembling a pipe but not used as one.rare
TaxationpipeMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of pipenalt-of alternative
TaxonomyJapanesecharacterkanji no-gloss
TaxonomyJapanesenounthe underneath
TaxonomyJapanesenounthe lower portion, end
TaxonomyJapanesenounlowness in degree or rank
TaxonomyJapanesenounthe downstream portion of a river
TaxonomyJapanesenounthe downriver area
TaxonomyJapanesenounthe area farther from the capital
TaxonomyJapanesenounthe last part of a month, year, etc.
TaxonomyJapanesenounthe lower half of the body
TaxonomyJapanesenounprivate partseuphemistic
TaxonomyJapanesenounfeces and urine, excrementeuphemistic
TaxonomyJapanesenounthe lower portion, base
TaxonomyJapanesenoununder the influence of
TaxonomyJapanesenounthe last volume in a two- or three-volume set
TaxonomyJapaneseaffixdown; below; beneath
TaxonomyJapanesesuffixunder a situationmorpheme
Tea𑜃𑜢𑜂𑜫Ahomnountea; tea plant
Tea𑜃𑜢𑜂𑜫Ahomnounaquatic insect
TeethmleczakPolishnounmilter (male fish during breeding season)biology ichthyology natural-sciences zoologyanimal-not-person masculine
TeethmleczakPolishnounbaby tooth, milk toothanimal-not-person colloquial masculine
TeethmleczakPolishnouncheap, government-subsidized cafeteria serving traditional Polish cuisineanimal-not-person masculine
TelevisionparadeEnglishnounAn organized display of a group of people, particularly / Synonym of military parade: A show of troops, an assembly of troops as a show of force, to receive orders, or especially for inspection at set times.government military politics warcountable uncountable
TelevisionparadeEnglishnounAn organized display of a group of people, particularly / A public procession, especially one commemorating a holiday or special event or (dated) in protest.countable uncountable
TelevisionparadeEnglishnounAn organized display of a group of people, particularly / Synonym of gaggle: A group of geese when on the move, particularly a line of goslings shepherded by one or more adults.countable uncommon uncountable
TelevisionparadeEnglishnounAn organized display of a group of people, particularly / Synonym of herd: A group of elephants when on the move.countable uncommon uncountable
TelevisionparadeEnglishnounA place reserved for such displays, particularly / Synonym of parade ground: A place specially designated for such displays or for practicing close-order drills.government military politics warcountable uncommon uncountable
TelevisionparadeEnglishnounA place reserved for such displays, particularly / Synonym of promenade: A route, street, or square frequented by pedestrians or formerly used for military parades.countable dated uncountable
TelevisionparadeEnglishnounA place reserved for such displays, particularly / Synonym of road, used in place names.countable uncommon uncountable
TelevisionparadeEnglishnounThe people who make up such a display, particularly / The body of soldiers thus assembled.government military politics warcountable uncommon uncountable
TelevisionparadeEnglishnounThe people who make up such a display, particularly / The body of promenaders thus assembled.countable uncountable
TelevisionparadeEnglishnounSynonym of show: any similarly orderly or ostentatious display, especially of a variety of people or a series of things paraded around.countable figuratively uncountable
TelevisionparadeEnglishnounA row of shops beside a street.UK countable figuratively uncommon uncountable
TelevisionparadeEnglishnounShort for programme parade: a description of the programming schedule formerly announced on the radio and various television channels.UK abbreviation alt-of countable figuratively uncommon uncountable
TelevisionparadeEnglishverbTo take part in a parade, particularly / To assemble for inspection, to receive orders, etc.intransitive
TelevisionparadeEnglishverbTo take part in a parade, particularly / To march impressively or ostentatiously.intransitive
TelevisionparadeEnglishverbTo take part in a parade, particularly / To march past.intransitive transitive
TelevisionparadeEnglishverbTo take part in a parade, particularly / To march through or along.intransitive transitive
TelevisionparadeEnglishverbTo take part in a parade, particularly / Synonym of promenade: to walk up and down, especially in public in order to show off and be seen by others.figuratively intransitive
TelevisionparadeEnglishverbTo take part in a parade, particularly / To move slowly through or among.figuratively intransitive transitive
TelevisionparadeEnglishverbTo take part in a parade, particularly / To walk in a row led by one parent, often trailed by the other.figuratively intransitive
TelevisionparadeEnglishverbTo cause to take part in a parade, particularly / To assemble soldiers for inspection, to receive orders, etc.transitive
TelevisionparadeEnglishverbTo cause to take part in a parade, particularly / Synonym of show off: to display or reveal prominently or ostentatiously, especially in a kind of procession.figuratively transitive
TelevisionparadeEnglishverbTo furnish with a parade or parades.obsolete transitive
TelevisionparadeEnglishnounSynonym of parry in both its literal and figurative senses.uncommon
TemperaturefrigescoLatinverbto grow cold; to be chilledconjugation-3 no-supine
TemperaturefrigescoLatinverbto become inactiveconjugation-3 figuratively no-supine
TemperaturefrigescoLatinverbto become cold or distantconjugation-3 figuratively no-supine
TemperaturekylmäIngriannouncold, coldness
TensesPräsensGermannounpresent tensegrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesneuter present strong uncountable
TensesPräsensGermannounverb in the present tensegrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencescountable neuter strong
TextilesħəlovJudeo-Tatnounbedding, bedclothes, sheets
TextilesħəlovJudeo-Tatnounpileless carpet
TextilesقالینUrdunounrug, carpet
ThinkingsaprātsLatviannounreason (capacity for rational thought)declension-1 masculine
ThinkingsaprātsLatviannounsense (capacity for sound judgement)declension-1 masculine
ThinkingзадумливийUkrainianadjpensive, thoughtful
ThinkingзадумливийUkrainianadjbrooding, wistful
Thinking心念Chinesenounidea; intention; thought
Thinking心念Chineseverbto cherish the memory of; to miss; to long forMin Southern
ThousandpatolPolishnounstick (branch, long piece of wood)colloquial
ThousandpatolPolishnounthousand zlotyanimal-not-person masculine slang
ThousandpatolPolishnounlow-quality alcoholic beverageanimal-not-person masculine slang
ThousandpatolPolishnounused to comment on usually lower-class individuals, families or relationships displaying antisocial or abusive traitscolloquial derogatory masculine person
ThousandpatolPolishnoungenitive plural of patolafeminine form-of genitive plural
ThousandtysiącPolishnounthousandinanimate masculine
ThousandtysiącPolishnounRussian Schnapsencard-games gamesinanimate masculine
ThreeKoreannumthree (before a noun or classifier)
ThreeKoreannounDialectal form of 혀 (hyeo, “tongue”)Gangwon Gyeongsang Hamgyong Jeolla Seoul Yukjin dialectal form-of
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 世: world; lineage
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 洗: wash
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 稅: tax
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 細: thin
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 勢: force
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 歲: age (counter); year (about age)
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 貰: rent; loan
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 笹: Sasa borealis
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 說: to persuade
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 忕
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 洒
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 涗
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 𡜧
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 銴
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 彗
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 帨
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 繐
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 蛻
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 朑
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 檅
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 篲: Alternative form of 彗
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 蔧
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 裞
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 詍
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 跩
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 軎
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 轊
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 齛
ThreeKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 인간 세 (in'gan se)) (MC reading: 世 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 씻을 세 (ssiseul se)) (MC reading: 洗 (MC sejX))(eumhun reading: 세금 세 (segeum se)) (MC reading: 稅 (MC sywejH))(eumhun reading: 가늘 세 (ganeul se)) (MC reading: 細 (MC sejH))(eumhun reading: 형세 세 (hyeongse se)) (MC reading: 勢 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 해 세 (hae se)) (MC reading: 歲 (MC sjwejH))(eumhun reading: 세낼 세 (senael se)) (MC reading: 貰 (MC syejH))(eumhun reading: 조릿대 세 (joritdae se)) (MC reading: 笹)(eumhun reading: 달랠 세 (dallael se)) (MC reading: 說 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 忕 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 洒 (MC sejX))(MC reading: 涗 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 𡜧)(MC reading: 銴 (MC dzyejH))(MC reading: 彗 (MC zwijH|zjwejH))(MC reading: 帨 (MC tshjwejH|sywejH))(MC reading: 繐 (MC sjwejH))(MC reading: 蛻 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 朑)(MC reading: 檅)(MC reading: 篲 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 蔧 (MC zwijH))(MC reading: 裞 (MC sywejH))(MC reading: 詍 (MC yejH))(MC reading: 跩)(MC reading: 軎 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 轊 (MC zjwejH))(MC reading: 齛 (MC sjet))(MC reading: 齥) / 齥
Tidestidal lockEnglishnounAlternative form of tidal lockingastronomy natural-sciencesalt-of alternative
Tidestidal lockEnglishnounA sealock.
TimecontinuousEnglishadjWithout stopping; without a break, cessation, or interruption.not-comparable
TimecontinuousEnglishadjWithout intervening space; continued.not-comparable
TimecontinuousEnglishadjNot deviating or varying from uniformity; not interrupted; not joined or articulated.biology botany natural-sciencesnot-comparable
TimecontinuousEnglishadjSuch that, for every x in the domain, for each small open interval D about f(x), there's an interval containing x whose image is in D.mathematical-analysis mathematics sciencesnot-comparable
TimecontinuousEnglishadjSuch that each open set in the target space has an open preimage (in the domain space, with respect to the given function).mathematics sciencesbroadly not-comparable
TimecontinuousEnglishadjExpressing an ongoing action or state.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesnot-comparable
Timemis GwydngalaCornishadvin September (month)
Timemis GwydngalaCornishnameSeptember (month)masculine
TimetardilyEnglishadvin a tardy fashion; belatedly; late
TimeuraSerbo-Croatiannounhour (of time)regional
TimeuraSerbo-Croatiannouna clock, watchregional
TimeuraSerbo-Croatiannountime, periodbroadly regional
TimeġurnataMaltesenounday (period when a person is awake and experiences things)feminine
TimeġurnataMaltesenounday (measure of time: 24 hours)feminine
TimeġurnataMaltesenounday (time between dawn and nightfall)feminine
TimeşafakTurkishnoundawn, or the light just before daybreak
TimeşafakTurkishnounThe morning of the last day of compulsory military service when a conscript gets released.slang
TimeşafakTurkishnounThe number of mornings until the last one of one's compulsory military service.broadly slang
TimeαπόψεGreekadvtonight, this evening
TimeαπόψεGreekadvlast night
TimeподжидатьRussianverbto waitcolloquial
TimeподжидатьRussianverbto lie in waitcolloquial
TimeטאדריLadinonounafternoon, eveningHebrew feminine
TimeܒܟܝܪܝܐClassical Syriacadjearly, primitive; primary, first
TimeܒܟܝܪܝܐClassical Syriacnounfirstborn
TimeܒܟܝܪܝܐClassical Syriacnounearly lambs or kidsin-plural
Time半工Chinesenounhalf day workHokkien Mainland-China
Time半工Chinesenounhalf a dayMin Northern Puxian-Min Quanzhou Taiwanese-Hokkien Xiamen
Time半工Chinesenouna long time; quite a while; a while; foreverMin Northern figuratively
Time彼擺Chinesenounthat timeHokkien
Time彼擺Chinesepronat that time; in those days; back thenHokkien
TitlesfaraoneItaliannounfarocard-games gamesmasculine
TitlesfaraoneItaliannounplural of faraonafeminine form-of plural
TitlesгосударыняRussiannounfemale equivalent of госуда́рь (gosudárʹ): empress; female sovereignfeminine form-of historical
TitlesгосударыняRussiannounYour Majesty; madam, ma'am (very respectful)archaic
Toilet (room)toiletDanishnountoilet (room containing lavatory); men's room, ladies' roomneuter
Toilet (room)toiletDanishnountoilet (lavatory)neuter
ToolsburxaCatalannounpoker, fire ironfeminine
ToolsburxaCatalannounramrod, gunstickfeminine
ToolsburxaCatalannountroublemakerby-personal-gender feminine masculine
ToolsburxaCatalanverbinflection of burxar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
ToolsburxaCatalanverbinflection of burxar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
ToolsbıçkıTurkishnounkind of large saw used in cutting wood and boards
ToolsbıçkıTurkishnounkind of knife used by saddlers
ToolsbıçkıTurkishnounkind of small, toothed pocketknife used for pruning vines
ToolsmegâmetroPortuguesenounmegametre (a distance of 1,000 km)masculine
ToolsmegâmetroPortuguesenounan instrument for measuring angular distance between astronomical objectsmasculine
ToolsmegâmetroPortuguesenounan instrument for measuring great distances at seamasculine
ToolsmsḫtjwEgyptiannounadze used as a ritual instrument used in the “opening of the mouth” funerary ritual to allow the deceased to eat and drink once more
ToolsmsḫtjwEgyptiannamethe Big Dipperastronomy natural-sciences
ToolsphallusLatinnounan iconic phallic figure of the male member borne in cult processions at a Dionysian orgy or festival of Bacchus as a symbol of the generative power of naturehuman-sciences lifestyle mysticism mythology philosophy religion sciencesdeclension-2 masculine
ToolsphallusLatinnounphallus, membrum virile, penisanatomy medicine sciencesdeclension-2 masculine
ToolsphallusLatinnounphallus; an artistic image of the membrum virile or other figurative representation of the erect penis as an icon representing male sexuality, potency, fertilityart artsdeclension-2 figuratively masculine
ToolsîyOld Tupinounstone axe (tool for felling trees or chopping wood)
ToolsîyOld Tupinountool (any piece of equipment used in a profession or to make a task easier)
ToolsîyOld TupinounAlternative form of 'yalt-of alternative
ToolsشبلArabicnouna young lion, a cub
ToolsხოპიMingreliannounsluice gate in a sluice channeling water toward a water mill
Translation studiesadierazleBasquenouninterpreter (a person who orally or gesturally translates)animate inanimate
Translation studiesadierazleBasquenounexegeteanimate inanimate
Translation studiesadierazleBasquenounindicatoranimate inanimate
Translation studiesadierazleBasquenounsignificanthuman-sciences linguistics sciencesanimate inanimate
Translation studiestranslationEnglishnounThe act of translating, in its various senses: / The conversion of text from one language to another.countable uncountable
Translation studiestranslationEnglishnounThe act of translating, in its various senses: / The discipline or study of translating written language (as opposed to interpretation, which concerns itself with spoken language).human-sciences linguistics sciences translation-studiescountable uncountable
Translation studiestranslationEnglishnounThe act of translating, in its various senses: / The conversion of something from one form or medium to another.countable uncountable
Translation studiestranslationEnglishnounThe act of translating, in its various senses: / A motion or compulsion to motion in a straight line without rotation or other deformation.mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences physics sciencescountable uncountable
Translation studiestranslationEnglishnounThe act of translating, in its various senses: / A relation between two mathematical figures such as a straight line where the coordinates of each point in one figure is a constant added to the coordinates of a corresponding point in the other figure.mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
Translation studiestranslationEnglishnounThe act of translating, in its various senses: / The process whereby a strand of mRNA directs assembly of amino acids into proteins within a ribosome.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
Translation studiestranslationEnglishnounThe act of translating, in its various senses: / A transfer of motion occurring within a gearbox.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable uncountable
Translation studiestranslationEnglishnounThe act of translating, in its various senses: / The automatic retransmission of a telegraph message.countable uncountable
Translation studiestranslationEnglishnounThe act of translating, in its various senses: / The conveyance of something from one place to another, especially: / An ascension to Heaven without death.Christianitycountable uncountable
Translation studiestranslationEnglishnounThe act of translating, in its various senses: / The conveyance of something from one place to another, especially: / A transfer of a bishop from one diocese to another.Christianitycountable uncountable
Translation studiestranslationEnglishnounThe act of translating, in its various senses: / The conveyance of something from one place to another, especially: / A transfer of a holy relic from one shrine to another.Christianitycountable uncountable
Translation studiestranslationEnglishnounThe act of translating, in its various senses: / The conveyance of something from one place to another, especially: / A transfer of a disease from one body part to another.medicine sciencescountable uncountable
Translation studiestranslationEnglishnounThe product or end result of an act of translating, in its various senses.countable
Translingual cardinal numbersIIITranslingualsymbolRoman numeral representing three (3).
Translingual cardinal numbersIIITranslingualsymbolThird, in the context of denoting the third person in a family or an office with the same name.
Translingual cardinal numbersIIITranslingualsymbolSpecifying an oxidation state of 3chemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
Translingual cardinal numbersIIITranslingualsymbolDescribing an atom that has lost two electrons
Translingual cardinal numbersIIITranslingualsymbolmajor mediant triadentertainment lifestyle music
Translingual numeral symbolsLMTranslingualnumA Roman numeral representing nine hundred and fifty (950).informal
Translingual numeral symbolsLMTranslingualnameInitialism of Le Mans.hobbies lifestyle motor-racing racing sportsabbreviation alt-of initialism
Translingual ordinal numbersITranslingualcharacterThe ninth letter of the basic modern Latin alphabet.letter
Translingual ordinal numbersITranslingualcharacterThe letter i without a dot above, in both the upper case and the lower case versions.letter
Translingual ordinal numbersITranslingualsymbolSymbol for iodine.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesalt-of symbol
Translingual ordinal numbersITranslingualsymbolIsotopic spin.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Translingual ordinal numbersITranslingualsymbolItaly
Translingual ordinal numbersITranslingualsymbolElectrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Translingual ordinal numbersITranslingualsymbolmoment of inertia.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Translingual ordinal numbersITranslingualsymbolIUPAC 1-letter abbreviation for isoleucinebiochemistry biology chemistry microbiology natural-sciences physical-sciencesIUPAC abbreviation alt-of
Translingual ordinal numbersITranslingualsymbolidentity matrixlinear-algebra mathematics sciences
Translingual ordinal numbersITranslingualsymbolthe (closed) unit interval;mathematical-analysis mathematics sciences topology
Translingual ordinal numbersITranslingualsymbolSpecifying an oxidation state of 1chemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
Translingual ordinal numbersITranslingualsymbolmajor tonic triadentertainment lifestyle music
Translingual ordinal numbersITranslingualsymbolA wildcard for a front vowel or a high vowelhuman-sciences linguistics sciences
Translingual ordinal numbersITranslingualsymbolarithmetically increasing payments
Translingual ordinal numbersITranslingualsymbolBra cup clothing fashion lifestyle manufacturing textiles
Translingual ordinal numbersITranslingualnumcardinal number one.Roman numeral uppercase
Translingual ordinal numbersITranslingualnumthe first.Roman especially numeral uppercase
TreesKastanieGermannounchestnut / a tree of the genus Castanea, or its nutfeminine
TreesKastanieGermannounchestnut / horse-chestnut, a tree of the genus Aesculus, or its nutfeminine
TreesbalsaSpanishnounpuddle, pool, pondfeminine
TreesbalsaSpanishnounbalsa (tree)feminine
TreesbuwahanCebuanonounlangsat, lanzones, lanzon tree (Lansium domesticum); a tree of the mahogany family
TreesbuwahanCebuanonounfruit of this tree
TreescirererCatalannounthe cherry treemasculine
TreeskeyllManxnounforest, woodfeminine
TreeskeyllManxnoungrove, plantationfeminine
TreesmahoniIndonesiannounmahogany, / Swietenia macrophylla; Honduran mahogany.
TreesmahoniIndonesiannounmahogany, / Swietenia mahagoni; west Indian mahogany.
TreespalmeFrenchnounpalm leaffeminine
TreespalmeFrenchnounpalm treefeminine
TreespalmeFrenchnounflipper; fin; swim finfeminine
TreespalmeFrenchverbinflection of palmer: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
TreespalmeFrenchverbinflection of palmer: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
TreesquynceMiddle Englishnounquince (the tree Cydonia oblonga)
TreesquynceMiddle EnglishnounThe fruit of this tree (a yellow or green pome)
TreessaarEstoniannounisland (an area of land totally surrounded by water)
TreessaarEstoniannounash (tree)
TreeswikpMalecite-Passamaquoddynountree Fraxinus nigra, black ashanimate
TreeswikpMalecite-Passamaquoddynounthe wood of this treeanimate
TreesàrboaLiguriannounpoplar (tree)feminine
TreesàrboaLiguriannounpoplar (wood)feminine uncountable
TreesтыаYakutnounwoods; taiga
TreesтыаYakutnouncountry, countryside
Treesသနပ်Burmesenounsaladfood lifestyle vegetable
Treesသနပ်Burmesenounfruit or vegetable pickle preserved in oil and spices
Treesသနပ်Burmesenounclammy cherry, sebestan plum (Cordia dichotoma); tree, whose leaves (သနပ်ဖက် (sa.naphpak)) are used as wrapper for rolling "cheroots", a kind of cigar
Treesသနပ်Burmesenounkind of tree, the leaves of which are used in making soup
TribesSachseGermannounSaxon a person from Saxonymasculine weak
TribesSachseGermannounSaxon a member of the medieval tribe which Roman authors called Saxonesmasculine weak
TwodilemmaEnglishnounA circumstance in which a choice must be made between two or more alternatives that seem equally undesirable.
TwodilemmaEnglishnounA difficult circumstance or problem.
TwodilemmaEnglishnounA type of syllogism of the form "if A is true then B is true; if C is true then D is true; either A or C is true; therefore either B or D is true".human-sciences logic mathematics philosophy sciences
TwodilemmaEnglishnounOffering to an opponent a choice between two (equally unfavorable) alternatives.rhetoric
Twodouble doubleEnglishnounCoffee with the equivalent of two creamers and two packets of sugar.Canada informal
Twodouble doubleEnglishnounThe achievement of a two-digit number of any two of points scored, assists, rebounds, blocks, or steals in a single game.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sports
Twodouble doubleEnglishnounAchieving two kills and two digs by a single player in one game.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle sports volleyball
Twodouble doubleEnglishnounA double cheeseburger with cheese on each burger (i.e., double cheese).US
Twodouble-edgedEnglishadjOf a blade, such as a sword or knife, sharp on both edges.not-comparable
Twodouble-edgedEnglishadjAs dangerous for the user as the one it is used on.comparable figuratively
Types of chemical elementmetalEnglishnounChemical elements or alloys, and the mines where their ores come from. / Any of a number of chemical elements in the periodic table that form a metallic bond with other metal atoms; generally shiny, somewhat malleable and hard, often a conductor of heat and electricity.headingcountable uncountable
Types of chemical elementmetalEnglishnounChemical elements or alloys, and the mines where their ores come from. / Any material with similar physical properties, such as an alloy.headingcountable uncountable
Types of chemical elementmetalEnglishnounChemical elements or alloys, and the mines where their ores come from. / An element which was not directly created after the Big Bang but instead formed through nuclear reactions; any element other than hydrogen and helium.astronomy heading natural-sciencescountable uncountable
Types of chemical elementmetalEnglishnounChemical elements or alloys, and the mines where their ores come from. / Crushed rock, stones etc. used to make a road.headingcountable uncountable
Types of chemical elementmetalEnglishnounChemical elements or alloys, and the mines where their ores come from. / The ore from which a metal is heading miningcountable uncountable
Types of chemical elementmetalEnglishnounChemical elements or alloys, and the mines where their ores come from. / A mine from which ores are taken.headingcountable obsolete uncountable
Types of chemical elementmetalEnglishnounA light tincture used in a coat of arms, specifically argent (white or silver) and or (gold).government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicscountable uncountable
Types of chemical elementmetalEnglishnounMolten glass that is to be blown or moulded to form objects.arts crafts glassblowing hobbies lifestylecountable uncountable
Types of chemical elementmetalEnglishnounA category of rock music encompassing a number of genres (including thrash metal, death metal, heavy metal, etc.) characterized by strong drum-beats and distorted guitars.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
Types of chemical elementmetalEnglishnounThe substance that constitutes something or someone; matter; hence, character or temper.archaic countable figuratively uncountable
Types of chemical elementmetalEnglishnounThe effective power or calibre of guns carried by a vessel of war.countable uncountable
Types of chemical elementmetalEnglishnounThe rails of a railway.UK countable in-plural uncountable
Types of chemical elementmetalEnglishnounThe actual airline operating a flight, rather than any of the codeshare operators.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering lifestyle natural-sciences physical-sciences tourism transport travelcountable informal uncountable
Types of chemical elementmetalEnglishadjCharacterized by strong drum-beats and distorted guitars.entertainment lifestyle music
Types of chemical elementmetalEnglishadjHaving the emotional or social characteristics associated with metal music; brash, bold, frank, unyielding, etc.
Types of chemical elementmetalEnglishverbTo make a road using crushed rock, stones etc.
Typing keyboardskeycodeEnglishnounA code that represents a keypress.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Typing keyboardskeycodeEnglishnounA code that serves to unlock something, such as an electronic door or a car stereo (as an antitheft measure).
Uganda112EnglishnameThe telephone number for emergency services on all GSM cell phones and in the EU, Russia, United Kingdom, Ireland, India, Indonesia, Turkey, Ukraine, Cameroon, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome, the Seychelles, Uganda, East Timor, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, North Macedonia, Vatican City, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, and Saint Vincent.
Uganda112EnglishnameThe telephone number for ambulance services in Afghanistan, Angola, Benin, Bhutan, Burundi, and Burkina Faso.
Uganda112EnglishnameThe telephone number for law enforcement in South Korea, Norway, Colombia, Serbia, Lebanon, Syria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Papua New Guinea, and Mauritius.
Uganda112EnglishnameThe telephone number for firefighting assistance in Equatorial Guinea and Nauru.
UltimatemarkEnglishnounBoundary, land within a boundary. / A boundary; a border or frontier.headingobsolete
UltimatemarkEnglishnounBoundary, land within a boundary. / A boundary-post or fence.headingobsolete
UltimatemarkEnglishnounBoundary, land within a boundary. / A stone or post used to indicate position and guide travellers.heading
UltimatemarkEnglishnounBoundary, land within a boundary. / A type of small region or principality.headingarchaic
UltimatemarkEnglishnounBoundary, land within a boundary. / A common, or area of common land, especially among early Germanic peoples.headinghistorical
UltimatemarkEnglishnounCharacteristic, sign, visible impression. / An omen; a symptomatic indicator of something.heading
UltimatemarkEnglishnounCharacteristic, sign, visible impression. / A characteristic feature.heading
UltimatemarkEnglishnounCharacteristic, sign, visible impression. / A visible impression or sign; a blemish, scratch, or stain, whether accidental or intentional.heading
UltimatemarkEnglishnounCharacteristic, sign, visible impression. / A sign or brand on a person.heading
UltimatemarkEnglishnounCharacteristic, sign, visible impression. / A written character or sign.heading
UltimatemarkEnglishnounCharacteristic, sign, visible impression. / A stamp or other indication of provenance, quality etc.heading
UltimatemarkEnglishnounCharacteristic, sign, visible impression. / Resemblance, likeness, image.headingobsolete
UltimatemarkEnglishnounCharacteristic, sign, visible impression. / A particular design or make of an item (now usually with following numeral).heading
UltimatemarkEnglishnounCharacteristic, sign, visible impression. / A score for finding the correct answer, or other academic achievement; the sum of such points gained as out of a possible total.heading
UltimatemarkEnglishnounIndicator of position, objective etc. / A target for shooting at with a projectile.heading
UltimatemarkEnglishnounIndicator of position, objective etc. / An indication or sign used for reference or measurement.heading
UltimatemarkEnglishnounIndicator of position, objective etc. / The target or intended victim of a swindle, fixed game or con game; a gullible person.headinginformal
UltimatemarkEnglishnounIndicator of position, objective etc. / The female genitals.headingobsolete
UltimatemarkEnglishnounIndicator of position, objective etc. / A catch of the ball directly from a kick of 10 metres or more without having been touched in transit, resulting in a free kick.heading
UltimatemarkEnglishnounIndicator of position, objective etc. / The line indicating an athlete's starting-point.heading hobbies lifestyle sports
UltimatemarkEnglishnounIndicator of position, objective etc. / A score for a sporting achievement.heading
UltimatemarkEnglishnounIndicator of position, objective etc. / An official note that is added to a record kept about someone's behavior or performance.heading
UltimatemarkEnglishnounIndicator of position, objective etc. / A specified level on a scale denoting gas-powered oven food heading lifestyle
UltimatemarkEnglishnounIndicator of position, objective etc. / The model number of a device; a device model.heading
UltimatemarkEnglishnounIndicator of position, objective etc. / Limit or standard of action or fact.heading
UltimatemarkEnglishnounIndicator of position, objective etc. / Badge or sign of honour, rank, or official station.heading
UltimatemarkEnglishnounIndicator of position, objective etc. / Preeminence; high position.headingarchaic
UltimatemarkEnglishnounIndicator of position, objective etc. / A characteristic or essential attribute; a differential.heading human-sciences logic mathematics philosophy sciences
UltimatemarkEnglishnounIndicator of position, objective etc. / One of the bits of leather or coloured bunting placed upon a sounding line at intervals of from two to five fathoms. (The unmarked fathoms are called "deeps".)heading nautical transport
UltimatemarkEnglishnounAttention. / Attention, notice.headingarchaic
UltimatemarkEnglishnounAttention. / Importance, noteworthiness. (Generally in postmodifier “of mark”.)heading
UltimatemarkEnglishnounAttention. / Regard; respect.headingobsolete
UltimatemarkEnglishnounCondescending label of a wrestling fan who refuses to believe that pro wrestling is predetermined and/or choreographed.government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics professional-wrestling sports war wrestlingslang
UltimatemarkEnglishverbTo put a mark on (something); to make (something) recognizable by a mark; to label or write on (something).
UltimatemarkEnglishverbTo leave a mark (often an undesirable or unwanted one) on (something).
UltimatemarkEnglishverbTo have a long-lasting negative impact on (someone or something).figuratively
UltimatemarkEnglishverbTo create an indication of (a location).
UltimatemarkEnglishverbTo be an indication of (something); to show where (something) is located.
UltimatemarkEnglishverbTo indicate (something) in writing or by other symbols.
UltimatemarkEnglishverbTo create (a mark) on a surface.
UltimatemarkEnglishverbTo celebrate or acknowledge (an event) through an action of some kind.
UltimatemarkEnglishverbTo identify (someone as a particular type of person or as having a particular role).
UltimatemarkEnglishverbTo assign (someone) to a particular category or class.
UltimatemarkEnglishverbTo choose or intend (someone) for a particular end or purpose.
UltimatemarkEnglishverbTo be a point in time or space at which something takes place; to accompany or be accompanied by (an event, action, etc.); to coincide with.
UltimatemarkEnglishverbTo be typical or characteristic of (something).
UltimatemarkEnglishverbTo distinguish (one person or thing from another).
UltimatemarkEnglishverbTo focus one's attention on (something or someone); to pay attention to, to take note of.
UltimatemarkEnglishverbTo become aware of (something) through the physical senses.dated
UltimatemarkEnglishverbTo hold (someone) in one's line of sight.
UltimatemarkEnglishverbTo indicate the correctness of and give a score to (a school assignment, exam answers, etc.).Canada UK
UltimatemarkEnglishverbTo record that (someone) has a particular status.
UltimatemarkEnglishverbTo keep account of; to enumerate and register; to keep score.intransitive transitive
UltimatemarkEnglishverbTo follow a player not in possession of the ball when defending, to prevent them receiving a pass easily.hobbies lifestyle sports
UltimatemarkEnglishverbTo catch the ball directly from a kick of 15 metres or more without having been touched in transit, resulting in a free kick.
UltimatemarkEnglishverbTo put a marker in the place of one's hobbies lifestyle sports
UltimatemarkEnglishverbTo sing softly, sometimes an octave lower than usual, in order to protect one's voice during a rehearsal.
UltimatemarkEnglishnounA half pound, a traditional unit of mass equivalent to 226.8 g.historical
UltimatemarkEnglishnounSimilar half-pound units in other measurement systems, chiefly used for gold and silver.historical
UltimatemarkEnglishnounA half pound, a former English and Scottish currency equivalent to 13 shillings and fourpence and notionally equivalent to a mark of sterling silver.historical
UltimatemarkEnglishnounOther similar currencies notionally equal to a mark of silver or gold.historical
UltimatemarkEnglishnounA former currency of Germany and West Germany.historical
UltimatemarkEnglishverbAlternative form of march.alt-of alternative imperative
UnderwearкомбінаціяUkrainiannounscheme, system
UnderwearкомбінаціяUkrainiannounmanoeuvregovernment hobbies lifestyle politics sports
UnderwearкомбінаціяUkrainiannounslip (women’s undergarment)
Units of measuredbnEgyptiannounthe metal counterweight in balance scales
Units of measuredbnEgyptiannounan (earlier) deben, a measure of weight equivalent to about 13.6 grams.
Units of measuredbnEgyptiannouna (later) deben, a measure of weight equivalent to 12 šnꜥtjw (“rings”) or 10 qdwt (“qites”) (about 91 grams).
Units of measuredbnEgyptiannouna metal helmet
Units of measuredbnEgyptiannounbuilder’s mortar
Units of measuredbnEgyptianverbto go around, to circumambulatetransitive
Units of measuredbnEgyptianverbto recurintransitive
Units of measuredbnEgyptianverbto encircletransitive
Units of measuredbnEgyptianverbto encircle / to encircle withtransitive
Units of measureigbọnwọYorubanounelbow
Units of measureigbọnwọYorubanouncubit
Units of measurekilometriFinnishnounkilometre/kilometer
Units of measurekilometriFinnishnounmile (great distance).informal
Units of measureuzelCzechnounknot (looping)inanimate masculine
Units of measureuzelCzechnounknot (nautical unit of speed)inanimate masculine
Units of measureuzelCzechnounnode (vertex or a leaf in a graph of a network)inanimate masculine
Uraniumblue flashEnglishnounA very rare phenomenon observed in the morning or evening when the sun is crossing or immediately below the horizon, in which a momentary flash of blue light appears above the upper rim of the solar disk, caused by refraction of light in the atmosphere.astronomy climatology meteorology natural-sciences
Uraniumblue flashEnglishnounA phenomenon sometimes observed when a criticality incident occurs in nuclear materials, inducing a discharge of radiation into the environment.
VegetablesconcombreFrenchnouncucumber (plant)masculine
VegetablesconcombreFrenchnouncucumber (vegetable)masculine
VegetablesفجلArabicverbto be bulky, to be bulbous, to be broadobsolete
VegetablesفجلArabicverbto make bulky, to thicken, to broadenobsolete
VegetablesفجلArabicnounverbal noun of فَجَلَ (fajala) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb obsolete
VegetablesفجلArabicnounverbal noun of فَجِلَ (fajila) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb obsolete
VehiclesbombardierPolishnounbombardier (military rank in the rocket and artillery troops of the Polish Army)historical masculine person
VehiclesbombardierPolishnounbombardier (military rank in the rocket and artillery troops of the Polish Army) / bombardier (soldier of this rank)historical masculine person
VehiclesbombardierPolishnounbombardier, artilleryman, gunner (person in the army who operated a bombard or other type of gun)historical masculine person
VehiclesbombardierPolishnounbombardier, bomb aimer (crew member of a bomber aircraft responsible for the targeting of aerial bombs)masculine person
VehiclesbombardierPolishnounathlete who, during a match, makes many decisive and accurate blows, or strikes with the ball or puck, thus scoring many pointscolloquial masculine person
VehiclesbombardierPolishnounbombardier beetle (beetle whose defence mechanism enables it to eject a hot aqueous mixture of chemicals at predators)animal-not-person masculine
VehiclesbombardierPolishnountram or train car manufactured by a company belonging to the Bombardier Inc. multinationalrail-transport railways transportanimal-not-person masculine
VehiclestenderPolishnountender (railroad car towed behind a steam engine to carry fuel)rail-transport railways transportinanimate masculine
VehiclestenderPolishnountender (ship functioning as mobile base for other ships)nautical transportinanimate masculine
VehiclesរទេះKhmernouncart; chariot; vehicle; wagon
VehiclesរទេះKhmernoununit of dry measure equal to about eight ថាំង (thang)
Vehiclesឡានឈ្នួលKhmernounrental car
VesselskielichPolishnounchalice, gobletinanimate masculine
VesselskielichPolishnouncalyxbiology botany natural-sciencesinanimate masculine
VietnamTam ĐiệpVietnamesenameSynonym of Tri-át (“Triassic”)geography geology natural-sciencesdated
VietnamTam ĐiệpVietnamesenamea city of Ninh Bình Province, Vietnam
VietnamTam ĐiệpVietnamesenamea mountain range in Tam Điệp
ViolenceatakPolishnounattack (attempt to cause damage, injury to, or death of opponent or enemy)inanimate masculine
ViolenceatakPolishnounattack (time in which one attacks; the offence of a battle)government military politics warinanimate masculine
ViolenceatakPolishnounverbal abuse (type of psychological/mental abuse that involves the use of oral, gestured, and written language directed to a victim)inanimate masculine
ViolenceatakPolishnounsudden deterioration of weatherinanimate masculine
ViolenceatakPolishnounseizure (sudden onset of pain or emotion)inanimate masculine
ViolenceatakPolishnounattack (sudden onset of a disease or condition)medicine pathology sciencesinanimate masculine
ViolenceatakPolishnounoffense (strategy and tactics employed when in position to score)hobbies lifestyle sportsinanimate masculine
ViolenceatakPolishnounoffense (portion of a team dedicated to scoring when in position to do so)hobbies lifestyle sportsinanimate masculine
ViolenceatakPolishnounattack (attempt to accomplish something that is an exceptional achievement or better than the achievements of others)inanimate masculine
ViolenceatakPolishnounaggressive opening moveboard-games chess gamesinanimate masculine
ViolencemyntenMiddle Englishverbto intend, envision, mean
ViolencemyntenMiddle Englishverbto try, endeavour
ViolencemyntenMiddle Englishverbto design, formulate
ViolencemyntenMiddle Englishverbto strike; to direct a weapon.
ViolencemyntenMiddle Englishverbto draw attention to; to point out.rare
ViolencemyntenMiddle Englishverbto imagine, supposerare
ViolencemyntenMiddle Englishverbto discuss (a plan or intent)rare
ViolencemyntenMiddle Englishverbto want, desirerare
ViolencemyntenMiddle Englishverbto start to do; to go and dorare
ViolencenajechaćPolishverbto drive into, to run into (to collide with while driving)perfective transitive
ViolencenajechaćPolishverbto invade, to raid to assail, to encroach (to enter by force, usually in order to conquer)government military politics warperfective transitive
ViolencenajechaćPolishverbto come down on, to go off, to snap, to bite the head off (to severely berate someone; to attack someone verbally)colloquial perfective transitive
ViolencenajechaćPolishverbto cause something to come within range of some moving deviceperfective transitive
ViolencenajechaćPolishverbto arrive in large numbers or one by one by drivingimpersonal intransitive perfective reflexive
ViolencenajechaćPolishverbto feel tired and to lose the desire to continue driving due to driving for too longcolloquial perfective reflexive
ViolenceضربةArabicnouna blow, a stroke, a hit
ViolenceضربةArabicnouna shot, a report of a gun
ViolenceضربةArabicnouna punishment, a torment
ViolenceکوڑوGojriadjbitter tasting
ViolenceکوڑوGojrinounwhip, lashmasculine
Viral diseasesroseolaEnglishnounA rosy rash occurring in measles, typhoid fever, syphilis and some other diseases.medicine pathology sciencescountable uncountable
Viral diseasesroseolaEnglishnounThe common name for roseola infantum.medicine pathology sciencescountable uncountable
Viral diseasesroseolaEnglishnounGerman measles.medicine pathology sciencescountable uncountable
WarbemeMiddle EnglishnounA trumpet (musical instrument)
WarbemeMiddle EnglishnounA hunting horn or warhorn.
WarbemeMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of beemalt-of alternative
WaterjaʼYucatec Mayanounwater
WaterjaʼYucatec Mayanounrain
WaterjaʼYucatec Mayanounlake
WaterдалайYakutnounsea, oceangeography natural-sciences
WaterдалайYakutverbto gesticulate wildlyintransitive
WaterAinunounpuddle of water
WatercrafteikjaOld Norsenouna small ferryfeminine
WatercrafteikjaOld Norsenouna logboat (made of oak)feminine
WatercraftgondoleFrenchnoundisplay, gondola shelvingfeminine
WatercraftgondoleFrenchverbinflection of gondoler: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
WatercraftgondoleFrenchverbinflection of gondoler: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
WatercraftδελφίνιGreeknounhydrofoil (the name attached to some services)capitalized sometimes
WeaponsPanzerfaustGermannounPanzerfaust (type of anti-tank grenade launcher developed in WWII, now usually the Panzerfaust 3)government military politics warfeminine
WeaponsPanzerfaustGermannounbazooka, any shoulder-fired anti-tank grenade launcherbroadly feminine
WeaponsPfeilGermannounarrow (missile)masculine strong
WeaponsPfeilGermannounarrow (sign)masculine strong
WeaponsPfeilGermannounmouse cursor (informally even when not in the form of an arrow)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesmasculine strong
WeaponsadaYorubanounmachete, cutlass
WeaponsadaYorubanounthe tree Lophira lanceolata, commonly used in traditional herbal medicine
WeatherdrabhasScottish Gaelicnounfilthiness of speech, smutdated masculine no-plural
WeatherdrabhasScottish Gaelicnounturbulencedated masculine no-plural
WeatherdrabhasScottish Gaelicnounfilthdated masculine no-plural
WeatherdrabhasScottish Gaelicnounfoul weatherdated masculine no-plural
WeatherdrabhasScottish Gaelicnounfilthy mandated masculine no-plural
WeatherdrabhasScottish Gaelicnounfaecesmasculine no-plural
WeathersalamaFinnishnounlightning, bolt
WeathersalamaFinnishnounflasharts hobbies lifestyle photography
WeatherwhiteoutEnglishnounA heavy snowstorm; a blizzard.countable uncountable
WeatherwhiteoutEnglishnounAny weather condition in which visibility and contrast are severely reduced by snow or sand causing the horizon and physical features of the terrain to disappear.countable uncountable
WeatherwhiteoutEnglishnounCorrection fluid (from the brand name Wite-Out).countable uncountable
WeatherwhiteoutEnglishnounA sporting event where all in attendance are urged to wear white apparel.hobbies lifestyle sportscountable slang uncountable
WeatherwhiteoutEnglishnounThe simulated erasure of a file, etc. on a read-only volume.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
WeatherwhiteoutEnglishnounThe suppression of a story by the media, analogously to deleting information with correction fluid.countable uncountable
WeatherwhiteoutEnglishnounThe silencing of voices and perspectives other than those of white men.countable uncountable
WeatherܐܐܪAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounair (the apparently open space above the ground)
WeatherܐܐܪAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounweather (state of the atmosphere)
WeatherܐܐܪAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounlook, appearance, sight; aspectfiguratively
Weather風浪Chinesenounstormy waves; stormliterally
Weaver finchessweeEnglishnounA finch of species Coccopygia melanotis, found in sub-Saharan Africa.
Weaver finchessweeEnglishadjGreat, neat, nice, excellent.Singlish
Weaver finchessweeEnglishadjNeat and tidy.Singlish rare
Weaver finchessweeEnglishadjPretty, good-looking.Singlish rare
WhitesalabasterEnglishnounA fine-grained white or lightly-tinted variety of gypsum, used ornamentally.uncountable usually
WhitesalabasterEnglishnounA variety of calcite, translucent and sometimes banded.historical uncountable usually
WhitesalabasterEnglishnounAn off-white colour, like that of alabaster.uncountable usually
WhitesalabasterEnglishadjMade of alabaster.not-comparable
WhitesalabasterEnglishadjResembling alabaster: white, pale, translucent.not-comparable
Willows and poplarsvrbaCzechnounwillow (tree or shrub)feminine
Willows and poplarsvrbaCzechnoungood confidantfeminine
WindvētraLatviannounstorm (very strong wind (up to 30 m/s) which causes strong waves and land damage)declension-4 feminine
WindvētraLatviannounstorm (a social event with catastrophic consequences)declension-4 feminine figuratively
WindvētraLatviannounstorm (very strong manifestation of a mental phenomenon; also of protests, demands, etc.)declension-4 feminine figuratively
WindմրրիկArmeniannounstorm, hurricane
WinesOrvietoEnglishnameA town in the province of Terni, Umbria, Italy.
WinesOrvietoEnglishnounA white wine from that town.countable uncountable
WinterсаниRussiannounsledge, sleigh, sled (a vehicle on runners, used for conveying loads over the snow or ice)plural plural-only
WinterсаниRussiannounluge (a racing sled)hobbies lifestyle sportsplural plural-only
WoodpeckersдятелRussiannounwoodpecker (e.g., Dendrocopos major)
WoodpeckersдятелRussiannouninformer, whistle-blowerslang
WoodpeckersдятелRussiannoundimwit, blockheadslang
WoodsbalsaEnglishnounA large tree, Ochroma pyramidale, native to tropical America, with wood that is very light in weight.countable uncountable
WoodsbalsaEnglishnounThe wood of this tree.uncountable
WoodsbalsaEnglishnounA raft or float, used principally on the Pacific coast of South America.countable uncountable
WormsčervCzechnounworm (animal)animate masculine
WormsčervCzechnounmaggot (soft, legless fly larva that often eats decomposing organic matter)animate masculine
WormsčervCzechnounworm, maggot (contemptible or devious being)animate masculine
WormsܬܘܠܥܐClassical Syriacnounworm, tapeworm
WormsܬܘܠܥܐClassical Syriacnounwormscollective
WormsܬܘܠܥܐClassical Syriacnoungrub, larva, embryo
WormsܬܘܠܥܐClassical Syriacnounfirefly
WormsܬܘܠܥܐClassical Syriacnounmurex
WormsܬܘܠܥܐClassical Syriacnouncochineal kermes, scarlet dye
WrensjennyEnglishnounA device for spinning thread from fiber onto multiple spindles (also called spinning jenny).
WrensjennyEnglishnounA female creature of certain kinds: / a female donkey
WrensjennyEnglishnounA female creature of certain kinds: / a female wren
WrensjennyEnglishnounA female creature of certain kinds: / a female crab.Australia
WrensjennyEnglishnounA catmill.
WrensjennyEnglishnounIn billiards and similar games, a powerful follow shot with plenty of topspin.
WrensjennyEnglishverbTo wind finished lace onto cards ready for sale.
Wrestlingअखाड़ाHindinounwrestling-ground, arena
Wrestlingअखाड़ाHindinouna kind of congregation of sadhusHinduism
WritingchartariusLatinnounstationer, a person who sells papyrus or paperdeclension-2
WritingchartariusLatinnounpapermaker, a person who makes papyrus or paperdeclension-2
WritingchartariusLatinnounarchivist, a person who oversees or maintains paper recordsMedieval-Latin declension-2
WritingchartariusLatinadjOf, similar to, or related to papyrus.adjective declension-1 declension-2
WritingchartariusLatinadjOf, similar to, or related to paper.adjective declension-1 declension-2
WritingobejeYorubanounthe Yoruba alphabet of the ajami script (as adapted for writing Yoruba).
YellowsdalaongonCebuanonounthe color saffron
YellowsdalaongonCebuanoadjof the colour saffron
YellowskasubhiCebuanonounthe color saffron
YellowskasubhiCebuanoadjof the colour saffron
YellowskullankeltainenFinnishnoungold (yellow colour)
YellowskullankeltainenFinnishadjgolden (having a golden yellow colour)

This page is a part of the machine-readable Lower Sorbian dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-09-22 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2024-09-20 using wiktextract (af5c55c and 66545a6). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

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